
The pace of policy boosting consumption recovery is expected to accelerate.

  Affected by the state’s measures to boost consumption, on the 19th, the big consumption sector "rose by the wind", with household appliances, leisure services, food and beverage sectors among the top gainers. The agency believes that the pace of consumption recovery is expected to accelerate as the policy continues to be effective and the market continues to repair. Among them, the optional consumption sector maintained a good momentum of prosperity in the fourth quarter with a high probability, and the annual performance was highly certain.

  The big consumption sector "rises with the wind"

  On 18th, the the State Council executive meeting proposed to promote the consumption of home appliances and furniture, and on 19th, the home appliance sector strengthened obviously. Straight flush data shows that as of the close of the day, the household appliance industry index rose by 3.33%, ranking second in the increase of Shenwan first-class industry index. 70% of the stocks in the sector rose, among which Julong Technology and Whirlpool had daily limit, Wanhe Electric, Changhong Huayi, Hisense Home Appliances and other stocks rose by more than 5%, and Midea Group, the industry leader, rose by 5.27%.

  Bank of China Securities believes that in the short term, the prosperity of mandatory home appliances will continue to rise, and the demand side will be good next year, and the valuation is relatively reasonable. In the long run, the completion logic is expected to return again, driving the demand of the home appliance industry to make up; At the same time, the advantages of low cardinal utility in the white electricity and kitchen appliances sectors are obvious, and the trend of industry prosperity recovery is relatively established; After the economy gradually recovered from the impact of the epidemic, the recovery of consumption power was mainly reflected in the increase in the demand for diversified household appliances in a long period after the completion of the consumption of compulsory household appliances.

  At the same time, the Standing Committee of the State Council made clear a number of measures to support the development of "internet plus Tourism" and pushed the leisure service sector higher. On the same day, the leisure service industry index rose by 2.78%, and 27 of the 37 stocks in the sector rose.

  The auto sector, which had been rising for two consecutive days, opened higher and went lower on the 19th, and its performance was relatively weak. The automobile industry index fell by 0.62% that day. Among them, Changan Automobile led the decline by 9.31%, while Luchang Technology, InBeor and BYD fell more than 3%.

  Despite the poor performance of the market that day, institutions are still optimistic about the continuous pulling effect of increasing the number of policies on automobile consumption. Essence Securities pointed out that the regular meeting of the National People’s Congress held on the 18th highlighted three major measures to expand automobile consumption, namely, increasing the number plate index, going to the countryside for automobiles and exchanging old ones for new ones. Among them, all localities are encouraged to increase the number plate index, and the purchase restriction may be further loosened; The resurgence of cars in the countryside will benefit independent brands; The trade-in policy will come out again, and the renewal of old cars is expected to accelerate. Since February, the central government and local governments have successively issued a number of automobile consumption policies. This regular meeting of the State Council once again emphasized the expansion of automobile consumption, which is expected to lead to the introduction of more automobile stimulus policies.

  In recent months, thanks to the strategy of expanding domestic demand and the continuous efforts of various policies to promote consumption, the automobile market demand has continued to recover and corporate profits have steadily rebounded. According to the latest data of China Automobile Association, in October, the production and sales of automobiles in China reached 2.552 million and 2.573 million respectively, up 0.9% and 0.1% from the previous month and 11% and 12.5% from the same period last year.

  Optional consumer materials keep the economy up.

  At present, the recovery rhythm of China’s consumer market has attracted much attention from the market. Some brokers said that the pace of consumption recovery is expected to accelerate due to the continuous strengthening of policies and the continuous repair of the market.

  According to data released by the National Bureau of Statistics on the 16th, in October, the total retail sales of social consumer goods increased by 4.3% year-on-year, and the growth rate was 1 percentage point faster than that of the previous month. Of the 18 categories of retail sales of goods above designated size, 17 have achieved growth, of which 9 categories have maintained double-digit growth. The head of the Consumption Promotion Department of the Ministry of Commerce said on the 17th that in October, driven by the National Day Golden Week and various consumption promotion activities, the consumer demand of residents was fully released, and the total social output accelerated, showing the great potential, strong tenacity and exuberance of China’s consumer market after the test of the epidemic.

  However, many institutions have pointed out that the social zero data in October did not exceed expectations. Guotai Junan International said that although the growth rate of China’s total social income in October was lower than expected, it still reflected the sustained recovery of domestic consumption, and the domestic retail industry had stepped out of the haze of the epidemic and continued to improve. According to the analysis of Northeast Securities, although the zero growth rate in October was not as good as the market expectation, it was not bad structurally. There are two main factors that drag down consumption: first, the catering industry is still recovering slowly, which is because residents’ willingness to go out for catering consumption in the post-epidemic era is still relatively low; Second, the consumption of oil and products has dropped a lot, which is caused by the weak international oil price. It can be seen that the impact of consumption is mainly exogenous factors, and from the perspective of economic endogenous demand, consumption in most industries has increased well.

  "Considering that residents’ income level and residents’ willingness to consume have certain room for improvement, the follow-up residents’ consumption is expected to continue the repair process." The research team of Mingming Bond of CITIC Securities believes that the current growth rate of household consumption is still far lower than the growth rate of disposable income, while household deposits are still at a historical high level, which shows that there is still much room for household consumption to rebound. Considering that with the continuous restoration of the tertiary industry and the continuous effectiveness of the policy of stabilizing employment, there is room for improvement in the income level of subsequent residents and their willingness to consume (corresponding to marginal propensity to consume), and the growth center of consumption during the year is expected to continue to rise.

  Founder Securities said that from the overall characteristics of the optional consumer sector, the sector valuation system is relatively stable, and the performance fluctuates obviously with the economic cycle. The probability of systematic revaluation of the current sector as a whole is small. On the performance level, with the continuous recovery of China’s economy, the optional consumption sector maintained a good trend of prosperity in the fourth quarter with a high probability, and the annual performance was highly certain. On the whole, the overall performance boom of the optional consumer sector can be maintained at least until the first quarter of next year. It is the main direction in the future to select sub-sectors and individual stocks with sustained and certain performance.

San Diego Comic-Con Science: Your beloved Raytheon Loki has been here!

The annual San Diego Comic Con is just around the corner.

Special feature of 1905 film network  The annual San Diego Comic Con is coming again! This year’s comic-con is still full of stars, crouching tiger, hidden dragon, famous directors such as Spielberg, and superheroes such as Justice League, Raytheon and Panther are also gearing up. Game of Thrones, which has been on the altar all the year round, can’t be underestimated as well as rising star westworld. For a time, the eyes of fans all over the world turned to this beautiful coastal city.

Speaking of the impressive activities of Comic-Con, what Xiaobian first thought of was the one that surprised fans in 2013.

On July 20th, 2013, Hall H of the San Diego Convention and Exhibition Center (the main venue of the comic exhibition) was packed. The staff introduced the post-production to the fans, but the scene suddenly went into darkness and the microphone suddenly lost its sound. This scene made people think that there was an accident.

Suddenly, a thunderous voice resounded through the hall: "Man, look at how low you have fallen!"? Gathered in the dark, like wild animals! " After saying his word, a "lightning" threw a cold white light out of thin air. "Shake Sen" Tom Hiddleston stood proudly on the stage in the gorgeous armor of the evil god Loki, scanning the audience coldly, and the excited screams of the fans almost overturned the roof.

"Shake the Sen" into the play

Later, "Shake the Sen" continued to set a good example, giving people the illusion of watching Shakespeare’s stage plays.From Asgard, the fairy palace, the proud little public performance sometimes called on the audience: "Call my name and be loyal to me!" " Sometimes put your index finger on your lips to signal that everyone is quiet, control the rhythm strongly, and the gas field is breathtaking.

"Shake the Sen" gas field is breathtaking.

In this way, Loki "swept" Hall H with lightning speed/storm. Although "Shake Sen" is very attractive, the glittering logo behind him is equally eye-catching. Non-fans and fans can’t help asking: What kind of grand event is San Diego Comic Con? (Xiaobian won’t tell you, this is the real wonderful conference 23333)

Although San Diego Comic-Con always comes as scheduled, not everyone knows its ins and outs.Let’s review its "past lives" together ~


Origin & Things You May Not Know


"International Comic-Con: San Diego", referred to as SDCC, usually lasts for 4 days (Thursday to Sunday) and is held in summer.San Diego is located in the southwest corner of California, USA.Known for its warm climate and numerous beaches, it is known as the "best city in America" and the economic center of the San Diego-Tijuana metropolitan area.The current comic-con event has become a diversified comprehensive event, the scope is not limited to comics, and works from different fields have entered one after another, and the publicity and promotion conferences of all parties are fierce, but it was not the case at first.

