
Revealing the Translation Process of "Guardians of the Galaxy": 8 Processes to Check Layer by Layer

Preliminary preparation: Disney provides English dialogue text and Chinese translation table of nouns
    "Guardians of the Galaxy" was released on the mainland on October 10, and Jia Xiuyan did some preparation work in late June when he learned that he would be a translator for the film. "I watched Tieba and gained a deep understanding of the story and the characters in it through the Internet. In fact, it is necessary to understand the background of the film. There will never be a situation where you just start reading without watching or understanding anything."
    In July, she got the English dialogue text, the Chinese translation table of nouns and the film manual. These three things may be relatively unfamiliar to ordinary netizens, all of which came from the film, which was provided by Disney, the filmmaker of "Guardians of the Galaxy" this time. "The international version of the dialogue text is much more complicated than our common Chinese scripts. The rulers, names, place names, scenes, etc. are all written very clearly."
    The ruler that Jia Xiuyan mentioned refers to the size and time of each sentence. Basically, each sentence should be controlled within 20 words. When translating, parentheses, punctuation, and annotations should not be added, and the subtitles should not appear difficult words that hinder the audience’s understanding. Speaking of this, Jia Xiuyan gave an example, "For example, the word’covet ‘is actually not so easy to understand, and Director Zhang also said that the audience will not be so clear when the word is said, usually we will change a word and replace it with something easier to understand."
    The Chinese translation table of nouns stipulates the Chinese translation version of some fixed nouns, such as people’s names, place names, etc. The planet "Terran" mentioned in the film is specified as "Special Blue Star" in the Chinese translation table of nouns. The movie manual will explain the overall style tone and general content of the introduction. Take "Guardians of the Galaxy" as an example, the movie manual will mention that the movie is humorous and will also give a general introduction to the Marvel Universe.
    Each of the five protagonists in "Guardians of the Galaxy" has its own unique personality, which also needs to be distinguished when translating and dubbing. "Drax speaks in a crepe, and Kamora is a woman and a man. When we translate the dialogue, we must highlight these characteristics in order to make the audience feel their charm." Jia Xiuyan revealed that sometimes the film will ask the translator to replace a certain noun with a local word, so that the film can be better "down-to-earth".
Translation process: multi-party handling and layer-by-layer checks
    After really entering the translation work, it took 7 days for Jia Xiuyan to complete the translation of the text dialogue and the script, and then the voice actors went into the studio to record, proofread, and go through a process of proofreading the subtitles.
    During the translation process, Jia Xiuyan will also work with the film,translationThe director communicates, mainly targeting some laughs and difficulties. After the translation is completed,translationThe director will review, "This is also the most critical and important review. He will check whether the dialogue is complete and smooth, and also see if the dialogue is in line with the identity of the character, and the artistry of the lines should also be considered."
    After entering the studio, the director, translator, filmmaker, sound engineer, voice actor, Chinese text correction recorder and others will be present, and during the word-for-word recording process, they will correct and modify. Then, there is the subtitling staff’s review. According to Jia Xiuyan, when using professional subtitling software to upload subtitles, in addition to correcting typos, subtivists will also proofread the lines again. After the subtitling staff, there will be someone who will continue to review, which is the production director. After the latter gets the subtitle file, he will check whether the lines are accurate again, and will also remove some mood words, such as "ah", "is" and so on.
    Finally, the subtitles are handed back to the translator, who performs another pre-review. When all the people behind the scenes have completed their work, the film will be submitted for review. Although the relevant personnel are mainly examining the technical problems of dubbing, they will also propose changes to the Chinese dubbing and subtitles.
    To sum up, the translation process of a foreign film is indeed, as Jia Xiuyan put it, "a layer of checks."
extended reading
    1. Jia Xiuyan has been working as a translator for about 8 years. She did not graduate with a major in English, but she has certain advantages in Chinese. As netizens know, she is an employee of the Bayi Factory. When she first came to the Bayi Factory, she followed the arrangement of the leader and began to get in touch with the translation work. After several years of study, she gradually translated some batches.
    2. Zhang Yunming is a well-known translation director in the mainland and the director of Disney International Dubbing Company China. He has extensive experience and has dubbed Tang Seng in the 86 version of "Journey to the West".
    3. There are four major ones in the mainlandtranslationThe units are Beijing Film.translationFactory (China Film Group Translation Center), Bayi Film Studio, Shanghai FilmtranslationFactory and Changchun Film Studio.
    4. A foreign language filmtranslationThe process requires at least eight procedures.
    (1) China Film Import and Export Corporation: responsible for reviewing imported films, distributing films to the four major film studios, assisting and supervisingtranslationProcess, review of translation quality
    (2) Producer: undertaketranslationTasks, choosing a director, translator, sound engineer, and the entiretranslationprocess responsibility
    (3) Translation: Translate the dialogue of the film, make the dialogue script, and proofread the subtitles script
    (4) Director: Proofreading the dialogue script, selecting actors to organize dubbing
    (5) Voice actor: voice actor
    (6) Recording engineer: dialogue recording and mixing
    (7) Subtitle staff: produce subtitles and proofread subtitles for films
    (8) The person in charge of the film: for the wholetranslationprocess responsibility

The maximum shared power bank is 10 yuan per hour, which has gone "crazy".

Recently, the shared power bank has been named "assassin" and rushed into the hot search. It used to charge 50 cents per hour, but now it charges 4 yuan or even 10 yuan per hour. The shared power bank that can be seen everywhere in life has become the focus of public opinion due to the price increase. Many netizens complain that "this is to encourage everyone to buy their own power bank".

A few years ago, under the name of "sharing economy", shared power banks were favored by capital. In just 10 days, the amount of financing reached 300 million yuan, and more than 20 institutions entered the market. At that time, smartphones were fully functional, power consumption was getting faster and faster, and charging had become a high-frequency demand. With the trend of "sharing economy", shared power banks quickly entered the market. According to public data, as early as 2020, the number of users of shared power banks was close to 300 million.

At present, the shared power bank market is showing a concentration of leading companies. In 2021, Monster Charging will go public, Street Power Search will merge, and Xiaodian will also sprint to IPO, forming a pattern of "three power and one beast". However, under the epidemic, the shared power bank companies that focus on offline scenes are actually under certain pressure. The competition at the channel end is increasingly fierce, and the battle for points is intensifying.

According to a third-party report, based on the operating income of shared power banks to calculate the market size, it is expected that the average annual compound growth rate will reach 20.8% in the next five years. In the case of better prospects, prices have risen, but losses have increased. Services have been complained by users, and shared power bank companies still cannot find business growth. The current situation is very embarrassing.

Charge up to 10 yuan for 1 hour

"I am a big user of electricity," a shared power bank user from Beijing told China News Weekly. Due to the frequent need to participate in business activities, he has become accustomed to borrowing shared power banks when his mobile phone is out of power, but recently the price after being used has "stung": "It takes less than half an hour to charge 4 yuan."

In addition to questioning the recent increase in the price of shared power banks, the above users also found more details. When he checked past usage orders, he found that a shared power bank using small electricity once took 2 hours and 5 minutes and charged 12 yuan. However, the charging standard is 4 yuan per hour, and it will be returned free within 3 minutes. Less than 1 hour is calculated as 1 hour.

"This means that I charged 4 yuan more for an extra 5 minutes, is that reasonable?" the user questioned.

According to public research, among the users of shared power banks, business people, young women, car users, game users and video users use shared power banks more frequently. These people often become a loyal paying client base because of the long use of mobile phones, the inconvenience of carrying their own power banks and the low price sensitivity. However, recently these users with low price sensitivity also feel that they can’t afford to share power banks.

