
Jay Chou, even the stinky beauty is unparalleled

  "Who am I?" "Jay Chou!" Last night, at Jay Chou’s first concert in Chengdu, when he asked this idiot question as soon as he opened his mouth, and the 30,000 people in the audience answered like crazy, he could only prove two points: Zhou Dong is really popular, and Zhou Dong is really stinky. However, after watching the performance for more than two hours, I believe that no one will scoff at his stinky beauty anymore. In addition to singing more than 20 of Zhou’s golden songs written by himself, this big boy can play the piano, the guzheng, the guitar, and play in front of the drum set. Amazing: Zhou Dong, what else can you not do? Last night’s concert was more like Chairperson Zhou’s amusement park. He had a great time, and 30,000 people followed suit.

  "Golden Armor" is imposing like a rainbow

  Prelude: In the backdrop of fire trees and silver flowers, he appeared on the main stage wearing purple robes and long plumes, incarnated as Prince Jie in the movie "The City is Full of Golden Armor", and sang the imposing "Golden Armor".

  Review: Overbearing

  Perhaps it was this performance that Chengdu’s fans had been looking forward to for too long, and last night’s performance established a majestic momentum as soon as it opened. At 7:30 pm, huge mechanical arms stretched out from both sides of the stage, and at the same time, 20 beams of fireworks dragon claws rose into the air, lighting up the night sky of Chengdu. Against the backdrop of fire trees and silver flowers, Jay Chou appeared on the main stage in purple robes and long plumes, incarnated as Prince Jie from the movie "The City is Full of Golden Armor", and sang "Golden Armor", and the audience below the stage began to chant "Jay! Jay!" and such enthusiasm was just the beginning. The next song "Peerless", he used a Vitas-like falsetto singing, which was shocking. Subsequently, "listen to my mother’s words", "thousands of miles away", "blue and white porcelain", "rainbow" and other songs, each song is 30,000 audience accompanied by Jay Chou to sing.

  "Transformers" has a lot of unique skills

  Prelude: Guitar, Piano, Guzheng, Diabolo Shaking… Jay Chou, who is proficient in all 18 martial arts, told everyone that I, Jay Chou, am not a false name!

  Review: talented

  I have to say that Jay Chou was really handsome on stage last night. This was not just because he changed nearly 12 sets of gorgeous costumes before and after the stage, including handsome denim clothes, rock style fur vests, white Mao suits, golden dragon embroidered robes, etc., which dazzled the audience. I also want to say that for the first time, I found that Jay Chou is really talented. He can not only sing, but also play the piano, play the guzheng, play the guitar, play the piano with the "bullet head" in Nanquan Mom, fight the drum with the drummer, shake the diabolo and play nunchucks… He took great pains to show them on the stage one by one. However, compared with Jacky Cheung’s ability to speak and sing, and his cold little humor made the audience laugh, Jay Chou rarely "greeted" in the whole performance last night, but he would show a piece of his diligent dance in each segment: cowboy dance, jazz dance, martial arts dance, veneer dance. Unsatisfied, he also invited a 9-year-old child star baby to dance with him on the spot, winning bursts of applause.

  "Kangding Love Song" has a unique flavor

  Prelude: The first time I come to Chengdu to sing, I naturally have to give some gifts to fans. "Kangding Love Song" is simple and easy to sing. It has a unique flavor after being interpreted by Jay Chou.

  Review: Personality

  The enthusiasm of Chengdu Jay fans greatly moved Jay Chou, so much so that in order to satisfy his "stinky beauty" complex, from the fourth song "Back", soon after, Jay Chou would squint his eyes, crooked his mouth to the microphone and loudly asked the fans: "Who am I?" After receiving a satisfactory answer, he would open his already small eyes, and then under everyone’s gaze, his eyes would smile into a line. In order to give back the favor of fans, at 9:30 pm, the immersed Jay Chou took to the stage again with his guitar, "This is the first time I come to Chengdu to sing, and I also want to give some gifts to the fans." It turned out that Jay Chou played and sang the Sichuan folk song "Kangding Love Song", which moved the audience very much. It is reported that this song was temporarily arranged in the concert last night, and even at the last moment of the stage, when Jay Chou walked to the stage, the security guard around him was still teaching him to sing sentence by sentence. However, it is a little regrettable that the Sichuan version of "Nunchaku" was changed beyond recognition by him. From beginning to end, the reporter only heard two words clearly: Three Kingdoms.

  "Nunchakus" ends with fireworks

  Prelude: Nunchaku, or the normal version sounds better!

  Review: Young and old eat it all

  Last night, Jacky Cheung also cheered in the air, singing "Listen to Mom" in the VCR to help Jay Chou. And the guest of the concert "Nanquan Mom" was also greatly treated by the audience. They sang songs such as "Laughing and Tears" and "Mudanjiang" last night. Fans love my dog, love me responded warmly, which made "Nanquan Mom" very excited. At 10 pm, there was a two-minute dark field at the scene. At this time, the fans were a little stunned. Some people thought the concert was over and left one after another, but most of the fans began to shout Jay Chou’s name. Sure enough, a melodious piano sound came out. Jay Chou played "Hair Like Snow" with the guzheng. The audience began to sing collectively, and the audience who had left the venue flocked back to the venue like a tide. Then Jay Chou disappeared again. This time, no one left the fans, and they kept calling "Jay". Finally, it ended with a song "Nunchaku" and gorgeous fireworks. After the song ended, the audience was still haunted by reluctance to part.