"Quanyou" is a creative exhibition.


The first San Diego Comic-Con was held in 1970, when it was founded by a group of comic fans such as Schell Doff and Richard Alf. Schell Doff initiated the Detroit Comic-Con in the 1960s (one of the first veterans of comic-Con). He moved to San Diego in the 1970s and prepared a one-day mini-exhibition on March 21st, hoping to take this opportunity to organize large-scale exhibitions in the future. Perhaps he never thought that San Diego Comic Con would become the focus of the world in the future.

9 comic book fun tips


1. After the initial mini-exhibition, the first San Diego Comic-Con, which lasted for three days from August 1 to August 3, 1970, attracted 300 people (another 100 people were written by foreign media). Although it seems sparsely populated now, considering the cultural environment at that time, this figure has demonstrated the attraction of Comic-Con to the public.

The El Coste Hotel, one of the local landmarks, was once the main venue for the exhibition.


2. Comic-Con once set up the University of California, San Diego, San Diego Golden Hall, El Coste Hotel, etc. As the venue, in 1991, the main venue was moved to the San Diego Convention and Exhibition Center. In recent years, libraries, theaters, children’s parks, etc. will also undertake some activities.

The San Diego Convention and Exhibition Center is integrated with the beautiful scenery, and the dome has a sense of design.

3. The full name of Comic Con — — The name "International Comic-Con: San Diego" was first formed in 1995. Before that, the Title of Comic-Con was changed several times. In 1970, it was called "Golden State Comic-Con", in 1972 it was called San Diego West Coast Comic-Con, and in 1973 it was a concise San Diego Comic-Con. Every year, there will be a preview field the day before the official opening (Wednesday night) to provide participants with an "exhibition catalogue", which is actually to let them know about the main activities, exhibitors and guests. The preview activity is only open for 3 hours (6 -9 pm), so this night is also called "warm-up night".

The first San Diego Comic Con was actually called "Golden State Comic Con"

San Diego West Coast Comic Con, a former name, is also cool.


4. Los Angeles is close to San Diego. Guess what the Hollywood team first entered the San Diego Comic Con to promote? Of course, the American people are obsessed with it now! Charles Liebencott, the director of the film’s announcement, put slides on the stage, but the scene was deserted, and only a handful of people participated in the exhibition, in sharp contrast to today’s sea of people.

Hollywood actually came to comic exhibition as early as the 1970s.

Hollywood film giants are in Los Angeles (marked in purple), which is close to San Diego (marked in red).

5. The last day of San Diego Comic-Con is "Children’s Day". In addition to film-related publicity, there are also some activities open to families. Children aged 12 and under can enter for free (provided that parents need to buy tickets).

The children are very engaged in playing.

6. In 2015, the number of exhibitors in San Diego Comic-Con reached an astonishing 160,000! In 45 years, the influence of comic exhibition is not the same as that of that year.

Every comic season, San Diego is crowded.


7. Every year, San Diego Comic-Con will hold a "masquerade ball", and encourage exhibitors who are creative and outstanding in costume matching to show themselves boldly. The winner of the "masquerade ball" will win 1000 dollars and a commemorative medal. In 2015, a group with the theme of "haunted house" stood out.

They swept the San Diego Comic-Con masquerade in 2015 and won many awards.


8. The "masquerade ball" is not the only place where you can play Cosplay. Fans in the exhibition hall usually take the route of "evil spirit madness" and dress up as their favorite characters.

The fans had a great time in the comic exhibition.

The Big Bang TheoryThe otaku in the movie once incarnated as "Justice League", and Pan Xiaohua looked unhappy.


9. When you open the San Diego Comic-Con official website, you can often see a cute toucan. Designer Rick Gilley originally thought of using this strange and precious large bird as the signboard of the exhibition, but according to him, he just wanted to paint animals dressed as human beings, and then the toucan became a symbol of the exhibition. According to official website, this bird retired gloriously in 1995, but until today, its sense of existence is still very strong.

This cute little bird often appears in official website today.

Rare design manuscripts in early years

Designer’s colored logo data map

Next page:How did San Diego Comic-Con, a paradise for pop culture, rise?

The new rules came in April! Everything is important!

  CCTV News:From April 1st, a batch of new laws and regulations will be formally implemented. Including the reduction of value-added tax rate in some industries; Entry-exit documents are "nationwide"; Relevant persons in charge of primary and secondary schools and kindergartens should have meals with students; The implementation of the new national standard for electric bicycles.

  The value-added tax has been lowered, and the prices of automobiles and gasoline have begun to decrease.

  According to the "Announcement on Deepening the Policies of VAT Reform", from April 1st, some industries will be taxed at 13% instead of 16%, mainly involving manufacturing and other industries. Items subject to the 10% tax rate will be taxed at the 9% tax rate, mainly involving transportation, postal services, construction, real estate, basic telecommunications services and agricultural products. At present, many car companies have lowered their prices in advance. From 0: 00 on April 1st, the maximum retail price of gasoline and diesel in China was reduced by 225 yuan and 200 yuan respectively.

  Ordinary passports, passes to and from Hong Kong and Macao, and passes to and from Taiwan are all available nationwide.

  From April 1st, the entry and exit documents of the People’s Republic of China, such as ordinary passports, passes to and from Hong Kong and Macao, and passes to and from Taiwan, will be handled nationwide. Mainland residents can apply for the above-mentioned entry and exit documents at any entry and exit management window in the country, and the application procedures are the same as their household registration.

  Relevant persons in charge of primary and secondary schools and kindergartens should have meals with students.

  The Ministry of Education, the State Administration of Market Supervision and National Health Commission jointly issued the Regulations on the Management of Food Safety and Nutrition Health in Schools, which will be implemented from April 1st. It is required that primary and secondary schools and kindergartens should establish a centralized meal accompanying system, and each meal should be shared by the relevant person in charge of the school and the students, and the accompanying meal records should be made to find and solve the problems existing in the centralized meal process in time.

  The new national standard for electric bicycles was implemented on April 15th.

  The new national standard has improved the safety performance of electric bicycles in an all-round way, from the original mandatory provisions to full-text mandatory provisions, adding technical indicators such as tamper resistance, fire resistance, flame retardant performance and charger protection, and adjusting and improving technical indicators such as speed limit, vehicle quality and pedaling ability.

  According to the requirements of the new national standard, the maximum design speed of electric bicycles should not exceed 25 kilometers per hour and should not be modified. When speeding, the system should continue to give a prompt sound. Compared with the old national standard of electric bicycle, the motor power is adjusted from 240W to 400W, and the vehicle mass (including battery) is adjusted from 40kg to 55kg. The pedal riding function is mandatory, and the unique vehicle code is required to be permanently marked at the inseparable part of the frame body.

  Implementation of the new version of the management performance assessment method for the heads of central enterprises

  The revised "Measures for Evaluating the Operating Performance of Responsible Persons of Central Enterprises" will come into effect on April 1st. Under the principle of quality first and benefit first, the new assessment method highlights the assessment and guidance of scientific and technological innovation, encourages enterprises to increase R&D investment, and regards R&D investment as profit. Highlight positive incentive assessment and strengthen "performance rise, salary rise, performance drop and salary drop".

  The Emergency Regulations on Production Safety Accidents came into effect in April.

  The Emergency Regulations on Production Safety Accidents will come into effect on April 1st. The regulations put forward institutional measures for the construction mode, mode and requirements of emergency rescue teams, especially in the construction of hazardous enterprises, and the measures are more rigid. After the team is completed, it should be equipped with necessary equipment and equipment, and the team members should be trained and have corresponding emergency rescue capabilities to ensure that they can play their due role in the accident rescue process.