Previously, according to media reports, in many cities such as Shanghai, Hangzhou and Nanjing, the price of shared power banks has risen to about 4 yuan per hour, and some popular scenic spots have reached as high as 7 or 8 yuan per hour. Reporters visited and found that in major business districts in Beijing, the charging standards for shared power banks vary. Shopping malls, bustling tourist attractions and streets in the core business district often charge more, generally 4 yuan to 6 yuan per hour. At individual points, the price is higher, reaching 10 yuan per hour, such as in some scenic spots and high-end sales offices.

In fact, different shared power banks may have different prices and charging standards in the same place. Looking at the Mini Programs of various power bank manufacturers, taking the area near a core business district in Beijing as an example, most monster charging charges 2 yuan every half hour, and it is free to return within 3 minutes. Less than half an hour is calculated as half an hour; most small electricity charges 1.5 yuan or 2 yuan every half hour, and it is free to return within 3 minutes. But the difference is that in some places, less than 30 minutes is calculated as 30 minutes, and in some places, less than 1 hour is calculated as 1 hour, and the difference between these two places is often only a few hundred meters.

A staff member of the shared power bank revealed to China News Weekly that there has been no uniform price for the shared power bank, and the price of each point is different, because there are direct sales points and agent points in the middle, and different people and merchants negotiate the price, and the final price will be different. "Many times, the company’s control over the price is not so strong, and the room for human manipulation is relatively large," the staff member stressed.

Shi Songpo, vice-president of Rock Capital, pointed out that "in the early days, the price of power banks was mostly charged 1 yuan per hour, but now it is mostly concentrated at 3 to 4 yuan per hour. This kind of price increase is not an isolated case in the sharing economy industry, and the price of shared bicycles is also rising. At present, there is no unified pricing rule in the industry, especially in the case of the increasing proportion of the agency model, the price control of power bank manufacturers has actually become weaker. The phenomenon of random pricing by agents and point merchants is relatively common, and there is often chaos of different prices for the same brand on the same floor."

Why become an "assassin"?

Around 2017, it was in the period of perfect development of smart phone functions and the prevalence of various large-screen applications. At that time, people used mobile phones for an average of 1.86 hours a day, but the power problem of mobile phones has not been solved. Shared power banks have become a trend, and players from all walks of life have poured into the industry, occupying major shopping malls, stations and other traffic-intensive places. Capital has also entered the market, and the amount of financing has reached 300 million in just 10 days.

Within a year, the leading companies announced profits one after another: Caller first announced a break-even, and then Street Power and Small Power announced profits respectively. The financial data of Monster Charging showed that the net profit in 2019 and 2020 reached 166 million and 75.40 million yuan, respectively. In 2021, Monster Charging was listed in the United States, demonstrating the business model of sharing power banks. In 2021, the industry concentration was further enhanced, and Small Power Technology submitted a prospectus to seek listing; Street Power and Soo Power merged into Bamboo Mang Technology, forming a pattern of three "small bamboo beasts" competing.

According to a public report, in the first half of 2022, the number of devices, transaction volume, and order volume in the shared power bank industry increased compared with 2021, with CR4 (the top 4 share concentration in the industry) exceeding 90%. In fact, the price of shared power banks has increased several times in the past few years. In the second half of 2019, the price of shared power banks increased to 2 yuan per hour. In the second half of 2020, the average charging standard of major platforms increased to 3 yuan, and this year it reached 4 yuan per hour.

Shi Songpo said that in the sharing economy, the price increase of shared power banks is still relatively fast, and the primary factor for collective price increases is that the industry reshuffle period of low-price drainage has passed, and the tail players have been cleared and entered the oligopoly stage. These companies originally pursued market share, but now turn to profit.

"In fact, the price of the shared power bank is not expensive, such as taking the bus and subway, it is normal to spend a few dollars for five minutes, but the shared power bank has caused so much controversy, or there is a problem with the service." Zhang Yi, CEO of iiMedia Consulting, stressed that if the quality can be improved, it does not matter if the price is a little more expensive.

In the media report, a user rented a shared power bank from a hospital in Kunming, Yunnan, but when he returned it, he found that the warehouse was full and could not be returned, and there was no return point nearby. The user didn’t know what to do for a while. In addition, there are two models of shared power banks displayed in the Mini Program. These two models do not support mutual return. The user asked the customer service about this situation, and the customer service asked to return it by mail and asked the user to bear the cost. The user expressed dissatisfaction, and the company that owns the power search did not give a solution.

Previously, the regulatory authorities conducted a survey on the pain points of shared power bank services, and the survey showed that billing was not stopped after return, renting was easy to return, difficult to return, and the price logo was not significant, and the charges were unreasonable. On the Black Cat complaint platform, there were as many as 70,000 complaints about incoming calls, 25,000 complaints about small electricity, and 15,000 complaints about monster charging, including malicious deductions, failure to return, and false propaganda.

A picture circulating on the Internet shows that a user has purchased more than 40 shared power banks in the past two years. Generally, shared power banks have a "buy-out" mechanism, which stipulates that if they are not returned for a long time (about 7 days) after charging, the full deposit of 99 yuan will be deducted. Many users who borrowed the power bank and forgot to return it often "lost" 99 yuan to take the shared power bank home.

"Recently, shared power banks have been controversial, and the core problem is that the price has risen to a certain extent, but the product service and quality have generally shown a downward trend, and the price and service are far from consumers’ expectations." Zhang Yi told China News Weekly that the most widely criticized power bank is the slow charging speed, so it is not high in terms of consumer satisfaction.

The dilemma of a single profit model

In the past two years, affected by the epidemic, the business of sharing power banks is not easy to do.

According to the financial report data, Monster Charging’s revenue reached 1.427 billion yuan in the first half of this year, and 1.819 billion yuan in the same period last year, a significant decline year-on-year. In fact, Monster Charging has experienced a year-on-year decline in revenue for three consecutive quarters. In the fourth quarter of 2021, Quarter 1 of 2022 and the second quarter of 2022, revenue declined by 9.7%, 13% and 29% respectively.

In terms of profit, in the first half of the year, the monster charging loss reached 280 million yuan, while in the monster charging profit in 2019 and 2020, the net profit added up to 242 million yuan. At present, the monster charging has lost money for four consecutive quarters, and the loss is expanding.

According to the financial report, the entrance fee and commission paid by Monster Charging to merchants have increased year by year. In 2019, this expenditure accounted for 48.2% of the revenue of the power bank, and in 2021 this data reached 61.1%. Shi Songpo believes that the reason for raising prices and pursuing profits is not only because of the increase in market concentration and oligopoly, but also because of the single profit model of shared power banks, serious losses and fierce competition.

"We can see that companies such as Monster Charging are paying more and more commissions to third parties. This is because of the compromises that manufacturers have to make during the winter under the pandemic. Under the situation that the industry’s profits are further under pressure, high-quality points are the focus of the efforts of shared power bank companies. The intensification of competition for high-quality points has led to the increase in the cost of distribution venues, and both the entrance fee and the commission are increasing, further boosting the price of power banks."

The above-mentioned sharing power bank staff pointed out that the business of sharing power banks is "cannibalism", and the increase in the frequency of renting power banks will increase the income, so the point is very important. The demand for renting in crowded places is relatively large, so the price of these places will be higher. If it is a direct operation, it is very expensive to raise a very large ground team. Therefore, this year, companies such as Monster Charging have turned to agency operations. In this case, they mainly rely on renting machines to make money, but this has led to the result that the pricing power is controlled by the agent.

Zhang Yi said, "In recent years, shared power bank companies have encountered great pressure to lose money, mainly due to the competition for channels. Everyone is overdrawing prices and profits, and stimulating channels through third-party commissions, entering a vicious circle."