Editor in charge: Zhang Renhe

Hundred Flowers Award Recognition Nominated Filmmakers, Yang Zi Jackson Yee, etc. were honored for their appearance

1905 movie network news On September 25, the 35th Mass Film Hundred Flowers Awards nominee recognition ceremony was held in Henan. Hui Yinghong, Zhang Hanyu, Huang Xiaoming, Jackson Yee, Yang Zi, Yin Xiaotian, Wang Chuanjun and other filmmakers who were nominated for this Hundred Flowers Awards were present to accept the recognition. Zhou Dongyu, Zhang Yi, Qin Pei and other actors will appear at the Hundred Flowers Awards ceremony and closing ceremony on September 26.

Zhang Hong, party secretary and vice-chairman of the China Film Association, said in his speech that the Hundred Flowers Awards were established in 1962, and each award is voted by the audience and is regarded as an "audience award". This year’s Hundred Flowers Awards will select nine awards: Best Film, Excellent Film, Best Screenplay, Best Director, Best Actor and Actor, Best Supporting Actor and Best Newcomer.

Jackson YeeAttend the Hundred Flowers Award Nominee Commendation Ceremony

The day’s recognition ceremony was held in the form of nominations and awards, and there were also many faces of young actors. Yang Zi, a first-time finalist for a major film award, said that the nomination is a sure thing. Jackson Yee, who was shortlisted for Best Newcomer, also modestly said that he will strive to create better characters in the future.

Hui Yinghong, who was nominated for best actress, greeted the audience in Henan dialect, thanking "for having such a good opportunity to act in such a good movie. Especially if I thank my dear compatriots, your support is my strength."

Zhang Hanyu, who was nominated for Best Actor, lamented that after the country’s success in controlling the COVID-19 pandemic, China’s film industry finally ushered in its first major award, the Hundred Flowers Award. Huang Xiaoming, who won the Best Actor nomination, said his nomination was for all fire heroes. Looking back at the filming of "Hero of Fire", Huang Xiaoming and the firefighters ate and trained together for a month. He also called on the audience to pay attention to this group of heroes at the scene.

Hundred Flowers Award Nominee Commendation Ceremony

The 75-year-old actor Qin Pei won the nomination for Best Supporting Actor this time. Although he will not be in Zhengzhou until September 26, Qin Pei still expressed his reverence for acting in a text message: "I have been filming for more than 70 years. Every character performs with all his heart. Only by treating every character I encounter seriously can I be worthy of this honor as an actor."

The 35th Public Film Hundred Flowers Awards Ceremony will be held on September 26, when the public will vote on the spot to select the winners of each award, and the winners of the nine awards including Best Picture will be selected. The results will be announced one by one tomorrow night.

Exposing that Lin Junjie’s fans will earn 90 million yuan in eight years? The studio denies making a profit

Lin Junjie's fan club was exposed for illegally attracting money

Lin Junjie’s fan club was exposed for illegally attracting money

     According to Taiwan media reports, the king of Chinese pop music Lin Junjie, because of his talent, is much loved by fans, and each concert is sold out in seconds, which is enough to see its red degree. It is reported that the official fan club has more than 30,000 members. However, some netizens broke the news that the fan club "Lin Li" is illegally operating in the mainland, attracting at least 90 million yuan in 8 years, and even the membership fees paid by fans have entered the private account of the executive agent.

  According to the "Mirror Weekly" report, a few days ago in the forum, there was an article called "Lin Junjie’s personal account to collect fan membership fees of more than 100 million yuan is illegal operation", which pointed out two major doubts, one is the official fan will "Lin Li", suspected of illegal operation to collect fan membership fees, it is reported that mainland fans to join the official fan club, must first pay the membership fee that is, the service fee, a total of nearly 500 yuan, to the number of members more than 30,000 people to calculate, a year at least can earn more than 10 million, the establishment of 8 years is estimated to have made about 90 million profits.

  In addition, "Lin Li" was different from other fan clubs. When collecting membership fees, an account would be opened in the name of the fan club, but the fees would be entered into the account of the executive agent Wang Guoan. Other expenses, such as priority purchase of concert tickets and peripheral goods, were also directly remitted to the same account.

  Lin Junjie’s studio also responded to the smear attack by netizens, saying that since the establishment of "Lin Li", it has been committed to giving back to all fans who love Lin Junjie. All its efforts are centered on giving back to fans, and there is absolutely no purpose of profit. It will also retain the right of legal prosecution for false accusations on the Internet.

Deng Chao’s "Run" was "tortured" and frequently shook the burden to solve the embarrassment

   On Friday night, the third episode of the fifth season of the variety show "Run", which has been locked in the hot topic list, was broadcast on time. Deng Chao joined hands with the running men’s group and the 6 Muse combination to start a new men’s and women’s competition. In the difficult toe pressing session, Deng Chao turned into "Extreme Superman", and his butt was "tortured" by his teammates. In the psychological warfare of "heartbeat acceleration", Captain Deng’s strange moves frequently caused laughter.