Chen Yingming, a 95-year-old master of aviation painting, died, and the drawing error never exceeded 5%

  Chen Yingming hand-painted the Ten Fighters

  Young Chen Yingming

  I have been reading aviation knowledge magazines since middle school, and I have been reading Chen Lao’s paintings and articles. I visited Chen Lao several years ago because of the story of a China pilot. After several visits, it was rare to have a good conversation with Chen Lao in his hometown Cantonese. I am grateful to know him and learn a lot.

  — — Hong Kong director Chen Jiashang told the Chengdu Business Daily reporter about his contacts with Chen Lao on the Internet.

  Teacher Chen Yingming pioneered aviation painting for a generation, inspiring countless people’s aviation dreams — — Including me. Deeply cherish the memory of teacher Chen Yingming.

  — — Dai Xiaopeng, a model airplane man in Beijing

  I recall that my teacher and I talked about aviation allusions all night, made coffee, went to KFC, looked through historical files at our desks and doodled airplanes … … Still vivid, unforgettable. What a fatherly teacher left me was the truth of being a man and the method of studying. Have a good trip, teacher!

  — — Jiangdong, Shanghai aviation history expert and model maker.

  A pen, depicting the waves in the sky.

  A pair of hands, so that the precision aircraft can be seen.

  A volume of history tells the history of aviation in China for a hundred years.

  Years are advancing with the times, and the hero is dying. At the age of 95, Chen Yingming, a model airplane master, left his lifelong career on the 14th and returned to the blue sky he yearned for most.

  The master of aviation art was an early participant in the construction of aviation industry in New China. He was well known as an expert in aviation history, an aviation painter and a model airplane designer. Until the moment he left, he never stopped searching for the aviation history of China.

  Fighters, bombers and transport planes & HELIP; … Various planes in different periods in the history of aviation development are vivid in Chen Yingming’s works. His aviation paintings, accompanied by the growth of a generation, exist in the form of a "textbook", which makes many young people look to the sky.

  Chengdu Business Daily reporter Huan Xiaohuai

  Netizen remembers

  Inspired by his paintings

  A group of people joined the aviation industry.

  At 5: 05 on April 14th, Chen Yingming passed away and said goodbye to Chengdu, where he lived for most of his life. His son Chen Dabo wanted to follow the wishes of the old man and keep everything simple, but the news spread like wildfire, and Chen Lao students, aviation enthusiasts and aviation history researchers from all over the world forwarded and cherished it.

  A military fan netizen told the reporter that he and many friends grew up watching Chen Lao’s plane diagram. "His spread of aviation knowledge in China has influenced a group of people to join the aviation industry.".

  Chen Yingming has a large number of admirers, and even Hong Kong director Chen Jiashang visited Chen Yingming’s home in Chengdu several times. In 2016, he published Aviation Knowledge and a recent photo of Chen Lao in Weibo, and mentioned that "this is my favorite magazine when I was young, and I regard all kinds of illustrations in it as treasures. Talk to him (Chen Lao) about the history of China Air Force, and have fun. ". On January 24 this year, he once again took a photo with Chen Lao and wished the elderly a happy Spring Festival. Last night, after learning the news of the old man’s death, he sent Weibo to express his condolences. "Teacher, go well." It is understood that Chen Jiashang is going to shoot a film about the air combat against Japan, hoping that Chen Lao can help improve the script and provide advice and guidance.

  At the end of life

  Give the manuscript to the students

  Tell them to continue their research.

  Chen Dabo, the only son of Chen Yingming, is 67 years old. He told the Chengdu Business Daily reporter that at the end of last year, the old man had surgery for bladder stones, and later he had a lung infection. After leaving the hospital, he didn’t eat much, and his life was difficult to take care of himself. Chen Dabo proposed to send the elderly to a maintenance center with medical functions, but it was difficult for the elderly to give up a room full of information in their small house, which was integrated into their lifelong efforts.

  It was not until March that the old man promised to go to the maintenance center. In the last period of his life, the old man also instructed the students to sort out the manuscripts and materials at home. Zhong Yihui is Chen Yingming’s most trusted student. "His memory is super strong. Even if his words are unclear, he has a clear memory of some anti-Japanese war history and air combat figures."

  Before his death, Chen Yingming gave some information to Zhong Yihui, asking him to "further sort it out and make good use of it". Zhong Yihui mentioned that Chen Lao’s unfinished business is to let more people participate in aviation research and propaganda, let more people be willing to engage in aircraft design and manufacturing, and let our aviation equipment and aviation industry truly take the lead in the world.

  For Chen Dabo, it is a pity that his father did not leave himself a model plane and an aerial painting. Chen Yingming once entrusted his grandson to donate dozens of aerial paintings to Tsinghua University, but only left his son a manuscript and some handwritten music scores.

  His pursuit

  Insisting on staying in Chengdu has his youth and career here.

  Participate in the preparation of a flying factory.

  Set up an airplane model room

  Chen Yingming was originally from Guangdong, and his grandfather was an overseas Chinese in Vietnam. In February 1923, Chen Yingming was born in Hanoi, Vietnam. At the age of seven, the French held an industrial exhibition in Hanoi, and Chen Yingming devoted his eyes to the three biplanes in the exhibition hall. This "encounter" made him obsessed with describing airplanes and making model airplanes, which formed an indissoluble bond with the aviation industry and became his lifelong pursuit.

  In 1949, Chen Yingming came to Guangzhou and later joined civil aviation. In 1952, Chen Yingming was transferred to Taiyuan Civil Aviation Repair Factory and participated in the production of the first self-designed airplane model engine "5138" in New China.

  In 1956, Chen Yingming was transferred to the preparatory office of Chengdu New Factory of the Ministry of Aviation to prepare for Chengdu Aircraft Factory (now China Aviation Industry Chengfei Company). In 1958, after Chengfei Factory was officially launched, he set out to set up an "aircraft model room". Here, he trained the second and third generation model makers of Chengfei Factory. Later, Chen Lao was transferred to Qingjiang Instrument Factory (now China Aviation Industry Chengdu Kaitian Electronics Co., Ltd.). According to his students’ memories, during this period, Chen Yingming also participated in the successful design and production of the first aerometer pitot tube, the second aerometer magnetic compass and the third aerometer altimeter in New China.

  Zhong Yihui mentioned that many relatives of Chen Yingming are overseas, and some relatives asked him to live overseas, but he insisted on staying in Chengdu. "There is his youth here, a career he loves, and he is used to life in Chengdu." Chen Dabo explained.

  It takes 17 years

  Compile the history of aircraft in China.

  After retirement, Chen Yingming still likes to stay in the study, collecting and sorting out information. He once spent 17 years working with other domestic scholars to compile the first history of aircraft development in China’s aviation for a hundred years. Downturn to version 02

  He is good at blowing, pulling and playing, and will make coffee for every visitor.

  His life

  Chen Dabo did not inherit his father’s career, but his choice was also influenced by his father. Before retiring, Chen Dabo was engaged in music teaching in Sichuan Conservatory of Music. At the age of six, Chen Dabo learned to play the violin with his father and went to the factory to perform. "I play the violin and he plays the guitar." Chen Dabo recalled that his father had an art troupe in the factory that year. He was good at trumpet, violin and cello.

  In leisure time, the old people like to sit down and drink coffee and eat western food, which is influenced by their early life. Chen Yingming’s second apartment in Chengdu has received many aviation enthusiasts. "As long as you go to the elderly, the elderly will give visitors a cup of coffee." Zhong Yihui said, "He likes to communicate and share with young people."

The film channel will broadcast jacques perrin’s representative works such as Paradise Cinema.

Special feature of 1905 film network According to foreign media reports, a famous French actor, director and producer died on April 21st local time at the age of 80.

Jacques perrin is a legend of French films.

As an actor, at the age of 25, he won the Golden Lion Award for Best Actor at Venice Film Festival with the film "Half a Man".

Stills of Half a Man

As a producer, his works have been nominated for the Oscar for Best Foreign Language Film for many times.

Based on the real assassination

Let behan be nominated for the Oscar as a producer for the first time

As a director, his nature documentaries and other epic works, which started shooting in 1980s, made him a documentary master in the hearts of global audiences, and also earned him the reputation as a French national treasure director.

To many people, jacques perrin’s artistic life seems to be open.He was born in France in 1941. Because his father was the stage supervisor and his mother was an actor, he lived in the theater since he was a child. Started in movie master at the age of six.Marcel CarnéGuest role in "Gate of the Night".