According to public data, it is expected that by 2025, the market size of shared power banks will reach 27.80 billion yuan, and users will break through 700 million. Zhang Yi believes that the current mobile end point intelligence is getting higher and higher, the demand for electricity consumption is also increasing, and the battery life problem has not been fundamentally solved, so there is still room for the future development of shared power banks. He also stressed that only by improving products and services can we win the favor of consumers.

At present, Zhumang Technology is developing new businesses such as shared charging stations for motorcycles and smart retail containers. Monster Charging has also relied on millions of power banks to incubate the Baijiu brand through private domain traffic. Xiaodian also revealed in its prospectus that it wants to enter the short video field.

"Shared power banks have actually become large-scale, and the popularity of first- and second-tier cities is already very high. However, under the cold winter, the problem of profitability is prominent, and even if it expands, it will not increase profits." Shi Songpo said that now companies are looking for different profit models, trying to bring new increments, but whether it can really solve the single profit model still needs time to verify.

The era of China’s automobile voyage has arrived

On March 5th, the day of the twenty-four solar terms, spring thunder rang, and all things revived.

At 8 a.m., Yin Tongyue, chairperson of Chery Holding Group, dressed in a black suit, white shirt and red-and-white tie, spoke to reporters in high spirits and told the world about the rise of Chinese automobiles through personal experience at the first "representative channel" of the second session of the 14th National People’s Congress.

(Representative Yin Tongyue was interviewed by Xinhua News Agency in the "representative channel")

Work hard and try hard, find a great career in a shabby house

"Twenty-seven years ago, Chery started its business from a few small thatched cottages. We lacked capital, technology and talent. At that time, the market was basically monopolized by foreign capital or joint venture brands. There was a popular saying in the industry that Chinese people owned their own trunk cars, which was a fantasy." Looking back, Yin Tongyue, who is 62 years old and has worked in cars all his life, has a vivid past and mixed feelings.

In the 1990s, almost all cars on China’s roads had foreign logos, and few national car brands. At that time, Yin Tongyue, who graduated from Hefei University of Technology with a major in automobile manufacturing, was the director of the final assembly workshop of Changchun FAW-Volkswagen Automobile Co., Ltd., and the leaders in his hometown of Wuhu, Anhui Province, mobilized him to return to his hometown to start a business. He said that "Chinese people want to make their own cars", which made him always have a dream of "building Chinese cars".

In 1996, Yin Tongyue resolutely bid farewell to FAW and returned to his hometown of Wuhu to build cars. But the ideal is very rich, and the reality is very skinny. At that time, there was only a brick factory and a few thatched houses in front of him. Capital, technology, and talents were not only in front of Yin Tongyue, but also a chasm that must be crossed by the rise of Chinese national car companies.

Faced with many difficulties, Yin Tongyue was not discouraged. With the support of the governments of Anhui Province and Wuhu City, he led the team to overcome difficulties regardless of cold or heat, day or night. He simply drew the first blueprint of Chery Automobile in a thatched hut, and began the road to counterattack and realize his dream.

In January 1997, Chery Automobile Co., Ltd. was established.

In May 1999, Chery independently developed the first engine and successfully launched it.

In December 1999, Chery’s "Fengyun" first bridge car rolled off the assembly line, and then successively launched Qiyun, Dongfang Son, QQ, Tiggo and other series models;

In August 2007, Chery’s 1 million car rolled off the assembly line, becoming a leader in national automobile brands.


In 2023, Chery sold 1.881 million cars, an increase of 52.6% year-on-year, and exported 937,000 cars, an increase of 101.1% year-on-year, ranking first in the export volume of Chinese brand passenger cars for 21 consecutive years; the group’s annual revenue exceeded 300 billion yuan for the first time, an increase of more than 50% year-on-year.

"For more than 20 years, we have persisted in hard work, openness and innovation, adhered to the leadership of party building, and strengthened the foundation. Together with other Chinese car companies and joint venture brands, we have jointly supported the backbone of Chinese manufacturing and jointly built China into the world’s largest exporter. Looking at the current day, Yin Tongyue is full of passion and his tone is sonorous. Although he has full hair, he still seems to be a teenager.

Chery’s extraordinary development process is a vivid microcosm of the gradual rise of China’s national automobile industry from scratch, from small to large, and from large to strong. From the streets full of foreign cars, one of the world’s major car importers, to selling Chinese cars to the world and the world’s largest car exporter, this reverse attack proves a truth: as long as you want to do it, there is nothing that the Chinese can’t do!

Innovation, surging new quality productivity

"Chinese companies, especially Chinese automobiles, will continue to increase investment in research and development, increase investment in branding, and create the ultimate product power, adding luster to Chinese manufacturing, Chinese creation, and Chinese brands." As a witness and witness of the development of China’s automobile industry, Yin Tongyue, who has experienced the wind and rain and seen the rainbow, looks to the future with clear ideas and full of confidence.

Automobiles have always been known as the "crown jewel of modern industry" and are the culmination of modern industrial technology. Because a car is assembled and rolled off the assembly line, it relies on 20,000 multiple parts, and its manufacturing process involves a lot of high-precision technology and strict fine management. The automobile industry is recognized as one of the most important symbols of a country’s manufacturing strength.

To shatter the fallacy that Chinese self-made cars are a "fantasy", we must first break through the "stuck neck" technology of car building and have independent intellectual property rights on key components. The engine is called the "heart" of the car. In May 1999, more than two years after the company was established, Chery’s first self-developed engine was successfully rolled off the assembly line and ignited successfully. From that moment on, Chery, which has the "heart of China", has embarked on the fast lane of relying on technological innovation to promote development.

In February this year, the founder of the world-famous engine design company AVL Austria, Helmut Liszt, visited Chery. The world-class technology expert expressed sincere admiration for the latest technological achievements displayed by this former "student". He said: "In our cooperation, we have deeply felt the diligence, studiousness and innovative spirit of Chery people. I am very pleased to see that Chery has now not only reached the world’s leading level in engine research and development, but also excellent in other aspects of the vehicle."

Now, Chery’s products are exported to more than 80 countries and regions, and the global users exceed 13 million, of which overseas users 3.35 million. From "building cars for the Chinese people" to "driving to the world", to a certain extent, Chery’s development history is a history of innovation. In Chery, in addition to automobile manufacturing plants, there is also a technological innovation factory, which is closely related to the deep integration to achieve rapid application of new technologies and promote rapid product upgrade and iteration.

At present, Chery has a global R & D system including eight major R & D centers in North America, Europe, and Shanghai, and has obtained more than 18,000 authorized patents, of which 37% are authorized patents, ranking 21st in the "National Top 500 Enterprise Science and Technology Innovation". It is the super vitality of the mature R & D system that has given the Chinese Autobots represented by Yin Tongyue the confidence and confidence to "make progress".

A flower alone is not spring,

The garden is filled with thousands and thousands of red and spring.

Behind Chery, stands a rapidly rising central automobile province – Anhui. Thanks to the super-strong scientific and technological innovation of many universities and research institutes, Anhui has made overall arrangements in recent years, attracted internal connections, and made deep efforts. Now there are not only Chery, but also Jianghuai, NIO, BYD Anhui, Hefei Chang’an, Volkswagen Anhui, Hanma Technology and other 7 vehicle companies in total. In 2023, the output of automobiles reached 2.491 million, ranking second in the country. Among them, the output of new energy vehicles was 86.8, ranking fourth in the country, and the revenue of the entire automobile industry chain exceeded trillion.