   Deng Chao turned into "Extreme Superman" and his butt was "tortured" by toe pressing plates

   The theme of this episode is "Men’s Team Competition". As the captain, Deng Chao led the running men’s team to boast with absolute physical superiority as soon as they appeared, but unexpectedly lost two games in a row in the next game session. The prop of the third game as the "key point" was the toe pressing plate that made the running man "lose his courage". In the face of the upgraded version of "Little Bamboo Shoots", Deng Chao took the lead as the captain, almost every team action was used as a base to bear the weight, and when stabilizing the action, he also turned into "Extreme Superman" to endure the toe pressing plate torture. After the game ended, not only the entire palm was pressed out of a dense pit, but even the butt was pressed out of the "small bamboo shoot" mark, which once attracted the attention of his teammates. With the combined efforts of all the team members, the men’s team finally achieved their first victory.

   Deng Chao’s psychological warfare of men and women frequently makes strange moves, shaking the burden and wit to resolve "embarrassment"

   In the final psychological warfare game of "heartbeat acceleration", when the players competed, Captain Deng turned into "Deng Junshi" to continuously support the strange moves, and once said that he would remove makeup for the female guests; during his battle, he confessed to Ah Sa that his heartbeat did not rise but he was in the lead, but unexpectedly his arm was bitten back at the end and he regretted losing. This move also allowed Deng Chao to finally choose Ah Sa as his travel partner for the next issue, and said that "wherever you fall, you can stand up wherever you fall," which also makes people look forward to how the two will interact with each other in the next issue. Before the start of each session in the "Run" program, one of the members needs to appear to receive the game rules card. As a program convention, it is almost a very common daily routine, but in this program, Deng Chao and Lu Han "humoured" it. It turns out that in the program, when Deng Chao walks towards the director calmly every time, Lu Han always sets off to get the program card quickly by surprise. In the face of the "embarrassment of appearance" that has reached the halfway point, Deng Chao always defuses it by "shaking the burden". Sometimes the surveyor checks the game props, and sometimes the staff adjusts the camera, which not only laughs a lot, but also defuses the tension of the guests to a certain extent.

The rise of domestic soda, the kiln solidifies its core business capabilities

China Consumer News reports(ReporterSun Wei)In recent years, with the rise of Guochao brands and the recovery of the catering consumer economy, domestic soda brands have either relied on "retro" classic products or carried out product innovation based on the brand foundation, launching more beverages that are more suitable for the tastes of contemporary young people. With the high temperature this summer, they have come into the hands of consumers.

According to the National Bureau of Statistics, the total retail sales of consumer goods in the first half of the year was 22.7588 trillion yuan, an increase of 8.2% year-on-year, of which catering income was 2.4329 trillion yuan, an increase of 21.4%. With the booming food and beverage consumption, Dayao soda took advantage of the trend and made efforts in product innovation and brand marketing. With differentiated product strategies, it firmly occupied the "C position" of the "big soda" category. It made full efforts from taste innovation, product packaging to production capacity construction to build a rich and diverse product matrix and set a category benchmark for the big glass bottle soda.

It is understood that Dayao soda, as a representative of Inner Mongolia’s established beverages, has been a regional brand in the past few decades. With the development of the beverage industry, Dayao, which is unwilling to be in a corner, has begun to plan a supply chain system, build a production base, and enter the national market.

According to Luo Yun, executive director and executive deputy general manager of Dayao, Dayao has ten production bases in the country, which has laid a solid foundation for the layout of the national market, and strives to ensure the freshness of products at the shortest distance and the fastest speed, so as to efficiently deliver products to tables around the country.

"Although Dayao is very popular in the northern market, I was still a little worried when I first started selling Dayao in the store. I was not sure whether southern consumers would accept this domestic soda brand from Inner Mongolia." The owner of a restaurant in Hangzhou said that he did not expect Dayao to rank among the top three in the sales of drinks and drinks in the store after a month.

Su Caiyan, marketing director of Dayao, told reporters that the price of the 520mL soda currently promoted by Dayao is comparable to the common 330mL soda, with larger capacity, more favorable price and better quality. In large and small restaurants across the country, Dayao can always become the best partner for hot pot, barbecue and other delicacies. Eating spicy or fragrant food and drinking a mouthful of Dayao soda will bring a sense of relaxation and satisfaction all at once.

In addition to the price advantage, Dayao has also made efforts in product and brand marketing. In product packaging, Dayao has launched new PET packaging products, focusing on young and portable trendy styles; in terms of taste innovation, it has launched trendy drinks such as "Dayao Lixiang", "Fun Sparkling Soda Water" and "Dayao Fruit Steam" series, as well as "Pomelo Love Honey" Honey Pomelo Gas Tea and "Dayao Energy Coffee" energy drinks. This not only fits the younger generation’s self-satisfaction driven by emotional value, but also breaks the circle for Dayao and expands more consumption scenarios.

Industry analysts point out that food and beverage companies are not only competing for brand capabilities and channel capabilities, but also for product capabilities, operational capabilities and supply chain capabilities. Taking Dayao as an example, with a radius of 500 kilometers for each factory, the top ten production bases can cover the whole country. Moreover, Dayao has state-level green factories and intelligent workshops, which can ensure stable quality output, full traceability, and flexible production through lean management to improve operational efficiency.

Luo Yun said that with the recovery of the market and more and more diverse consumer demand for carbonated beverages, the market potential of carbonated beverages in our country is huge. I believe that in such a broad market space, domestic soda has good development prospects.

Technology means to bless the concert, should the audience tolerate it?

  Although "Mayday was accused of lip-synching" was still inconclusive, the problems of concert cultivation and half-open wheat surfaced and attracted attention.

  For concert consumers, should it really be a choice whether to be exquisite under "technology and hard work" or true under flaws?