"Night Gate" screen

At the age of 20, he was admitted to the National Paris Institute of Advanced Theatre Arts and received professional training. In 1960, he took the leading role in the film of the famous Italian film director Valerio Surini, and made his mark in the film industry.

Stills of suitcase girl

In 1966, with his outstanding performance in Half a Man, he won the Golden Lion Award for Best Actor at the Venice Film Festival, becoming one of the youngest film emperors in film history and the Prince Charming in the eyes of thousands of girls in Europe.

cooperate with

Today, people can’t take their eyes off him. However, at this time, jacques perrin has a broader ideal: to find broader freedom in movies.

In the days surrounded by flowers and applause, jacques perrin never stopped reflecting, just like his creative attitude. Because behind the open life, he also experienced the loss that outsiders can’t imagine.

In 1970, at the age of 29, jacques perrin gradually retired from the background and tried to be a producer. The number of films was amazing. Up to now, we are familiar with many French films, such as Children of Lumiere, Long Engagement and Perfume. You can not only find his figure in these films, but also find his name in the list of titles and producers.

Play the role of adult Pierre in Spring of Cowboy Class.

But he also experienced many box office fiasco. Especially in 1976, because of heavy debts, he was once forced to interrupt his production work.

Stills of "The Desert of Tatars"

It was Giuseppe tornado who made his name appear on the Oscar shortlist for best foreign language film in 1988. He played Duo Duo as an adult.

There are many middle-aged people in Paradise Cinema.

When many young people leave their hometown, they bid farewell to Alfredo. This grandpa’s line has made many people cry.

"Whatever you want to do in the end, love it!"

This seems to be the rule that jacques perrin abided by all his life. In 1989, the production of "Monkey Family" made him really shift his focus to the theme of natural ecology, which also marked the rise of animal movies in France.

Since 1994, jacques perrin has successively released the trilogy of "Heaven, Earth and Man": "Migrating Birds", with migratory birds, insects and mountain people as the main characters, which has aroused widespread concern.

Working photos of Migrating Birds

During most of his life devoted to nature documentaries, he flew over five continents with pilots and scientists for Migrating Birds, and crossed the Pacific Ocean and the Atlantic Ocean. The Himalayas and the Sahara Desert were also their stops. I also lost everything for "The Ocean".

Work photos of Ocean

The documentary "Ocean", which took a team of 400 people seven years and cost 75 million dollars, is the most expensive documentary in history. The film has shot more than 100 marine creatures, which not only shows the law of natural selection, but also tells the life of harmonious coexistence among marine creatures. Different from the common nature documentary, it records the vivid images of marine life that are little known and have strong feelings.

Jacques perrin has been preparing for Ocean for more than two years and filming for more than four years. He has designed the most advanced instruments to see the ocean with the vision of fish. He raised money while filming, and even had to resort to corporate sponsorship from all over the world to seek the support of publishers, film organizations and charities from all over the world. Later, the film overspent 9 million euros, which later became a huge debt on him.

In the end, The Ocean not only won the best documentary in César Awards, but also became the highest-grossing documentary in history.

Jacques perrin’s shooting technique of natural and ecological documentary has reached a fantastic level by the time of this film. He vividly reproduces the nature of the universe from three aspects: three-dimensional shooting of space, synchronization of sound and picture, and impersonal objective recording, bringing the audience into the natural ecology and immersing them in the movie dream.

In the dream, flocks of birds fly by us, and they will be deeply stared at by the cute sea lions.

"If the earth one day, only ourselves. Is there anything sadder than this? Our film is not the kind that always has a sequel, or we hope that the audience can experience the beauty of nature in the cinema! "

In 2015, jacques perrin was included as a member of the French Oceanographic Association, and worked closely with the world ecologists as a French eco-filmmaker, using the power of movies to awaken human beings’ attention to the earth’s ecological problems.

In China, the documentary directed by jacques perrin is the most familiar foreign documentary film, especially regarded as one of the compulsory courses of aesthetic education by family audiences. His Spring of Cowboy Class and Paradise Cinema have also influenced a generation of China filmmakers.

In memory of the French filmmaker familiar to the audience in China, the film channel will be held at:

At 8:50 on April 23, the documentary "Ocean" directed by jacques perrin was broadcast;

At 22:20 on April 25th, the classic movie Paradise Cinema starring jacques perrin was broadcast.

On April 30th, at 17:20 pm, World Movie Journey will launch a special program in memory of jacques perrin, so stay tuned!

Li Keqiang cultivates "double innovation ecosystem": China is becoming a global "maker paradise"

  Giving up a high-paying job in San Francisco and starting a business in Shenzhen, China, Canadian Lawrence’s choice won the support of many friends around him.

  "They are very envious when they know that I am coming to China, because they think that China has the most imaginative market at present." Lawrence said, "The atmosphere of entrepreneurial innovation in China is very strong, and you have unlimited possibilities to achieve what you want to do."

  In fact, more and more overseas "makers" choose to come to China just like Lawrence, and what attracts them is the "mass entrepreneurship and innovation" advocated by Premier China.

  Go to China to start a business! ",the British" Financial Times "website that noticed this phenomenon reported on this topic. "Economist" magazine also said: "Shanzhai merchants are gone, and innovators are coming!" Taking Shenzhen as an example, the report points out that it is attracting all kinds of entrepreneurs around the world who are trying to make new products in new ways. Invention and innovation are transforming the whole Pearl River Delta into an advanced manufacturing cluster.

  Chen Siyu, Commercial Officer of the Swedish Consulate General in Shanghai, said that Sweden is a "country of innovation", and there are about 20,000 start-ups with a total population of 10 million. However, in recent years, Swedish entrepreneurs have come to China one after another, because most of them have to rely on their own development to start their own businesses in Sweden. In China, the government has invested a lot of manpower, material resources and financial resources to support entrepreneurial innovation, and with a relatively complete industrial chain in all walks of life, it is called "maker’s paradise".

  "internet plus" faces the whole world, and foreigners find new opportunities in China.

  "China is vigorously promoting ‘ Internet plus & rsquo; This is itself global. " On June 28th, Premier Li Keqiang’s statement during the dialogue and exchange with the representatives of international business circles attending the Davos Forum in the summer of 2017 was regarded as a "strong signal" released to foreign businessmen.

  China’s booming "internet plus" and consumption upgrading have already made more and more foreigners see the business opportunities of starting new businesses. And China’s superior "double innovation" environment is making their entrepreneurial dream come true.

  German Alberton founded Zanado Company in China, which not only provided online travel booking service, but also opened an offline VR experience store, bringing travelers a 360-degree virtual travel experience. Alberton said that China people are willing to "try early", while it may take 10 years for the United States and Europe to accept these.

  Lan Jili, founder of Vitas, a game and entertainment production company, believes that the China government is very friendly to entrepreneurs, and "we have the opportunity to bring new technologies into China". Jared, founder of R2Games, said: "In the era of mobile Internet, it is safe to say that China is ahead of Americans in this area. For a global Internet company, the opportunity is now in China. It won’t happen anywhere else, it can only happen here. "

  It takes two years in the United States and only half a year in China. China is the first choice for hardware entrepreneurship.

  The Economist also found that China is rewriting another rule, that is, embracing open innovation. Taking Shenzhen as an example, the report points out that China’s open innovators are not secretive, but are committed to providing solutions for the public. Analysts pointed out that the "double-innovation ecosystem" formed by the integration of China’s policy support and complete industrial chain is unmatched by many other countries.

  The world’s thinnest folding full-color touch screen produced by Rouyu Technology Co., Ltd. needs a lot of "integrated innovation" and "maker" ecosystems from early research to finished products. Bill Liu, the founder of the company, said that when he set out to establish Rouyu, it was clear that the company had to establish itself in Shenzhen to be successful.

  Jenny Lee, an investor in the hardware industry and a partner of GGV capital (GGV), said that in Shenzhen, it takes only half a year for a hardware startup to turn a concept into a product, which usually takes two years in the United States. When Revols, a Canadian "maker", tried to develop economical customized headphones in Montreal, he found that things there were slow and expensive. After he moved the company to Shenzhen, he quickly made a prototype and the product has been put into production.