The General Secretary of the Supreme Leader pointed out: "Integrate scientific and technological innovation resources, lead the development of strategic emerging industries and future industries, and accelerate the formation of new quality productive forces." In 2023, Anhui will make the automobile industry the "first industry", aiming at the goal of "building an internationally competitive new energy automobile industry cluster", taking the lead in legislating in the country, escorting and striving to build China’s new energy automobile industry center.

"In the next decade, we will not only pursue the world’s No. 1 in sales and scale, but also strive to be a global leader in technological innovation capabilities, quality reputation, and social responsibility; and provide Chinese wisdom for global users to pursue a better way of life." Looking to the future, Yin Tongyue has a torch in his eyes and ambitions. At this moment, he not only represents Chery, but also Anhui car companies, and also represents the surging Chinese auto industry to issue a declaration to the world: World cars, made in China! The era of China’s automobile voyage is striding forward!

Sailis Automobile Zhang Xinghai: Make high-end more high-end, luxury more luxurious, and intelligence more intelligent

On February 5, the completion and commissioning of the automobile super factory and the delivery of the first batch of M9 owners were grandly held in Chongqing. Zhang Xinghai, the chairperson (founder) of the automobile, attended the event and delivered a speech. Zhang Xinghai said that the car will take the needs of users as the direction of the development of the enterprise. "Automobile production is not only a vehicle and a moving space, but also a bridge for us to communicate with users. It is the home of the user, and everyone is welcome to go home often!" he said.

Sailis Automobile Zhang Xinghai: Make high-end more high-end, luxury more luxurious, and intelligence more intelligent

Zhang Xinghai expressed his gratitude to the users who have strongly supported AITO. He said that in the 38 years of automobile growth, he has always adhered to the tenet of "user-centered, wholeheartedly serving users", continued to deepen open cooperation, and firmly practiced "do one line, specialize in one line, become a line" "do one car, specialize in one car, become a popular car".

While AITO’s sales are rising, the car user service concept is also constantly being upgraded. Through the implementation of the CARE care service strategy, it runs through the full-link scene of sales, delivery and after-sales, and the channel network continues to be laid out. In 220 cities across the country, there are more than 700 experience centers and more than 200 user centers. At the same time, the car implements the "Spring Festival does not close", allowing users to get their cars as soon as possible and enjoy high-quality pleasant travel services.

Sailis Automobile Zhang Xinghai: Make high-end more high-end, luxury more luxurious, and intelligence more intelligent

Zhang Xinghai also said that in the face of the needs of the global market, as well as different climate and road use scenarios all over the country, in the face of today’s thousand-vehicle level, to the future 10,000-vehicle level, 100,000-vehicle level, or even million-vehicle level delivery, in the face of thousands of people and thousands of cars, the car will continue to iterate and improve, improve at the fastest speed, and meet the needs of all users as much as possible. Let the high-end be more high-end, let the luxury be more luxurious, and let the intelligence be more intelligent!

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Hua Shao Yiyi leads Zhejiang Satellite TV’s famous mouth in many fields and does not forget to host it.

Hosting by Hua Shao will always be my main business.

??? As the first brother of Zhejiang Satellite TV, Hua Shao not only hosts ace programs such as The Voice of China and China Dream Show, but also works as a producer himself this year, presenting programs such as Ace Mission Impossible and Hua Shaoai Reading. In addition, Hua Shao is developing in an all-round way by writing songs, making records, making movies and performing stage plays.

??? Speaking of my progress in the past five years, Hua Shaoshao said that the biggest change is that I will be a little more calm when I am busy. "Five years ago, I was more nervous and more anxious. At that time, I just had "I love to remember lyrics", and I made some achievements, but I felt insecure. I was anxious when the ratings fluctuated a little. At that time, I was eager to prove myself. Now I am more calm. "

??? When talking about being a producer and doing programs, Hua said less, "I am a host and a presenter of collective wisdom. I especially want to know the thoughts of every member of the team, so that this wisdom can be better reflected in my presiding. It is complementary to each other. I have great respect for those who act well and guide, or guide well and act well. I hope to make a breakthrough in this area in the next five years. " In addition to hosting, Hua Shao gradually emerged in the performance industry. At the end of the year, the film "He Has No Two Wives" starring him will be released, and the stage play "Never Pay the Bill" will also be held on a national tour at the end of December.

??? No matter how many categories he is involved in, Hua said that his main business is hosting. "I think these attempts are very helpful for my hosting work. Just like a good voice, it is necessary to understand the categories of singers and music, so that when communicating with students, they will not be ridiculous and generous because of their lack of knowledge. "

Yi Yi’s natural affinity with the stage

??? At the age of 17, she entered the ground channel of Zhejiang Radio and Television Group, and officially joined Zhejiang Satellite TV in 2010. Yiyi hosted programs such as I Love to Remember Lyrics, Chinese Stars Jump, Big Brands Meet Good Voices, and Good Voices of War. She said that she has a natural affinity with the stage.

??? Yi Yi said frankly that I was very scared when I first joined Zhejiang Satellite TV to host "I love to remember lyrics". There are too many aura of success on this platform, and I have a lot of glory. "I didn’t expect to be the host, and I was very scared when the opportunity came." Now that three years have passed, Yi Yi said that the sense of awe is still there. "It’s just that the fear has faded, and it has become a down-to-earth effort, and every step is firm and can’t be complacent."

??? Yi Yi began to learn Latin dance at the age of 12, and her dancing skills made her feel at home in hosting dance programs such as "More Jumping and More Beautiful", so she was awarded the title of "the best variety host who can dance". Yi Yi, a versatile woman, made her debut in the costume drama Phoenix Peony this year. Yiyi revealed that an idol drama will be started soon. She plays opposite Tian Liang. "I play an rhythmic gymnast, who is very energetic and can’t beat me. It is very similar to my personal growth. This is why I took this drama."

??? After hosting for so many years, Yi Yi said that the most fulfilling thing was hosting the China Television Audience Festival of Zhejiang Radio and Television last year. "Our group’s activities, such a big stage, I really enjoy this feeling and am very grateful for the power behind the stage. I have a natural affinity with the stage, and I am never too nervous to speak. This is my proudest place. I love the stage! "

Shen Tao News Anchor Transformation Emotional Mentor

??? Shen Tao is known as the "emotional tutor" of Zhejiang Satellite TV. He helps young men and women make friends and make blind dates in different programs. At first, he was a news anchor. His transformation is related to Xia Chen ‘an, director of Zhejiang Satellite TV. When he was still on the ground channel, Shen Tao hosted an internal get-together, which was recognized by Xia Chen An as suitable for hosting variety shows.

??? Shen Tao’s transformation was very successful. From Love Lianliankan to Turning to Meet TA, the image of "emotional mentor" was deeply rooted in people’s hearts. Shen Tao said: "What we convey is the positive energy of marriage and love values." What attracts Shen Tao most about the team of Zhejiang Satellite TV is that a group of young people do something with a goal. "In the Chinese blue team, we know which direction to go." Shen Tao said.

??? Shen Tao hopes that people who watch his programs can know what kind of people they are and what kind of people they need to find, and apply this knowledge to their lives. This is the success of the program for him.

Yali can only meet beauty if she has a good heart.

??? Yali joined Zhejiang Satellite TV China Blue in early 2013, and changed from a news anchor to a variety show host, achieving a gorgeous turn. The excellent hostess in her mind should have the characteristics of calmness, atmosphere, wisdom and warmth. "I hope to grow up as soon as possible through my own efforts and the opportunities given by the channel." "China Dream Show" is an inspirational program that spreads truth, goodness and beauty and is full of positive energy. The concept conveyed by this program deeply infected Yali and made her realize that "if you have a good heart, you will definitely meet a good one."