  Identification methods known in the industry

  Mr. Ka, a veteran music producer, told the Beijing Youth Daily that the identification method of Bilibili Up’s "wheat farmer" is at least known in the industry. "He uses a professional sound repair software called’Melodyne sound repair tutorial ‘. After the audio files are put in, they are all on the standard line, so they are all very accurate. It is definitely impossible for them to be completely sung by people, and they have all been fixed."

  "Singing without cultivation, the accuracy is accurate with human ears, but if you put it in the software, there will definitely be music notes floating up and down, not all neatly online, this is a very natural phenomenon."

  Software can automatically repair sounds in real time

  But fixing the sound doesn’t mean that the singer who is analyzing the audio is lip-synching the original song. According to Mr. Ka, at some performance sites, professional musicians use a software that automatically adjusts the pitch and processes it in real time. This means that you can hear the effect immediately when the audio is output and grasp the overall effect of the song. It can monitor the audio signal in real time and correct the pitch according to the set parameters to adjust and strengthen the sound to make the singing more perfect.

  "Usually when doing post-mixing, I mainly manually pull the inaccurate place, but it is definitely not realistic to manually tune it at the performance site. At this time, turn on the automatic mode of the sound repair software. As long as all the sounds go through that software, you can directly fix them."

  That is to say, individuals from non-authoritative organizations can only draw conclusions about whether the singer’s singing has been tampered with through professional software, and cannot make a conclusion about whether he lip-syncs. Even if it is a first-hand concert scene, there is no guarantee that the human voice heard is untampered.

  Whether lip-synching requires a professional organization to determine

  Mr. Ka said that professional producers can tell whether the real-time sound repair software is used at the concert site, based on personal experience and ear power. "Unless you open his engineering file and see if he hangs the software or not, if he is very natural, you have no evidence to determine whether to repair the sound. You must have a professional research institute to analyze it to determine whether to lip-synch."

  According to Article 28 of the "Regulations on the Administration of Commercial Performances" formulated by relevant state agencies, actors shall not deceive the audience by lip-synching, and the performance organizing unit shall not organize actors to lip-synch. No unit or individual shall provide conditions for lip-synching. The performance organizing unit shall send a special person to supervise the performance to prevent lip-synching. What people usually call lip-synching is simply that the singer plays the recorded audio on the spot and lip-syncs on stage. Whether you play the public original version or re-record it in private, this is a lip-synching behavior.

  At present, there is no clear rule on whether a singer’s live voice repair is considered cheating. In addition to this, there is another way of singing that is widely used by many artists at present – when performing, the backing track retains the human voice part, and the singer sings with the human voice pad at the same time, which can not only cover up the mistakes that occur on the spot, but also make up for the lack of voice strength when singing. This "half-open mic" method originally appeared in singing and dancing idol groups, but more and more singers are beginning to use it.

  Does on-site sound cultivation weaken the collective singing skills of artists?

  It is not a secret to fix the sound in the concert scene, but it involves the knowledge blind spot of the general audience. It is to improve the quality and tone of the sound when posting productin audio for a better listening experience. It also includes operations such as removing noise, balancing volume, and enhancing timbre to make the audio clearer and purer.

  Although it was different from lip-synching, Refinement and Half-Open Mai were like "technology and hard work" in concerts, which also caused a lot of controversy. In fact, it was not uncommon for artists to deteriorate their singing skills in concerts.

  Both the agency and the artists themselves should recognize their own positioning. Marketing false "singing myths" cannot touch the audience, and do not let the audience pay for the "special forces itinerary".

  Our reporter, Shou Penghuan, intern, Wang Jiayi

  Courtesy of Visual China

  Coordinator/Man Yi

New taxi regulations are introduced: Internet private cars are included in the management of reserved taxis

       The State Council Information Office held a press conference at 3 pm today. Vice Minister of Transport Liu Xiaoming and relevant officials of the Ministry of Public Security, the General Administration of Quality Supervision, Inspection and Quarantine and other departments introduced the deepening of the reform of the taxi industry and the "Guiding Opinions on Deepening Reform and Promoting the Healthy Development of the Taxi Industry", "Interim Measures for the Management of Online Booking Taxi Business Services", and answered reporters’ questions.


       The "Guiding Opinions on Deepening Reform and Promoting the Healthy Development of the Taxi Industry" (hereinafter referred to as the "Guiding Opinions") were approved by the State Council and issued by the General Office of the State Council. The "Guiding Opinions" divided taxis into two categories: cruising taxis and booking taxis. For the first time, it was proposed to include Internet special cars in the management of booking taxis, which clarified the positioning of the taxi industry. At the same time, it clarified the legal status of online car-hailing, supported the continuous innovation and standardized development of online car-hailing platform companies, and encouraged traditional taxi enterprises to transform and provide

       Clear positioning of the taxi industry

       The Guiding Opinions state that,Adhere to the priority development of public transportation, the appropriate development of taxis, and coordinate the development of cruise cars and online car-hailing to promote the gradual integration of the two business models.Establish a dynamic monitoring and adjustment mechanism to gradually achieve market regulation.