  "China’s already blazing pace of innovation is still accelerating!" The Economist said. Many multinational companies have set up "observation posts" in China to pay close attention to the latest trends here. Shenzhen, China has become one of the global innovation centers of intelligent manufacturing, and is favored by all kinds of "makers".

  Scientific research results can land, and scientists bring "black technology"

  Many foreign "makers" said that overseas, many "black technologies" are only academic achievements, but coming to China, which is full of possibilities, can make it a reality.

  Professor Wusi Kaelte, an academician of the European Academy of Sciences, believes that China’s government and industry are actively promoting the application of artificial intelligence (AI) and big data, and starting a business in China is the best opportunity for its research results to land. The scientist in the field of artificial intelligence set up the Institute of Know Infinite Artificial Intelligence in Beijing in May this year, and cooperated with JD.COM, BOE and other enterprises to help China enterprises build an innovative ecosystem in the fields of AI visual recognition and translation.

  Liu Huijun, dean of the School of Electronic Engineering of the Korean Academy of Sciences, also settled in Dongguan with the whole team. Its "black technology" AI-AR smart glasses will be mass-produced locally, which can realize remote precision maintenance of automobiles and airplanes. As long as the staff wear this kind of smart glasses, they can see the maintenance scene and remotely maintain it. In the process, they can also see the analysis of the fault made by AI behind the glasses.

  In the article calling for starting a business in China, the Financial Times website wrote that overseas entrepreneurs who have successfully started a business in China have pointed out a new path for young people who are interested in starting a business.

  As Premier Li Keqiang said: "Our entrepreneurial innovation is open. We should sum up experience and attract enterprises from more countries to come with capital, technology and talents, so as to achieve a win-win situation in cooperation." (Beijing News special correspondent Mu Yi)

Super League star Sai Xinfeng missed a penalty, and the northern team won the southern team 16-15.

  Netease Sports News: This afternoon, the 2007 Super League North-South Star Tournament was held in Shanghai Jinshan District Stadium. In the end, Rooney scored four goals, Zou Yougen, Vicente and Yang Lin contributed to the South Team, while Tao Wei of the North Team scored twice, goals from Qu Bo, Li Jinyu, Diego, Elvis and Zhao Junzhe sealed the score at 7-7. In the penalty shootout, Xin Feng missed the penalty, and the northern team beat the southern team 9-8 (with a total score of 16-15) to win.



  This is the fourth time that the China Football Professional League has hosted the Star Tournament. In 1994 and 1995, the North-South Star Tournament was held at the beginning of League A, but since then, this grand ceremony of China football was interrupted. Until last season, the Football Association held the first all-star match in the history of the Super League in Jinan. This year is the second all-star match of the Super League, and the powerful northern team is even more shining. At the same time, various awards of this year’s league will be awarded today.

  Before the competition, the China Football Association and sponsors held a donation ceremony to the Soong Ching Ling Foundation of China, and donated 800,000 yuan to the latter. The game was kicked off by the southern team, and the northern team scored in the first minute. Li Jinyu broke through on the right to the bottom line and returned to the middle road. Tao Wei pushed the ball on the restricted area and the ball went straight to the dead corner, 1-0. Later, the Southern team quickly equalized the score. Wang Yun passed the ball directly to the front of the door. Zou Yougen’s shot was blocked by the defender. Vicente got the ball and shot it single-handedly. The ball was pounced by Li Leilei. Rooney, who was outflanked, succeeded in pushing the empty net, and the score became 1-1. In the 8th minute, the score was rewritten again. Roman Abramovich got the chance to go to the bottom on the left, and one foot crossed to the middle. Rooney easily scored with his heel and the score became 2-1. Later, the northern team quickly equalized the score. The defender of the southern team made a mistake in passing and catching the ball. Qu Bo got the ball and made a long shot in front of the restricted area. The ball rolled into the net again and the score became 2-2.

  The pace of the game didn’t go fast, but the players seemed very relaxed on the court. In the 14th minute, the northern team organized an attack in the frontcourt, and Du Zhenyu suddenly shot a cold shot outside the restricted area, and the ball hit the far post and popped up, almost scoring again. Because it is raining in Shanghai, the field is slippery, which affects the mutual communication and cooperation between the players. In the 21st minute, the Southern Team expanded the score again. Zou Yougen passed the ball to the front of the goal from the left in the restricted area. Rooney didn’t get greedy and continued to pass the ball back to the former. Zou Yougen scored a goal from a small angle and the score became 3-2. Then the northern team immediately equalized the score, and the middle team members directly hit behind them. Zhao Junzhe headed back to the middle in the restricted area, and Li Jinyu volleyed the goal with his right foot. In the 29th minute, Roman Abramovich succeeded in offside and passed Li Leilei. Rooney received the ball and deliberately stayed in front of the door for a period of time before pushing the far corner. The score became 4-3. Then the northern team immediately returned the favor, and the curve wave broke through on the right and passed to the door, and the goalkeeper struggled to save the ball.

  The backward northern team stepped up their offensive. In the 34th minute, Du Zhenyu stopped the ball in front of the restricted area, and volley and the goalkeeper punched the ball. This shot was very wonderful. Two minutes later, the Southern team expanded its lead, and Wang Yun passed the ball to Li Yan at the bottom line on the right. The latter’s heavy bombardment caused Li Leilei to save the ball and Vicente easily made up the shot, and the score was rewritten to 5-3. In the 41st minute, the southern team organized an attack in the frontcourt, and Li Yan’s shot in front of the restricted area was higher than the crossbar. In the 43rd minute, the northern team got a chance on the left, and Zhikov made a high-quality cross to the goal. Unfortunately, Qu Bo’s header was slightly higher than the crossbar.

  In the 50 th minute, the southern team made a long pass in the backcourt and Rooney quickly inserted it. The goalkeeper took the lead in clearing the ball. In the 54th minute, the northern team pulled back a point, and Elvis left the left unguarded, easily leveled the ball to the middle, and Diego succeeded in shooting from the far corner, and the score was rewritten to 5-4. Later, the southern team returned the favor. Wang Yun passed the ball to the middle of the road on the right. Rooney’s powerful long-range shot missed the goal, followed by Zhang Ye’s loss of the ball in the backcourt. Elvis’s shot in front of the restricted area caused the goalkeeper to get rid of the ball, but the second shot quickly hugged it. In the 57th minute, the southern team played a series of subtle cooperation. Rooney stopped the ball in the back of the chest and volleyed across the door. Wang Yun passed the ball again in the restricted area, and Yang Lin, who was inserted later, pushed the goal and the score became 6-4. Then the northern team also scored a goal immediately. Elvis successfully shot the far corner on the left side of the restricted area, and the score became 6-5. In the 63rd minute, Rooney put on a solo performance, dribbling the ball from the left side to the restricted area and hitting the side net.

  As the game went on, the scene was a little dull. In the 68th minute, Elvis passed in front of the restricted area, and then he shot with his long foot. The ball was saved by the goalkeeper, and Dong Wang’s supplementary shot hit the defender out of the bottom line. Then the northern team seized the opportunity. Tao Wei faced the defense in front of the restricted area and dodged the empty shot. The ball entered the door against the far post, and the score became 6-6. In the 74th minute, the northern team made a quick counterattack. Wang Yun made a wonderful pass from the front of the restricted area to the back point, and Yang Lin’s header was first cleared. In the 78th minute, the Southern team expanded the score again. Sun Xiang made an assist from the left and made a cross to the frontcourt. Rooney grabbed a header in front of the door and the score became 7-6. Then Rooney once again showed his football talent, and an imaginative shot almost broke the door again. In the 82nd minute, the Northern Team equalized the score, and Tao Wei returned to the middle from the left. Zhao Junzhe took the ball with two steps and shot with his right foot. The ball crossed the goalkeeper and fell into the net, and the score became 7-7.