??? In "Turning and Meeting TA" with Shen Tao, they interacted well. The program is launched in the form of talk show. Although there is a hand card, it depends more on the live performance of the host. Yali is glad that she met this opportunity to show the delicate characteristics of the hostess and let the audience know more about herself. Her self-evaluation is "because of grounding gas, she has confidence."

??? During the period of China Blue, Yali strongly felt the importance of the platform for the host. "The potential needs a good platform to support it, so that the host can be more confident to break through and create himself."

Chen Huan is the only "yuppie" host.

??? As a host, Chen Huan is a bit too fashionable. There is a slight image gap between his external image and the two columns "Chinese Dream Show" and "The First Time in Life" he presided over. If your knowledge of him only stays at the first impression, you may think that he is more suitable to create a fashion brand. In fact, he does have a personal brand. In addition to design, he also dabbled in stage plays and published books.

???? Chen Huan said with a smile that he was the host who went abroad the most in the channel, and was touched by the light of recording the program. Chen Huan had the opportunity to sit in the front row of Broadway and watch the stage play. The wonderful performance of Broadway gave him the impulse to create his own stage play. He stayed up all night that night and wrote the script of "Yuppie Talk Show" with Light Hotel’s post-it notes. At present, he has toured 14 times all over the country and donated all the box office income of 130,000 yuan.

???? Chen Huan’s image orientation is yuppie, and his books and stage plays are labeled as "yuppie", so the host image is rare on the screen at present. Chen Huan wants to be unique and show his personality. "China Blue was also suspected at the beginning of its implementation, but it was made. I know myself best and know what suits me, so I must persist until I succeed. "

70 years of experience, 70 years of quality | Celebrate the 70th anniversary of the establishment of Kouzi Wine Industry!

  Last week, today’s Morning Post reported the problem of Mr. Zhang, a Shanghai car owner, about BYD Qin, which attracted the attention of many BYD Qin car owners. After the report was published, the auto rights hotline of Morning Post also received different calls and heard different voices.

  In these calls from BYD Qin car owners, the problems reflected are not limited to the power system problems on the dashboard. Some car owners pointed out that the cruising range of BYD Qin Chuandian mode is inconsistent with the actual propaganda.

  In the face of outside doubts, BYD made an exclusive response when interviewed by Morning Post.

  On the highway

  Air conditioners, wipers, turn signals and headlights all failed.

  The first person who called the Morning Post reporter was Ms. Ma, the owner of BYD in Shanghai. The thrilling experience on the expressway two months ago still left her with a lingering fear.

  "Finally, someone pays attention to Qin’s problem. My experience is similar to that of Mr. Zhang, a Shanghai car owner, but mine is even worse. I had a narrow escape on the highway and had no way to complain after several times."

  What experience did Ms. Ma encounter that made her so angry?

  In an interview with the Morning Post reporter, I learned that Ms. Ma’s Qin was purchased from Shanghai Ledi 4S store in December 2014, and has opened more than 8,000 kilometers so far.

  "On April 6, it was the last day of the Qingming small holiday. It was raining. My family of five had a 4-year-old child in the car and drove BYD Qin back to Shanghai from Bengbu, Anhui."

  On the expressway from Anhui to Shanghai, the sky suddenly rained heavily, but to make matters worse than the weather, the car broke down.

  "The air conditioner, wiper, turn signal and headlights all failed. At that time, the rain was very heavy. I had to turn on the double jump, pull over urgently, and call BYD customer service at high speed to wait for rescue."

  Ms. Ma recalled, "At that time, the road was parked in Changzhou, Jiangsu Province. As a result, Changzhou 4S shop said that they could not rescue it. Later, it was easy to say that after waiting for more than 40 minutes, two staff members came. However, the staff said that the reason was not detected, and the car could continue to move forward and told us to go back to Shanghai for maintenance. "

  However, just after Ms. Ma drove her car to Shanghai for less than 20 minutes, the car broke down again. "This time, the situation is the same as before. Air conditioners, wipers, turn signals and headlights all failed. In particular, the failure of the turn signal made me very scared, because at that time, the car was driving in the middle road, and the fog on the glass inside the car was too thick to see the outside. My wife had to wipe the windshield while looking at the car behind me. I only acted as an artificial turn signal, opened the right window, and waved my clothes as a turn signal before reaching the emergency lane. "

  Ms. Ma said: "Because on the last day of the small holiday, there were a lot of cars returning, and the traffic volume was also very large. The emergency lanes were all cars. We put up a tripod 50 meters away, and the tripod was crushed by the car and almost crashed. Fortunately, the car stopped in time, otherwise the consequences would be unimaginable."

  Before BYD’s rescue, Ms. Ma asked for help in a qq group of BYD Qin. "At that time, some riders said that he had encountered a similar situation, but the problem was not as serious as mine. It is suggested that we start the car after 20 minutes of power failure, and it will be normal. The power failure of the whole car means that the emergency lights can’t be used. We have to take risks, because there is no rescue and no way to stop at the emergency lane. Finally, my wife braved the rain and took an umbrella as a warning sign behind the car. "

  It was not until 1 am the next day that Ms. Ma’s family arrived in Shanghai safely. "In the early morning of April 7, we drove the car to the 4S shop for maintenance. After waiting for an hour and a half, the staff told me that there was no problem detected for the time being and asked me to go back and wait for news. I asked if it was the reason why the rain line leaked, and the mechanic said it was impossible. "

  On April 8, Ms. Ma received a phone call from the 4S shop saying that she went to pick up the car. The problem has been fixed, and the staff only mentioned lightly that "it was because a part at the rear of the car fell, which led to the system disorder, and now the template has been replaced".

  "It’s only about 7 thousand kilometers, and this kind of life-threatening problem appears. What should I do if I have this problem again in the future? Do I dare to get on the highway?" Ms Ma questioned the quality of Qin.

  Yesterday afternoon, Ms. Ma called the Morning Post reporter again. "Although the problem has not appeared again, I dare not drive far away, especially in rainy days. If I can’t open it, I won’t open it."

  What about the agreed 70 kilometers?

  Pure electric mode only drives 45 kilometers.

  Unlike the situation reflected by Ms. Ma, Mr. Wang, the owner of Fuzhou, Fujian, called the Morning Post reporter to reflect the cruising range.

  "The manufacturer promotes that the pure electric mode can reach 70 kilometers, but why have I tested it many times only about 45 kilometers?" Mr. Wang pointed the problem directly at Qin’s battery problem.

  According to public information, the charging capacity of Ferrous lithium phosphate power battery used by BYD Qin is 13kW·h, and 90% of the system uses pure electric mode in hybrid mode, and its comprehensive driving mileage can reach 70km.

  "I didn’t care much about BYD Qin’s cruising range before. After all, this car is a hybrid car. I can burn oil without electricity, but since May, I have begun to pay attention to this problem and found that the test results are far from the manufacturer’s 70 kilometers."

  Mr. Wang said that at first he thought his driving habits were not good, but after many tests, he found that the problem was not his own fault at all.

  "I am now working in the suburbs of Fuzhou, where the road conditions are very good, and I can basically maintain more than 60 km/h. In order to extend the cruising range, I didn’t even turn on the air conditioner or play music, but the test results are still not satisfactory, from 100% to 5%, I can only drive about 45 km." Mr. Wang told the Morning Post reporter.

  The reporter learned that at present, electric vehicles on the market are basically composed of three parts: motor, control system and battery, among which battery is still the biggest problem restricting the development of electric vehicles.