       Reduce excessive "portion money" and other burdens on drivers

       The "Guiding Opinions" pointed out that to deepen the reform of cruise taxis, all new operating rights shall be limited for a limited period of time and used without compensation, and the operating entity shall not be changed. If the existing operating rights do not specify the specific operating period or have been used for compensation, the urban people’s government shall formulate a plan and make a scientific transition. All parties shall negotiate to determine and dynamically adjust the contract fee standard or quota task.Reduce the burden on drivers by reforming the business model, reducing excessive contractor fees and mortgages.Encourage cruise taxi enterprises to transform and provide online car-hailing services, expand service functions, strengthen branding, and take the initiative to transform and upgrade.

       Standardized development network booking and private minibus sharing

       The "Guiding Opinions" clarify the legal status of online car-hailing, as well as the carrier’s responsibilities that the platform company should assume, the operating conditions it has, and the requirements for standardizing business behavior, and support the continuous innovation and standardized development of online car-hailing platform companies.

       The Guiding Opinions proposeCity people’s governments should encourage private passenger car sharing and formulate corresponding regulations.Clarify the rights and obligations of ride-sharing service providers, ride-sharing providers, and ride-sharing information service platforms, and standardize their development.

       Establish an operator and driver evaluation system

       The "Guiding Opinions" propose policies, regulations and standards for accelerating the improvement of taxi management and operation services. Establish an evaluation system for operators and drivers, and use relevant evaluation information as an important basis for access and exit. Establish a joint supervision and law enforcement mechanism and a joint punishment and exit mechanism.

       City people’s governments should effectively assume the main responsibility for taxi management.Give full play to autonomy and creativity, and explore a management model that is in line with the actual development of the local taxi industry.

       Encourage traditional taxi companies to transform and provide online ride-hailing services

       The "Guiding Opinions" encourage cruise car operators and online ride-hailing platform companies to achieve the integrated development of new and old business models. Cruise car operators have qualified operating vehicles, drivers who have passed the training and examination, and a group of staff with certain management experience. Online ride-hailing platform companies have advantages in Internet data and information technology. The two can complement the offline capabilities of cruise car operators and the online capabilities of online ride-hailing platform companies in a relatively short period of time through mergers, reorganizations, and absorption of shares.

       The "Guiding Opinions" encourage traditional taxi companies to transform and provide online ride-hailing services.Traditional taxi companies are encouraged to take the opportunity of implementing the "Internet +" initiative to explore self-building or joint construction of Internet platforms, provide online car-hailing services, and achieve transformation and development.


       The "Interim Measures for the Administration of Online Booking Taxi Business Services" (hereinafter referred to as the "Interim Measures") were approved by the State Council and jointly promulgated by the Ministry of Transport, the Ministry of Industry and Information Technology, the Ministry of Public Security, the Ministry of Commerce, the State Administration for Industry and Commerce, the General Administration of Quality Supervision, Inspection and Quarantine, and the Cyberspace Administration of China.

       The "Interim Measures" make it clear that in accordance with the principles of high-quality and differentiated management, the development orientation is clear and the online car-hailing is developed in an orderly manner. It stipulates that online taxi operators, vehicles and drivers implement license management; it is clear that online car-hailing vehicles are registered as "reservation rental passenger transportation"; it is stipulated that when the mileage of online car-hailing reaches 600,000 kilometers, it is mandatory to scrap it; drivers also need to obtain corresponding employment licenses.

       Clarify the nature of online car-hailing: "Appointment for rental passenger transportation"

       The Interim Measures explicitly register online car-hailing vehicles as"Make an appointment for taxi transportation",It reflects both the nature of its rental cars and the characteristics of its emerging business models.

       Online car-hailing platform implements license management

       Online booking taxi operators, vehicles and drivers shall implement license management. Operators shall assume the responsibility of carriers and have online and offline service capabilities. Vehicles and drivers shall meet corresponding qualification conditions.

       Operators must ensure that the vehicles and drivers providing services have legal qualifications, and that the vehicles and drivers providing services online and offline are the same. They must not illegally collect, use or disclose passengers’ personal information and sensitive information related to national security. There must be no unfair pricing behavior, and competition must not be excluded or restricted.

       Access conditions for online car-hailing drivers

       The Interim Measures impose strict driver access conditions.There should be no traffic accident criminal record, no dangerous driving criminal record, no drug use record, no driving record after drinking alcohol, and no violent criminal record.

       Private cars that meet the specified conditions and procedures can be converted into online car-hailing

       The Interim Measures set corresponding licensing conditions and scrapping standards for vehicles engaged in online car-hailing operations.

       Licensing should meet three basic conditions:7-Seat and below passenger cars; Installation of vehicle satellite positioning devices and emergency alarm devices with driving record functions; Vehicle technical performance meets the requirements of relevant standards for operational safety.

       On this basis, for eligible vehicles,It should be registered with the public security organ as an appointment for taxi transportation, and obtain the "Online Appointment Taxi Transportation Certificate" issued by the taxi administrative department where the service is located.

       Therefore, according to the "Interim Measures for Administration", private cars can be converted into online ride-hailing vehicles after meeting relevant conditions and following relevant legal procedures.

       Net car scrapping standard: forced scrapping when the mileage reaches 600,000 kilometers

       The Interim Measures established a standard for scrapping according to mileage.It is stipulated that when the mileage of the online car reaches 600,000 kilometers, it will be forcibly scrapped. When the mileage does not reach 600,000 kilometers but the service life reaches 8 years, it will withdraw from the online car business.

Meizu opens the AI era of mobile phones

Reporter, Li Xiaohong

After announcing the All in AI strategy, on February 29, Xingji Meizu Group held a grand "Meizu Special Event" conference in Zhuhai, officially opening the AI era of Meizu and drawing a ceremonial end to Meizu’s smartphone era.