  In the penalty shootout, Diego first volleyed the goal, and Sun Xiang’s powerful long-range shot equalized the score for the South Team. In the second round of penalty, Tao Wei deceived the goalkeeper and sent the ball into the net. Wang Yun’s very tricky shot made the goalkeeper helpless. In the third round, Zhang Yaokun scored a goal and Lu Feng equalized for the southern team; In the fourth round, Dong Wang took the lead in sending the ball into the goal, and Rooney also easily broke the goal; In the fifth round, Du Zhenyu made a strong long-range goal, and Ma Cheng’s shot deceived the goalkeeper. In the sixth round, Zhao Junzhe’s shot hit the crossbar and bounced into the net, and Li Weifeng also broke the door of Zong Lei. In the seventh round, Elvis’ shot was successful, and Zhang Ye also successfully scored a penalty. In the eighth round, Zhang Shuai hit a penalty kick and Yang Lin also broke the goal. In the ninth round, Hao Junmin took the lead in penalty, and Xin Feng’s shot was higher than the crossbar. In the end, the northern team beat the southern team 9-8 on penalty.

  Southern Team’s appearance lineup (4-4-2): 18-Song Zhenyu (46’1- Shengjiong Qiu); 3- Li Weifeng, 6- Li Yan (41’14- Ma Cheng), 5- Dewey (40’4- Sun Xiang), 13- Emerson; 11- Abu (40’2- Xinfeng), 8- Zheng Bin (46’7- Lu Feng), 9- Zou Yougen (46’12- Zhangye), 15- Wang Yun; 10- Vicente (46’16- Yang Lin), 17- Rooney

  Northern Team’s appearance lineup (4-4-2): 1-Li Leilei (46’18- Zong Lei); 2- Cao Yang (46’7- Hao Junmin), 3- Ka barreiro (46’5- Zhang Yaokun), 4- Xu Yunlong (46’13- kelvin wong), 12- Zhang Shuai; 15- Zhikov (46’6- Dong Wang), 8- Tao Wei, 9- Zhao Junzhe, 14- Du Zhenyu; 10- Li Jinyu (46’16- Diego), 11- Qubo (46’17- Elvis)

Editor: Shuo Yang

Does running make people younger or older?

Some time ago, a runner left a message asking: Why do some people run younger and younger, while others run older and older? Are they running too much without oxygen?

This is indeed a question that many people like to discuss. When we write about some running characters, we often see similar messages, such as writing about running friends who lose weight. Some people will leave a message saying: How do you feel older after losing weight?

Not long ago, I wrote that the British 60-year-old grandfather broke the world record of 60-year-old half horse with 1:11:09:?

?Then a runner left a message saying: it looks too old, and the 70-year-old people who do farm work at home are not as old as him.

However, the same 60-year-old Japanese grandfather Iwanaga Yoshiji, who ran 33 minutes and 39 seconds in 10,000 meters, changed his message style.

Let’s look at the 70-year-old Shaoxing horse running out of 258 yellow wealth. If there are running friends, leave a message: My dad is 70 years old, and he looks at least 10 years younger than my dad.

Let’s take a look at this runner we interviewed before who lost 80 pounds by running:

Then a runner left a message to refute the saying that running will make people old:"Let’s look at the aging after running. This has changed from thirty or forty uncles to small meat."

Is it very confusing? Why do some people look younger after running and others look older after running?

Today we are going to talk about this topic.Whether running makes people old or young.


A study published in the Journal of Applied Physiology in 2018 shows that running for a long time can make your body at least 10 years younger. this isBecause regular exercise all the year round will greatly improve the health of cardiovascular system, bones and muscles.

Dr. Scott Trappe, who is in charge of this study, said: Many people who are 75 years old but exercise regularly actually have the same level of cardiovascular health as middle-aged people aged 40-45.

In 2017, an American study also showed thatLong-term running can prolong life span by 7 years.

Even if your weekly exercise only reaches the minimum recommended to keep healthy, you can prolong your life. Research shows that you can live longer as long as you start exercising, regardless of your age, gender and health status.

If you have smoked, your life expectancy can be extended by 4.1 years after starting exercise; If you don’t smoke before, you can prolong your life by 3 years. Even if you smoke after you start exercising, you can prolong your life by 2.6 years.


With the increase of age, people will become more and more dull. But regular exercise will keep you agile.

In 2012, the research published in Psychonomic Bulletin & Review believed that regular exercise could resist the mental decline with age, such as selective attention, task switching and working memory.

Researchers at the University of North Carolina found that:Runners have younger brains.Because people who often take part in exercise, their brains will shrink slowly, because exercise will increase blood flow and deliver more oxygen to their brains.


With the increase of age, the bone mass of human body will gradually lose. Osteoporosis is a common disease of the elderly, and running can slow down the speed of bone mass loss.

It is often said that running is easy to hurt your knees. In fact, this is a very big misunderstanding. David Felson, a researcher at Boston University, said in an interview that,Running can make your knees healthier, not damage them.?

"We have learned from long-span studies that running does not hurt your knees." Felson said, "When we look at their knee arthritis, the difference between runners and non-runners is obvious. People who run regularly have a much lower probability of suffering from knee arthritis. "


Two days ago, the State Council released the Report on Nutrition and Chronic Diseases of China Residents (2020), which showed that more than half of the adult residents in China were overweight or obese.

butObesity is the root of all diseases.Metabolic syndrome, sleep apnea and elevated blood pressure are all related to it. The World Health Organization has officially regarded obesity as a disease, so there is no such thing as a healthy fat person!Obesity can reduce people’s life by 8 years on average.

Many chronic diseases, such as "three highs", are inseparable from the word "fat". And many people insist on running for a period of time, and when they go to the physical examination, they will find that these three indicators are normal.


As the saying goes: smile, ten years old. Many people go running when they are stressed or in a bad mood, and they will feel much more comfortable after running. This is because running produces an endogenous phenolic hormone.

In 2006, a study published in Medicine & Science in Sports & Exercise showed that,Simply walking on the treadmill for 30 minutes can immediately improve your mood and get out of depression.

In modern society, the communication between people can be said to be less and less, and it becomes more and more "lonely". Many people pull a long face all day and have no vitality at all.

Persisting in running can relieve stress and improve mood. You can talk to yourself during running, reconcile yourself with yourself, and you will understand when you are running.

Moreover, running is a sport with strong social attributes. You can meet many like-minded friends through running.One person can run faster, and a group of people can run farther and happier!


Human aging is an irreversible natural phenomenon. This is because with the increase of age, the number of mitochondria in cells will decrease, and the decrease of mitochondria will make cells become less and less active, so the body will gradually age.

And the magic of running is thatCan repair mitochondria, which can make cells more energetic, which means the body is younger.?

A researcher at the University of Colorado said, "Running will make your muscles younger. If you increase mitochondria through running, then the young body will affect all aspects, such as reducing heart disease, reducing bone loss and reducing the risk of diabetes. "

In addition, running can also make the aorta more elastic, make the heart younger and reduce the occurrence of various diseases; Make your muscles and bones strong, which is also a necessary part of keeping you young.

Since scientific research shows that running can make people younger, thenWhy do you still get old??

This is because running too much or the intensity is too great.

After a lot of running, especially after taking part in the ultra-long marathon or cross-country race, people feel "getting old". this isBecause after a lot of exercise, the body produces excessive free radicals, which leads to low immunity.

free radical(Free radical, FRs), also called free radical, refers to a group, ion, atom or molecule whose outer orbit contains unpaired electrons; Free radicals are chemically active and have strong oxidation, which can take away electrons from normal cells and tissues, thus damaging cells and tissues.

If you don’t have enough time to recover, free radicals are produced too much or removed too slowly.Excess free radicals will attack life macromolecules and various organelles, causing various damages to the body at the molecular level, cellular level and tissue and organ level, thus causing various injuries to the body. If you go back and forth, people will "age".?

Excessive exercise and fatigue may also lead to neurosis, which will reduce your reaction ability, balance and muscle elasticity, and begin to feel such as dizziness, nausea, bad food, poor sleep, depression, general fatigue, listlessness and tiredness of running.


Last month, the World Health Organization published the Guide to Physical Activity and Sedentary Behavior, which suggested that adults should do it at least once a week.150-300 minutes of moderate-intensity aerobic exercise; Or 75-150 minutes of high-intensity aerobic exercise.; Or the equivalent combination of two kinds of physical activities, you can get great health benefits. This is the minimum amount of exercise.

For additional health benefits, you canDo moderate-intensity aerobic exercise for more than 300 minutes every week; Or more than 150 minutes of high-intensity aerobic exercise;And the equivalent combination of two kinds of physical activities.