  According to industry insiders, Qin’s working principle is very simple to sum up. "A dual-clutch DCT gearbox, an inverter, an external power plug and an inverter constitute this power system. BYD Qin, on the other hand, mainly uses BYD’s lithium iron phosphate battery, adding some cobalt to the battery, which enhances the cycle efficiency of the whole battery. Therefore, many people call it lithium iron cobalt phosphate battery. "

  Previously, the Automobile Consumption Report conducted an actual measurement of Qin, and the test route was selected at Beijing-Shanghai Expressway: Wuning Road-Cao ‘an Highway-Beijing-Shanghai Expressway-Beijing Toll Station of Beijing-Shanghai Expressway in Putuo District, Shanghai.

  Before departure, the staff filled Qin’s battery (the battery showed 100%), and then filled the fuel tank from the nearby gas station to the automatic jump gun. Vehicles keep driving in EV (pure electric mode), from Wuning Road to Cao An Road, and get on the Beijing-Shanghai Expressway. Within 15 kilometers of Shanghai, the speed of the vehicle is 30 kilometers per hour, with a total mileage of 15 kilometers. Then, it enters the Shanghai section of the Beijing-Shanghai Expressway, with a speed of 60-80 kilometers per hour. When the vehicle’s battery shows the remaining 15%, the vehicle travels another 25 kilometers.

  A staff member who participated in the test told the Morning Post reporter: "In order to test Qin’s pure electric mileage, we pressed the EV mode key for 5 seconds according to the vehicle instructions and forced to continue using the EV mode. When it reached the minimum 5% protection power set by the vehicle, it traveled another 5 kilometers. Therefore, in urban congestion and suburban comprehensive sections, Qin used 95% of electricity to drive a total of 45 kilometers. "

  An industry insider said, "There is no clear statement about Qin’s battery capacity so far. However, according to the price speculation, it should be a monomer of 60AH, which is connected in series together. Whether it is charging or discharging, the low voltage of a single battery will seriously affect the cycle life of the entire battery pack, which is beyond doubt. "

  BYD’s exclusive response

  There are two possibilities for Qin Chundian’s unsatisfactory mileage.

  Yesterday afternoon, BYD also gave the Morning Post an exclusive response to the owner’s question about the cruising range in pure electric mode.

  "There may be two situations in the consultation on the unsatisfactory mileage of Qin Chundian: 1. Whether the battery is fully charged. 2. The road use environment and driving habits are related. "

  BYD said, "The charging dissatisfaction is to protect the power battery. The total capacity of Qin Power Battery Pack is 13 kWh. In order to prevent the battery from over-charging and over-discharging, and ensure the service life and safety of the power battery, the power battery is designed with a part of reserved power that is not allowed to be released. This part of reserved power is greater than the current low power alarm display value to protect the battery from over-discharging. When the power battery is charged, the voltage and charging current of the single battery change dynamically, which will cause some errors in the SOC calculation of the battery management system. Vehicles with charging capacity above 10.5 degrees are normal. If the charging capacity deviation is too large, it is recommended to go to BYD authorized service stores for inspection. Fully charge and discharge more to ensure the activity of the battery. If the vehicle is stored for a long time, it is necessary to ensure that the power battery is fully charged, and it is best to fully charge the vehicle. "

  In addition, BYD also wants to remind car owners to pay attention to the charging operation through the Morning Post: "After the Qin battery is fully charged, charge it for a while to better balance the battery performance. If in doubt, please consult the local 4S shop or upgrade the balancing program. Upgrade the equalization program to optimize battery performance. "

  For balanced batteries, BYD’s explanation is that "power batteries are in series structure, and if the performance of individual batteries is inconsistent, it will affect the overall battery performance. Qin started the balancing program from full charging to unplugging the charging plug and after Qin started the power-on, balancing the performance of individual batteries to achieve consistency, thus optimizing the overall performance of batteries. "

  Mr. Wang, the owner of Fuzhou, Fujian, who was concerned by the Morning Post, was confused about the cruising range. BYD staff also said that they would contact the owner as soon as possible to test the car battery and solve the worries of the owner.

  If you have any problems with the car when you use it, you are welcome to get in touch with the Morning Post car rights hotline 18667120283.

Employment season, flying the dream of struggle.

  Figure ①: Lin Jiamin (right), a graduate of Shanghai Health Medical College, works in the community health service center of Xiaokunshan Town, Songjiang District, Shanghai. Xinhua News Agency reporter Liu Ying photo

  图②:内蒙古机电职业技术学院毕业生计磊在一家电子材料企业生产线上工作。 王正摄(人民视觉)

  图③:扬州大学外国语学院毕业生李丽在贵州参加支教活动。 张运摄




  ——编 者










  If you choose resource exploration, you choose to be a partner with hard work. The magical ghost city, the changing mud volcano and the steep Dushanzi Grand Canyon all left the footprints of Ding Guiyang and his classmates. "Time and time again, I realized the hardships of geologists and the importance of grassroots work." Ding Guiyang said.

  Where will you go after graduation? Ding Guiyang initially planned to take the postgraduate entrance examination and then returned to Shandong for development. However, in the process of learning, his idea gradually changed: "Xinjiang is an important comprehensive energy base in the country with huge resources, and there is a broad space for development." Ding Guiyang wrote such a sentence in a circle of friends: "Pursuing the original ideal, choosing the right path, and continuing to struggle, the future can be expected."

  "Realizing the dream of a maritime power is the power that inspires us to keep moving forward."

  Person: Shark Wang, Ph.D. graduate of Mechanical Engineering College of Zhejiang University in 2020.

  Employment Choice: Institute of Deep Sea Science and Engineering, China Academy of Sciences.

  August 3, deep in the ocean. Shark Wang, a PhD graduate of the School of Mechanical Engineering of Zhejiang University in 2020, is on a mission at sea. The signal is not good, and the communication with reporters can only be intermittent.

  The 28-year-old boy will soon join the Institute of Deep Sea Science and Engineering of China Academy of Sciences, and devote himself to the research and development of deep-sea electromechanical equipment and manned submersible technology.

  Unlike some people who value high salary and comfortable conditions, Shark Wang was fascinated by the more than 150 days he spent on the experimental application voyage of Jiaolong and the biological exploration voyage of the Mariana Trench.

  The vast ocean has no shore, and the ship at the foot is the only "land". At first, you can eat vegetables with leaves. Later, you can only eat pasta and meat.

  What is even more frightening is the extreme bad weather. Shark Wang clearly remembers that he caught up with a typhoon on his first expedition, and the maximum wind force exceeded 17. Although we have escaped from the center of the typhoon at the fastest speed, the ship is still as small as a leaf above the ocean. In the stormy waves, the mother ship seemed to sit on a "roller coaster" and swung everything in the cabin to the ground. Shark Wang tried to fix himself on the bed in the cabin, and his ears were full of the sound of the sea hitting the hull.

  "After several days of high-intensity bumps, my body is extremely tired." Shark Wang said, but instead of being afraid, he was fascinated by the feeling of chopping waves.

  "Young people are often attracted by the prosperity in front of them. In fact, they should listen to their hearts and do what they think is meaningful." What Shark Wang is afraid of is not the danger and hardship in the deep sea, but the loss of the opportunity to fight for the great power. "If you give up, you may never have the opportunity to ride the ocean again."

  Wang Shuo once practiced in Qinshan nuclear power plant and other units, and he was deeply shocked by the efforts and dedication of the older generation of builders. After receiving the "baton", Shark Wang was very proud: "Our country is a big maritime country with a vast sea area. Caring for the ocean, understanding the ocean and managing the ocean is the mission of our generation of young people. Realizing the dream of a maritime power is the power that inspires us to keep moving forward! "

  "Let more children have the opportunity to see what I see"

  Character: Lili, a 2020 undergraduate graduate of Foreign Languages College of Yangzhou University.