Shen Ziyu, chairperson and CEO of Xingji Meizu Group, admitted that it was a very difficult decision for him to stop the new project of traditional smartphones and fully invest in the field of AI. But he believes that AI is the future that cannot be missed, and Meizu in the next era will be All in AI. "Meizu has the confidence to enter the AI industry. On the one hand, it has sufficient experience in multi-end point and multi-platform development. On the other hand, Flyme has accumulated a lot of advanced experience in human-machine interaction."

Picture 1

Meizu’s determination to turn around and bet on the AI field is also related to the fact that Meizu has always been a cutting-edge entrepreneurial team. When Meizu was founded, it was just an MP3 musician manufacturer. In 2009, after seeing the trend of smartphones, it discontinued all MP3 products, turned around and embraced more future smartphones, and then launched many highly praised Meizu mobile phones with great personality and recognition. In today’s AI sweeping the world, Meizu has keenly smelled the AI trend and fully invested in the AI field, hoping to find its new position in the new round of technological revolution.

Figure 2

At the press conference, Meizu released its first AI end point – Meizu 21PRO, taking the first step of Meizu All in AI.

As a newly built tomorrow’s device for the AI era, Meizu 21PRO not only achieves a qualitative leap in performance, but also makes a big fuss about AI. Meizu 21PRO has rich new AI functions such as AI smart keys, AI auxiliary input, AI gallery and AI voice, bringing users more convenient and intelligent service experience, which is a true open AI end point. In the future, Flyme system will also introduce more AI concepts, such as AI portable secretary, task robot, AI memory housekeeper, etc., to break through the traditional model and bring a new technology experience.

In an interview with the China Economic Times reporter, Shen Ziyu said that changing the human-machine interaction experience is the core advantage of AI mobile phones. As a connection point for users, smartphones make people feel that APP is a better way by swiping or multi-touch, laying the core foundation for the rapid development of smartphones for more than a decade. AI mobile phones are users who need to communicate with AI, rather than asking users to go to APP. Tell the AI Agent if you have any questions, and the AI Agent pushes according to the user’s usage habits. This is the core human-interaction machine experience. Therefore, the human-interaction machine experience determines the survival and value of the AI end point.

"In the AI era, Meizu must seize the opportunity to elevate the human-machine interaction experience to a higher level." Shen Ziyu said that AI mobile phones need to change the hardware form and human-machine interaction experience, and at the same time reshape the entire supply chain, so that major mobile phone manufacturers can achieve differentiated development.

Figure 3

Of course, Meizu announced the end of the traditional smartphone business and the opening of the AI end point market, which is bound to have a greater breakthrough. Meizu 21PRO, as Meizu’s first flagship mobile phone with open API capability, is open to all large model platforms, provides developers with system permissions, API documents, and opens the AI computing power of the processor, allowing developers to have full freedom to realize more innovative functions and application services.

Shen Ziyu told the China Economic Times reporter that the reason why all big model platforms are open is because Meizu cannot cover all aspects. Meizu has control over the hardware, but the content of AI big model training is for users to use hardware related habits and interactions. For example, Meituan, Alibaba, etc. have a large number of user habits and data, and Meizu cannot cover these areas, so FlymeOS must be developed.

To make subversive AI equipment is a big challenge for Meizu. Shen Ziyu believes that at present, Meizu needs to solve the problem of lack of talent and technical structure adjustment. In the future, it is necessary to expand the AI team and adjust the existing talent structure.Transform from an experience leader in the smartphone era to an experience leader in the AI era.

At the press conference, Meizu announced the details of the All in AI strategic plan, including building AI Device products, refactoring the Flyme system and building an AI ecosystem. Among them, Meizu will focus on building an AI ecosystem and fully open Meizu AI Device hardware to many international top model teams, including OpenAI, to jointly promote the innovation and development of AI technology.

"In the AI era, Meizu will reconstruct the product form of hardware, based on a new interaction pattern, reconstruct the interaction logic of software, interact in a more intuitive way, and reconstruct the ecological layout based on AI," Shen Ziyu said.

Joint report of transfer and e-chauffeur: More than 40% of chauffeur drivers are or plan to use second-hand mobile phones to receive orders

  On June 29, Huanzhuan and e-Driver jointly released the "Driver’s Machine and Replacement Demand Report" (hereinafter referred to as the "Huanzhuan and e-Driver Joint Report"), through a survey of nearly 1,500 drivers, to gain a deeper understanding of the mobile phone usage habits and replacement needs and preferences of the driver group.

  According to the joint report of Huanzhuan and e-driver, due to the high dependence on mobile phones in life and work, nearly 60% of the chauffeurs own more than two mobile phones, which is a typical dual-phone crowd, and 20% of them are already using second-hand mobile phones. In terms of replacement demand, the replacement frequency of chauffeurs is concentrated in 1-3 years, and they are more willing to choose mobile phones with a price of 1,000 to 3,000 yuan. Huawei has become the most popular mobile phone brand. In addition, more than 20% of chauffeurs are planning to exchange for more cost-effective second-hand mobile phones; and when buying second-hand mobile phones, more than 40% will choose such second-hand trading platforms as Huanzhuan; they generally pay attention to the functions and quality of mobile phones, and pay the most attention to the inspection and quality assurance services provided by the platform.