Moderate intensity is generally considered as reaching 60% to 80% of the maximum heart rate, while reaching more than 80% is the intense intensity.

As far as running is concerned, 60% to 80% of the maximum heart rate is the intensity of aerobic jogging. Running for 60 minutes a day and five times a week is enough for health.

At the same time, it is also recommended to carry out moderate or high intensity for at least 2 days per week in the guide.Muscle strength training, including all large muscle groups; Limit the time of sitting still and moving less.

Strength training is essential. One of the reasons why 60-year-old Yan Yongyi is young is that he can use different equipment to train and recover strength.

The 70-year-old Huang Wealth once said in an interview that he would take a break every Monday and Friday to train the core strength of his legs and waist and abdomen. "In particular, I strengthened my strength training, and I didn’t feel tired when I ran behind, and I ran faster than the first half."

Academician Zhong Nanshan, on the other hand, takes three or four days a week to get up early for exercise, running for about 25 minutes first, and then doing some strength training for about an hour at a time.

So,Although exercise is good, it is necessary to control the amount and degree. It is best not to carry out a single exercise, and it is more beneficial to health to combine various exercise methods.

Coupled with reasonable intake of nutrition, daily attention to sun protection and other good living habits, people will be healthier, younger and more energetic, thus making your life more quality.

?interactionSo, how has running changed you? Do you look younger than your peers? Welcome to share your message.

Is the English stop announcement of Rail Transit Line 5 inaccurate? Teacher outside Sichuan gave the answer.

Recently, some netizens posted on the Internet that "there is something wrong with the rail transit station? Is this enthusiastic citizen’s reminder correct? " In the post, it is questioned that the grammar of English stop reporting and rolling subtitles in Shiqiaopu-Tiaoping section of rail transit line 5 is inaccurate.
Netizens posted questions.
The netizen "Looking at Bashu with Cold Eyes" posted a post on May 3rd, claiming that some Chongqing citizens complained that the English stop announcement and rolling subtitles of Shiqiaopu-Tiaodeng section of Rail Transit Line 5 were inaccurate, and listed three problems.
The first question, Shiqiaopu starting station. In-car broadcast: Welcome to Chongqing Rail Transit Line 5 Welcome to the Chongqing…… … Netizens think that the one is unnecessary, and it should be: Welcome to Chongqing …
The second question, in-car broadcast: the train will open The doors open on the right, and the right on the right is not pronounced correctly.
The third question, rolling subtitles in the carriage: This train is the Local train. Netizens think it should be: This train is a Local, or: This train is Local.
The rolling subtitles in the carriage photographed by the reporter are as the netizens said.
At noon today (7th), the reporter came to Shiqiaopu Station of Rail Transit Line 5, and took Line 5 from the starting station. As netizens said, the broadcast of the starting station was indeed "Welcome to the Chongqing…… …" Later, through the rolling subtitles in the carriage, the reporter also saw what netizens said, "This train is the Local" and other translations.
Whether there are grammatical problems in these English, the reporter contacted Mr. Li from the School of English, Sichuan International Studies University.
Teacher Li said that the netizen’s suggestion is reasonable.
Teacher Li gave a slightly detailed explanation. First of all, proper nouns should be preceded by zero articles, and definite articles cannot be added before Chongqing. In addition, this train is an ordinary train, which is a general term, and the indefinite article A, a local train is the train that stops at every station. As for whether the pronunciation of right in the second question is accurate, it is impossible to judge because I have not heard the specific content. Teacher Li also said that the usage of English articles is really complicated, and the suggestions of netizens are reasonable and accurate.
At present, the reporter has given feedback to Weibo, the official rail transit official.
Upstream News chongqing morning post reporter Fu Dixi

Please check the "Surfing Manual" of Quanzhou Edition for listening to the waves on the beach.