  Employment Choice: Machang Town Central School, Zhenning Buyi and Miao Autonomous County, Guizhou Province

  On the first weekend of August, I dialed Lili’s phone. She said she was watching a movie and we’d talk later.

  Later, the reporter learned that what Li Li said about "watching movies" was actually downloading movies to computers and showing them to students. "Besides teaching English, I want children to see a wider world." Li Li said.

  Lili, a 2020 graduate of English Teachers College of Foreign Languages, Yangzhou University. At the end of July, just graduated, she came to Zhenning Buyi and Miao Autonomous County, Guizhou Province, surrounded by mountains, and taught at Machang Town Central School where she had taught.

  Lili’s hometown is in a small mountain village in Hezhang County, Bijie, Guizhou. She is no stranger to mountainous areas. However, when I first came to the teaching school a year ago, my mood was still a little heavy. "Compared with many developed regions, the hardware, teachers and educational concepts here are still relatively backward. Under the same blue sky, the educational resources enjoyed by children are still uneven. "

  That is, the teaching time planted seeds in Lili’s heart: to become a teacher and bring knowledge and hope to more children in the mountains.

  "When I left, the children all hoped that I could come back again. Coming back to work this time is like fulfilling a promise. " She said.

  Many people can’t imagine that as a post-95 English teacher, Li Li didn’t start learning 26 English letters until junior high school. "I haven’t had an English class in primary school. I still remember that in the first class of junior high school, the teacher asked who had never studied English, and I was the only one who raised my hand. This incident touched me a lot. "

  Lily doesn’t admit defeat, nor do the teachers give up. From never knowing ABC to choosing an English teacher major in a university, and now becoming an English teacher, Li Li has strengthened her ambition to devote herself to education: "The power of education is too great!"

  These days, Li Li is busy participating in the related work of dropping out of school. I heard that several children in remote local cottages have a tendency to drop out of school to work. Li Li signed up for a home visit before her luggage was packed. "Keep them. Stay and study, and there is hope. "

  Ahead, the mountains are connected with the mountains. By car to the foot of the mountain, it takes an hour or two to walk to the students’ home. This thin "post-95" girl walked along the mountain road. "I came out of the mountains. Today, I went back to the mountains to give more children a chance to see what I saw. " Li Li said.

  "Try again, and dream of being a soldier."

  Character: Xiong Pu, a 2020 undergraduate graduate of beijing university of chemical technology Institute of Information Science and Technology.

  Employment Choice: Sign up for enlistment.

  Like many young people, Xiong Pu, a 22-year-old boy, likes to brush short videos. On August 1st Army Day, he praised many short videos. Veterans salute, moved, like! Military knowledge, useful, like it!

  Xiong Pu loved watching movies and TV works with military themes since he was a child. "Bright Sword, My Brother’s Name is Shun Liu, Rushing out of Amazon and Red Star Shining on China … …” Bear spectrum is like a treasure. "I have admired and worshipped soldiers since I was a child and want to be a soldier."

  "I know that to be a qualified soldier, you must have amazing perseverance and must go through countless times of tempering … …” Xiong Pu still has an award-winning composition when he was 14 years old. White paper, slightly yellowed, has the mark of time.

  At the end of the college entrance examination, Xiong Pu thought about applying to the military school, but he didn’t sign up because he didn’t know enough about the army and himself at that time. During the freshman military training, the students asked the instructor what it was like to be a soldier. "The instructor said that if you really want to know, try it yourself!" Xiong Pu’s heart itches.

  Two years ago, Xiong Pu applied for registration for the first time. That summer, he participated in the propaganda activity of "Join the army with a pen and have no regrets about youth". "I like the white T-shirt and the red and white hat I wore that day very much, and I still cherish it at home." Unfortunately, that medical examination failed. "At that time, I decided not to give up, and I must sign up again in the year of graduation!"

  Time has come to 2020. In the graduation season, seeing the news of conscription, Xiong Pu signed up without hesitation. "If I can really join the army, it will be a dream for me!"

  When signing up for the recruitment network, Xiong Pu saw his photos in 2018. "I am very excited. I have seen my changes in the past two years and I have seen my persistence in my heart." Xiong Pu said.

  There is such a sentence in Xiong Pu’s circle of friends, which was written on the day of his graduation: Do not forget your initiative mind, forge ahead.

  How to understand this sentence? In the face of the reporter’s inquiry, Xiong Pu hesitated for a long time: "At first, I understood it as what I wanted to do from the beginning, which was the goal and direction. To forge ahead is to keep going, no matter how hard or difficult it is. If I can join the army this time, I will definitely practice my excellent skills and become a qualified soldier, so as to reassure the motherland and people. This is my initial heart and dream. "

  "Go where you need it."

  Person: Betty Wong, a graduate of the First Clinical Medical College of Beijing University of Chinese Medicine in 2020.

  Employment choice: apply for the post of medical talents in Tibet.

  I heard that Betty Wong signed up for a post in a medical and health institution in Tibet. Some students advised her: "Your home is in Qinghai, and you finally came to a big city. Why do you want to go back after graduation and go further away from Beijing?" There are also good students who ask, can you adapt after going?

  Betty Wong thought about all these questions. She comes from Golmud, Qinghai, and is a graduate of the excellent Chinese medicine training program of Beijing University of Chinese Medicine. After studying for 8 years, Betty Wong also wants to find a favorite job. At first, she planned to travel to the south. However, when the teacher sent a message to work in Tibet, Betty Wong signed up.

  "I was born and raised in the northwest of the motherland, and I know that medical resources in the western region are still relatively short. For example, some diseases are not incurable diseases for hospitals in Beijing, but hospitals in relatively backward areas will advise patients to go to provincial hospitals or to Beijing, Shanghai and other places. " Betty Wong said, "When I graduate, I am willing to respond to the call of the country and sign up to work in Tibet. I want to help more people with what I have learned. "

  Betty Wong said frankly that the efforts of the people throughout the country to fight the epidemic have strengthened her confidence and motivation in clinical work. "Be a brave retrograde person and bring hope to more people!"

  "The country’s medical and health undertakings need talents, areas with weak medical resources need talents, and the majority of patients need talents." Betty Wong said softly, "Although many students choose to stay in the big city, I still feel that I should go to a place that is really needed, a place where I can better realize my own value."

  Will you regret it? In the face of a reporter’s question, Betty Wong was sure: "No.. My choice now is the same as choosing a major that I have to study for eight years at a time. Choose what you love, and if you choose it, you will go on firmly. "

  "Life is not waiting for the storm to pass, but learning to dance in the rain." This is Betty Wong’s signature on WeChat. In her opinion, a firm belief can make us not afraid of the wind and rain. (People’s Daily reporter Zhang Shuo Wu Yue)

A year-on-year increase of 50.4% Volvo sold 13,016 vehicles in Chinese mainland in February.

Transfer from: Huaibei News Network

A few days ago, Netcom learned from the official,Volvo Chinese mainland in Februarysales volume13,016 vehicles,An increase of 50.4% year-on-year,10.8% from the previous month. Among them,XC90A year-on-year increase of 108% to1,597 vehicles;S90A year-on-year increase of 74% to2,893 vehicles;XC60 increased by 61% year-on-year.Up to4,973 vehicles.

Besides,Volvo Asia-Pacific Software Integration CenterRecently completed and put into use in Shanghai,Accelerate the software development and update of the next generation brand-new native pure electric platform. According to the official,Currently Volvo has achievedOnline remote upgrade (OTA) function of all new cars,It aims to provide users with a more personalized and intelligent travel experience.