  Low-tier market demand is strong, and nearly half of the driving brothers are post-90s

  With the effective control of the epidemic, production and life across the country have resumed one after another, including offline catering, leisure and other consumer formats have recovered, and to a certain extent, the demand for services such as driving has also been raised.

  According to the joint report of Zhuan Zhuan and e-driving, compared with first-tier cities such as Beijing and Shanghai, Hangzhou, Nanjing, Chengdu and other second- and third-tier cities have increased their demand for driving in epidemic prevention and control so far. More than 60% of the drivers who actively receive orders come from cities outside the first- and second-tier cities.

  At present, the domestic driver group is showing a younger trend, with a concentrated age distribution between 22 and 40 years old, of which 22-30 years old account for 44.59%.

  The survey data shows that the current income of chauffeur groups is generally concentrated between 3,000 and 5,000 yuan.

  This part of the population is highly consistent with the characteristics of the main user population of the Huanzhuan platform. According to the data of the Huanzhuan platform, in recent years, second-hand transactions have gradually "sunk" from first- and second-tier cities to third-, fourth- and fifth-tier cities, and young users have become the main consumer groups. Among them, second-hand mobile phone transactions are particularly obvious.

  Analysts at the Zhuan Strategic Research Department said that in third- and fourth-tier cities, the monthly income of 3,000 to 5,000 yuan is a medium level. Considering that the work of chauffeur is relatively hard, and the rigid needs of buying a house, getting married and having children, etc., it is an important characteristic of this group to be careful in life.

  Replace the machine in one to two years, and the budget for replacement of more than 70% does not exceed 3,000 yuan

  According to the joint report of Huanzhuan and e-chauffeur, 59.2% of the nearly 1,500 chauffeur drivers interviewed own more than two mobile phones, making them a typical dual-machine population. Work, entertainment, and shopping have become the main needs of this group.

  Due to high-frequency usage, 40% of drivers will change their mobile phones within 1-2 years, and another 43.03% will change their phones within 2-3 years. However, looking at the demand for mobile phones, more than 70% of drivers will choose mobile phones priced at 1000-3000 yuan.

  It is not difficult to see that the replacement frequency of the chauffeur is high, but the replacement budget is low. Analysts from the Huanzhuan Strategy Research Department said that second-hand mobile phones can also perfectly support functional needs such as receiving orders, entertainment, and shopping, and the price is more suitable. For example, the 6 + 64G Huawei P20 Pro, with a transaction price of about 1000-1500 yuan on Huanzhuan, can smoothly run mainstream APPs, games, etc., which can fully meet the needs of chauffeur drivers. It is worth noting that 20% of the surveyed chauffeur drivers are already using second-hand mobile phones, which also shows that this part of the group attaches great importance to cost performance.

  Drivers are mostly "pollen", and they still love Huawei most when changing mobile phones.

  Mobile phones are a must-have item for chauffeurs to receive orders. When redeeming, chauffeurs not only value the cost performance of mobile phones, but also have a great preference for the choice of mobile phone brands. From the mobile phones used to receive orders, nearly half of chauffeurs are "pollen". Among them, 38.85% of drivers use Huawei mobile phones, and another 7.38% use Honor. In addition, the second and third most commonly used mobile phone brands are OPPO and Apple respectively.

  This is also consistent with the quarterly mobile phone market report data released by Huanzhuan. According to the data of Huanzhuan platform, male users are more accepting of Huawei mobile phones than female users prefer iPhone, and Huawei is also the most popular Android mobile phone brand in the second-hand market.

  Analysts from the Research Department of Huanzhuan Strategy said that Huawei’s appearance and performance are more in line with male usage habits, and most of the drivers are male drivers, and Huawei’s preference for mobile phone brands can be seen in Huawei’s more than Apple. Take Huawei’s high-end mobile phone Mate series as an example, which is positioned as a business machine and has high stability. The price of the next new model in the second-hand market is only half of that of the new model. Both practicality and price are very suitable for the needs of the driver group. In addition, OPPO pays attention to the development of offline stores, and Apple’s strong iOS ecology has also allowed its own brand to gain higher attention.

  In the channel of purchasing mobile phones, drivers have a more balanced choice between online and offline, with Internet e-commerce platforms and mobile phone brand stores accounting for 47.58% and 44.59% respectively.

  In this regard, analysts from the Huanzhuan Strategic Research Department said that, on the one hand, mobile phone offline stores in third- and fourth-tier cities are indeed widely laid, becoming one of the main channels for people to buy mobile phones; on the other hand, chauffeurs are mostly between the ages of 20 and 40, and the acceptance of online e-commerce platforms is also high, and the demand for online shopping is also very strong.

  Inspection, quality assurance is indispensable, nearly 40% of drivers buy second-hand mobile phones to choose transfer

  In addition to the 20% of the interviewed driver drivers who are already using second-hand mobile phones, the survey data of the joint report of Zhuan Zhuan and e-driver also shows that more than 20% of the respondents said they plan to buy second-hand mobile phones when changing mobile phones.

  36.09% of chauffeurs who plan to buy a second-hand mobile phone will choose a second-hand platform like Huanzhuan to buy it. People value the function of a second-hand mobile phone more, followed by the brand and price. In addition, 40.19% of chauffeurs buy old mobile phones from real-world friends.