The persistent high temperature makes the beach in the evening the darling of summer. The reporter carefully arranged and presented you with a Quanzhou version of the "Surfing Manual"-going to the beach to listen to the sea and chase the waves.
Moon Bay
Take the children to the beach to surf in the evening.
Liujiang beach
Chongwu Qingshan Bay
Xiangzhi Fishing Port (Photo courtesy of Shishi Cultural Tourism Bureau)
Overlooking the sea from windmill island
Gold Coast (Photo courtesy of Shishi Cultural Tourism Bureau)
For children, a beach is a happy summer.
Quanzhou is rich in coastal resources, with a coastline of 541 kilometers, ranking fourth in the province. The coastline of the island is 117 kilometers long, ranking second in the province. On the long coastline, there are many beautiful bays, and any place is a beautiful blockbuster under the photographer’s lens.
In the past few days, the reporter has interviewed the cultural and tourism departments in Shishi, Jinjiang, Hui ‘an, Quangang and Taiwanese business districts, and compiled a "surf manual" for Quanzhou’s beautiful beaches. Limited by space, it is inevitable to miss it. If there is an opportunity, the reporter will introduce it to the citizens and friends one by one.
This summer, you might as well bring your family or call three or five friends, pick a favorite beach, stroll on the soft beach, blow the cool sea breeze, surf and laugh, and enjoy the pleasant seaside time. □ Reporter Huang Baoyang Intern You Yaoyao Text/Figure (except signature)
Taiwanese investment zone
Moon Bay
When the tide ebbs, Moon Bay looks like a bend and a half months, hence its name. Beautiful coastline, strange rocks, broad and gentle beaches, delicate and soft sand … have jointly cast a charming Moon Bay. In addition to the natural beach, you can also live in a cabin by the sea, taste delicious snacks, take a ride on speedboats and beach motorcycles, and experience the vigor and vitality of the sea.
Address: Beidi, Fushan Village, Zhangban Town, Taiwanese Investment Zone
Otaku island
Moon Bay is located on the north side of Otter Cave Island, but the beaches along the south dike of the island are little known. Otter Cave Island used to be an island, and access to the island can only be by boat. It was not until 1970 that two long seawalls crossed the sea that they were connected with the land. The south dike is very clean because there are few tourists, and the clear water makes people see the beach at a glance. This small island, which was a famous trading port in Quanzhou during the Yuan and Ming Dynasties, has a long history. There are many cultural and architectural relics on the island, as well as the most delicious seafood. It is a good place for summer vacation.
Address: Nandi, Fushan Village, Zhangban Town, Taiwanese Investment Zone
Quangang district
Huiyu island
As the only island administrative village in Quanzhou, this charming rural island hidden in the northernmost part of ancient Quanzhou can only be entered by boat. The natural barrier of the sea makes it particularly peaceful and peaceful. The beach is close to the dense forest. Because there are few people, the beach is clean and quiet, and everything keeps the original island flavor. There are places to eat seafood on the island, and the family can walk slowly on the island and enjoy themselves for a day.
Address: Huiyu Village, Nanpu Town, Quangang District
Five Caspian sea sands
Five Caspian Sea Sand is a natural beach around the bay, which is named because it is five miles long. On the beach, you can see distant oil tankers whistling, and you can also overlook Huiyu Island not far away. There are not many people coming to the beach here, and it is quiet. There are many seafood restaurants along the beach, as well as a unique restaurant on the boat. After having fun, you can come here to have a big seafood meal cooked by fishermen in an authentic way.
Address: Guocuo Village, Fengwei Town, Quangang District
Jinjiang city
Tangdong Village in jinjing town has a village history of more than 700 years, and more than 140 buildings, such as traditional ancient buildings in southern Fujian, Nanyang Fanzi Building and ancient foreign buildings with Chinese and Western architectural styles, have been preserved. It is a "traditional village in China". To the south of Tangdong Village, there is a unique and invincible sea-view sand dike in China, which is two kilometers long. A sand bank piled up by the sea and wind and sand, about 2 kilometers long, is like a jade belt stretching from the village to the sea, which is very magical.
Address: Tangdong Village, jinjing town, Jinjiang
Weitou Jinsha Bay and Moon Bay
Weitou is the beautiful fishing village closest to Dajinmen Island in mainland China, with two beaches, Jinsha Bay and Moon Bay, where the water quality is clear and the sand is clean. Due to seawater erosion, the rocks along the coastline have formed unique landscapes such as caves and stone pillars. Here, you can look at the Golden Gate Island, and you can enjoy the Gudu Sightseeing Fishing Port, Cape Geopark, Battlefield Cultural Square, Marine Aquaculture Sightseeing Area and so on.
Address: jinjing town, Jinjiang
Liujiang beach
In ancient times, Liujiang Village was closely related to Fuquan Port, one of the neighboring ancient Quanzhou ports, which was once a very prosperous place for commerce and trade. The coastline of Liujiang River stretches for several miles, including rocks with different shapes and golden beaches. At low tide, small crabs, small starfish, sea urchins, anemones and other creatures can be found on the beach, and children can be taken to a "treasure hunt". The scenery of Liujiang Village is mostly related to marine erosion rocks. The famous "Eight Scenes of Liujiang" contains stories and anecdotes, waiting for you to explore.
Address: Liujiang Village, jinjing town, Jinjiang
Nanjiang beach
Nanjiang Village is surrounded by the sea on three sides, with a long coastline and white and delicate beaches. It is also the largest abalone breeding base in China. After eating abalone, you can make an abalone wind chime with your own hands. The villagers said that five abalone shells can be used to make a string of wind chimes symbolizing "five blessings". There are also many red brick ancient buildings in the village, which have precipitated the taste of decades, so you can savor them carefully.
Address: Nanjiang Village, jinjing town, Jinjiang
Shizhen beach
Shizhen Village is adjacent to the Taiwan Province Strait in the east and backed by Weitou Peninsula. It has ten miles of sandy beaches and unique metamorphic rock landscape, and several huge windmills standing at the seaside of the village head have become the most unique "business cards" of Shizhen Village. The 2500-meter-long beach here is a rare beach with low tide, no silt and no rubble, and it is extremely clean. The coastal metamorphic rock in Shizhen is a rare typical profile of metamorphic migmatite in China, and it belongs to the national nature reserve together with the nearby Shenzhen-Shanghai submarine ancient forest site.
Address: Shizhen Village, jinjing town, Jinjiang
Dongshi Baisha Beach
Formerly known as "Bisha Township", it is nicknamed "Bisha" because its land is a vast expanse of white sand embankment that stretches for several miles, and it shines whenever the rising sun first shines. Baisha village is surrounded by the sea on three sides, and it is surrounded by the village on one side. It is shaped like a half moon, so it is called "Half Moon City". Baisha village not only has beautiful natural scenery, but also has historical and cultural relics such as Zheng Chenggong’s ancient battlefield site and Zhenjiang Palace.
Address: Baisha Village, dongshi town, Jinjiang
shishi city
Hongtawan Marine Park
Hongtawan Beach is about 1.5 kilometers away from the Gold Coast. It is a rare shallow beach in Fujian Province and a natural swimming summer resort. There are gorgeous sedimentary rocks, wonderful marine erosion landforms, rare cracked rocks, numerous fishing islands and clean seawater beaches. Whenever the wind is strong at the seaside, you can fly the kite against the wind and run on the beach at will. In the evening, people sit around the food stalls together, enjoying the sea breeze and tasting authentic seafood barbecue.
Address: Binhai East Road, shishi city
Gold Coast
Gold Coast is one of the "Eighteen Scenes of Quanzhou", which is a crescent-shaped bay with a yellow beach more than 500 meters long. It is very comfortable to walk barefoot on it like a cotton blanket. In the extension of the beach to the sea, there are many grotesque rocks, as well as the ocean world with the shape of a boat next to it, which are all children’s favorites. In the middle of the coastline, there stands a statue of Guanyin in the South China Sea, which is more than ten meters high and has become a symbol here.
Address: Shishi yongningzhen
Gufuwan Beach
The ancient floating bay is like a crescent moon, embedded in the northeast coast of Shishi, with a total length of about 6 kilometers. Standing on the wooden plank road in Gufuwan, you can get a close look at Dashan Island to the east and see the egrets wandering; To the north, you can overlook Liushengta and Shihu Port. Not far from the beach, it is the breeding ground of ancient floating laver, and you can see all kinds of small marine creatures and rare birds on the beach.
Address: Gufu Village, Xiangzhi Town, shishi city
Meilin port
Meilin Port, located at the southern tip of yongningzhen, has a fantastic sea view and is an excellent place to watch the sunset. Whether you stand on the shore of Meilin Port pier or on the dam, it will not affect you to enjoy the sunset scenery of Meilin Port. Seagulls, egrets, beaches, lighthouses and passing fishing boats together form a beautiful sunset picture.
Address: yongningzhen, shishi city.
Yongning Guanyinshan Beach
Guanyin Mountain, which is connected with the Gold Coast, is called by photographers as a place where there is no dead angle to shoot the sunrise and watch the sunset. Because it is located in the coastal sand dune zone, it has been impacted by tidal current for a long time, and the wind and sand have been blown up for a long time, accumulating into a natural white embankment. Next to the embankment, there is a Guanyin Mountain, which is surrounded by the sea on three sides and stands on the mountain. From a distance, it looks like a prostrate Guanyin, hence its name. This beach, with few people, fine sand, blue sea and beautiful scenery, can step on the beach, see strange rocks, explore caves, watch trenches and listen to the waves.
Address: Shadi Village, yongningzhen, shishi city
Huian county
Xisha Bay
Xisha Bay has the reputation of "the silver snake in Xisha". It is a good choice to come here to enjoy sunbathing, surfing in the wind and enjoying the afterglow of the sunset. Besides, in Xisha Bay, you can also feel colorful folk customs, including acrobatic performances, tea corridors, food streets, shopping streets, water parks, beach motorboats, etc. You can enjoy yourself.
Address: Chongwu Town, Hui ‘an County
Half Moon Bay is shaped like a crescent moon and is famous for "half moon sinking sand". The verdant forest belt, the flat beach and the stone carving "Fish Dragon Cave" on the shore have jointly constructed this place where beauty and fun coexist, and it is a holy place for taking pictures everywhere. Standing on the ancient city of Chongwu, you can have a panoramic view of the charming scenery of the whole Half Moon Bay. If you are lucky, you can also meet flocks of seagulls. Watching the waves surge at the junction of the sea and the sky makes people linger.
Address: North Shore of Chongwu Bay, Chongwu Town, Hui ‘an County
Qingshan Bay’s continuous golden sandy beach is 13 kilometers long, but there is no reef. Because the sea level here is open, the continental shelf is flat and the wind and waves are small, it is especially suitable for sports such as beach sports and water sports. You can choose to start a leisurely and comfortable mode or choose a thrilling challenge. The nearest Castle Peak Bay also has the "online celebrity Punching Place" in the sky. Beautiful photos can be taken from any angle of blue sky, white clouds and beaches.
Address: Xisha Bay, Huian County, near Chongwu.
Huinv Bay
Jingfeng Huinv Bay has a coastline of more than 14 kilometers, like a graceful girl, stretching all the way from Shangting Village to Hujie Village. This beautiful bay has a very broad and gentle beach, which can reach hundreds of meters at low tide. In addition to the beautiful bay and beach, there are many beautiful villages from north to south, and there are unique folk customs. You can often see Hui’ an women wearing "yellow hats, flower headscarves, blouses, wide trousers and silver waist chains" working at the seaside.
Address: Jingfeng Town, Hui ‘an County
Xiaozuo windmill island
The small "windmill island" is named after many windmills on the island. This is the earliest sunrise place in Quanzhou, where you can embrace the first ray of sunshine belonging to Quanzhou. If you go early, you can wait for the sunrise on the windmill island and witness the magnificent scene that the night sky is gradually turning white and the sun is slowly rising from the sea level. I believe it is a romantic beauty that you will never forget. There are also scenic spots such as Xiaoyan Art Museum and Huinv Forest Farm around, which can be visited in parallel.
Address: East Coast of Hui ‘an County
Ota island
Otsu Island is one of the top ten charming villages in Quanzhou. There is a half-moon bay in the village. The beach is half-moon-shaped, very soft and delicate, and there is no soil. Walking barefoot on the beach, your heart will be filled with softness instantly. Hui-nu culture is a famous business card of the island. Many people come to Otsu Island to experience the profound Hui-nu culture in addition to riding waves and chasing sand. The Hui-nu amorous feelings garden here is a good choice.
Address: Jinshanzai, Datun Village, Chongwu Town, Hui ‘an County
Source: Quanzhou Net