The picture on the left shows the EX30, a brand-new small pure electric SUV that will debut on June 15th.

On June 15 this year, Volvo will alsoLaunch a brand-new small pure electric SUV——EX30., and plans to put into production before the end of the year. Volvo said that the launch of this small car is to expand more young people in its future electrification product series, and to have more affordable prices for such people to accept. It is reported that it only provides front-wheel drive and will produce and provide different batteries in China.

Jim Rowan, CEO of Volvo Cars, said, "EX30 will offer a’ very friendly price’ and will also be’ very safe’. Volvo’s age group is bigger than they expected. For electrification, Volvo CEO Jim Rowan added, "Once the charging infrastructure is in place, we will be able to use smaller batteries with lower cost and weight than the current large-capacity battery packs."

Attached to the Second Hospital, the introduction of "parking service" led the controversial hospital to seek solutions.

  Wenzhou Net News In order to alleviate the "parking difficulty", the Second Affiliated Hospital of Wenzhou Medical University introduced the "parking service" service, which was intended to make patients more convenient, but it attracted different voices. We welcome everyone to come up with "golden ideas" on how to go and stay in parking service and how to solve the problem of "parking difficulties" in hospitals and their surrounding areas.


  Every 40 yuan in parking service

  Serve more than 100 cars a day during busy hours.

  Parking service, which used to be the most common in hotels, guesthouses and other service places, has now appeared in hospitals. Yesterday morning, the reporter saw the "parking service" in the stop-and-go area of the Second Affiliated Hospital of Wenzhou Medical University. More than 10 minutes before and after, more than a dozen car owners came to handle the "parking service" one after another, and each car paid 40 yuan.

  Mr. Chen, a citizen, hurried to pay the bill. He said that he brought his children to see a doctor. If he queued up for hospital parking, he would have to wait for at least an hour, and it would be convenient to park on his behalf. The reporter saw that the citizens got off at the stop-and-go area and the car was driven away by the parking agent; Before leaving the hospital, the citizens called the parking agent. After about 10 minutes, the parking agent drove the car to the hospital.

  A person in charge of wang xing at Daibo Point told the reporter that they are employees of Wenzhou Yangli Parking Management Co., Ltd. and entered the hospital in parking service in March this year with the consent of the hospital. From 6: 30 a.m. to 7: 00 p.m., each car costs 40 yuan, and the parking agent will park the car in the underground garage of Ruixia Apartment several hundred meters away.

  The reporter learned that parking outside the hospital or in the hospital is a "long-standing problem". Many people drive around and around without finding a parking space, which is really annoying. The resulting "parking service" has been welcomed by many citizens. According to incomplete statistics, during the peak period of medical treatment, more than 100 vehicles need to park on their behalf every day.


  Pilot introduction of substitute berthing

  I hope to ease the difficulty of parking.

  In the past few days, some netizens have raised two questions about this matter: Is the hospital involved in making profits? Why are the parking spaces in the hospital not open?

  The reporter learned from the party office of the hospital that alleviating the difficulty of parking for medical treatment has been promoted as an important work of the hospital. At this year’s monthly work meeting, the problem of parking difficulty was discussed five times. As early as 2013, the hospital moved the employee parking lot, and all the parking spaces in the hospital were given to the public, thus alleviating the "parking difficulty". However, there are about 140 parking spaces in the hospital, which can meet the parking demand of more than 1,000 trips a day at most. The daily average number of outpatient visits in the hospital is more than 14,000, and the resulting demand for medical parking is nearly 10,000 trips.

  In March this year, on the basis of previous visits to major hospitals in China to solve the problem of parking difficulties, the hospital introduced the "parking service" on a trial basis, allowing parking companies to park vehicles that voluntarily choose parking services in parking lots outside the hospital. According to the hospital, the parking service charging standard for trial operation was determined by the company according to the market price, and the price was clearly marked, and the hospital did not profit from it. As for why Yangli Parking Management Co., Ltd. was chosen, the hospital said that firstly, the company took the initiative to contact the hospital, and secondly, the company was qualified and more formal.

  During the trial period, at the request of the hospital, Wenzhou Yangli Parking Management Co., Ltd. made five commitments, including not forcing drivers to drive, not occupying hospital parking spaces by all drivers, and bearing all disputes caused by drivers.

  The hospital told the reporter that the original hospital has drawn up the bidding contract, ready to formally open tender. But at present, the hospital is prepared to listen to the opinions of the public. If most people suggest canceling the service, the hospital will stop this attempt.

  As for the announcement of the number of real-time parking spaces in the hospital, the hospital said that it has begun to carry out intelligent parking renovation, and it is expected that the rectification will be completed within two weeks. At that time, people who have been admitted to the hospital for parking can clearly understand the remaining parking spaces on the display screen at the entrance. In the absence of parking spaces, motorists can choose to stop and go, or go to the surrounding parking lots by themselves, or choose to park on their behalf.

  Views of all parties

  Parking is really convenient, but the price is a bit high.

  The reporter interviewed five citizens randomly at the parking spot, all of whom agreed to keep the parking service, but hoped that the price could be reduced.

  Ms. Hu, a citizen, said that the parking service has really opened the door for the citizens to see a doctor, especially in the case of taking children and the elderly to see a doctor, there is no need to consider parking. However, the original one or two hours to see a doctor, parking in and out of the hospital, the parking fee is about 10 yuan, and it takes 40 yuan to choose parking, which is a lot more expensive.

  Mr. Zhang, a member of the public, thinks that it is more reasonable to set the parking price around 20 yuan. Mr. Zhang said, after all, now that everyone comes to the hospital to see a doctor, they usually leave in an hour. The parking company may wish to lower the price and increase the parking volume, which will benefit both parties.

  The price is determined by supply and demand to see if most people benefit.

  Xie Ruixia, a representative of the Municipal People’s Congress, said that the fundamental problem of parking difficulties in the Second Affiliated Hospital of Wenzhou Medical University is determined by its location. With the commissioning of Yaoxi Campus in 2020, the parking problem in the old campus will be solved. As far as the current situation is concerned, the hospital’s "parking service" service should be retained.

  Xie Ruixia told reporters that she went to the Second Affiliated Hospital to see a doctor last weekend, turned around in the hospital, and found no parking space. She saw that the hospital had dug up the remaining flower beds to increase parking spaces, which showed that the hospital had made every effort to give up all the public resources available for parking. "In the case that the parking demand cannot be met, the introduction of the market method to solve the problem reflects the responsibility and responsibility of the hospital." Xie Ruixia said that the parking service has solved the parking problem of a large number of people, especially those who drive from the county to see a doctor, providing more convenience than a little.

  As for the price of consignment, Xie Ruixia believes that the market price is determined by supply and demand. Some people think that the price is high, so they can choose not to use this service. This right of free choice just reflects the progress of society.

  It does not involve compulsory consumption, and it is reasonable because of the demand.

  Xu Xudong, a professor at Wenzhou University’s School of Law and Politics, said that the hospital has tried its best to provide 140 parking spaces when parking spaces are particularly tight. It is not possible to increase the number of parking spaces significantly, so it is a good way to solve the problem by market. As long as compulsory consumption is not involved, it is up to the hospital to decide whether to provide services in parking service. As for whether you are willing to spend 40 yuan to choose this service, it is entirely your own will. If there is market demand, it is reasonable to exist.

  However, Xu Xudong admits that neither increasing parking spaces nor introducing market methods can fundamentally solve the problem of "difficult parking". He believes that only when more and more people change their ideas and choose public travel for medical treatment can the parking problem be truly solved, and the cost of personal travel can be reduced.

  Source: Wenzhou Daily

  Reporter: Sun Dan Yu

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