  In this regard, analysts from the Research Department of Huanzhuan Strategy also said that the current offline proportion of second-hand mobile phone transactions is higher, many of which occur in the WeChat community and acquaintances, and the online rate accounts for only about 20%. However, with the growth of online shopping demand and the rapid development of online platforms, especially platforms like Huanzhuan that can provide contract fulfillment services, will bring more choices to second-hand mobile phone consumers, including chauffeurs.

  According to the survey data, when purchasing second-hand mobile phones, the driver is most worried about quality, followed by after-sales guarantee and mobile phone pricing issues, and very much hope that the platform can provide inspection quality inspection and after-sales quality assurance services.

  Since the beginning of the launch, we have taken the lead in launching machine inspection and quality assurance services in the industry, and quickly formed generally recognized quality inspection and service standards in the industry.

  At present, Huanzhuan provides 66 major professional quality inspections for second-hand mobile phones traded on the platform. The proportion of platform mobile phone transaction orders choosing inspection services has exceeded 90%; in addition, the platform’s self-operated second-hand mobile phones also provide one-year quality assurance. This also means that the quality inspection and quality assurance services provided by the Huanzhuan platform are recognized by more and more users, and can fully meet the replacement needs of consumers, including chauffeurs. Many interviewed chauffeurs also said that the inspection and quality inspection services provided by Huanzhuan can significantly improve their trust in buying second-hand mobile phones, and after-sales services also make them feel more secure.

  Online and offline businesses are working together to promote consumption and boost the economy

  As of May 15, the total output value of the national driving market in 2020 has exceeded 3.20 billion and is in a period of rapid development. Founded in 2011, e-driving is committed to providing high-quality, safe, fast and cost-effective driving services. Users can initiate drunk driving, valet parking, door-to-door pickup and delivery, exclusive services for female drivers, business driving, travel driving and other needs through e-driving. At present, e-driving has more than 500,000 registered cooperative drivers nationwide, with an average driving age of more than 13.43 years, covering more than 400 cities such as Beijing, Shanghai, Guangzhou and Shenzhen.

  For drivers whose daily income is mainly concentrated in the range of 3,000 to 5,000 yuan and who rely heavily on mobile phones for work, second-hand mobile phones are undoubtedly more cost-effective.

  As a comprehensive second-hand trading platform known for second-hand mobile phone transactions, Huanzhuan is committed to providing reliable performance services, including machine inspection and quality inspection, to all consumers, including chauffeurs, through the establishment of a standardized service system, so that everyone can buy and sell second-hand with more confidence and worry, meeting the diverse consumer needs, and becoming an emerging force to boost economic development.

  At present, the transfer business has covered more than 2,000 counties and cities across the country, and the demand for second-hand transactions in the lower-tier market represented by third-, fourth- and fifth-tier cities is growing rapidly.

  The latest "transfer & find beautiful machine joint 618" battle report data released by the transfer group also shows that during the entire 618 promotion period from 8:00 pm on May 31 to 24:00 on June 18, the B2C transaction volume of the transfer group exceeded 357 million yuan, and the payment transaction exceeded 207,000 orders. A total of more than 180,000 mobile phones were sold.

  It is worth noting that during the "peak 28 hours" from 8:00 pm on June 17 to 24:00 on June 18, the B2C business of Huanzhuan Group sold 1 mobile phone every 1.7 seconds. During the 618 promotion period, the top 5 cities where buyers were located were Shenzhen, Guangzhou, Chongqing, Beijing and Dongguan; in addition, third- and fourth-tier cities such as Foshan and Ganzhou also entered the top 10.

Geely Galaxy E8 will be launched and delivered in January 2024, with a total of 5 versions, with a pre-sale price of 188,000 yuan.

On December 16, the 2023 Geely Automobile User Conference was successfully held in Zhanjiang, Guangdong, and Geely Galaxy E8 officially opened the global pre-sale at this event. The new car launched 550km Pro, 550km MAX, 665km Starship Voyage Edition, 665km Starship Smart Driving Edition, and 620km Starship Performance Edition, a total of 5 versions, with a pre-sale price starting from 188,000 yuan. Pre-order users can enjoy a deposit expansion gift, 1,000 yuan to 6,000 yuan. Old users of Geely Holding Group’s brands who successfully order Geely Galaxy E8 during the pre-sale period can enjoy a 10,000 yuan redemption subsidy. Users can place orders through Geely Galaxy’s official website, App, WeChat Mini Program, H5 and other official platforms. It is reported that the new car will be officially launched and delivered in January 2024.

Every year, Geely Automobile User Conference is the initiation, planning, execution, performance and other links of customer engagement activities. It is a platform for Geely and users to seamlessly link, share stories and share a better life. At the 2023 Geely Automobile User Conference, Geely hopes to become friends with every Geely friend, walk hand in hand through every important moment, and share every bit of life. The pre-sale of "Our Dream Car" Geely Galaxy E8 is launched, which brings users’ dreams into reality and makes expectations no longer wait.

45-Inch 8K unbounded smart screen + Galaxy super brain, bringing a more immersive Galaxy panoramic smart cockpit

At the press conference, Geely Galaxy E8 showcased the more immersive "Galaxy Panorama Smart Cockpit" for the first time. The 45-inch 8K unbounded smart screen carried by Geely Galaxy E8 has outstanding screen size, clarity, thinness, screen ratio, and full-screen area can be touched. Based on this, the Galaxy Panorama Smart Cockpit follows the natural law of multi-dimensional sensory interaction, integrates time and humanities into the picture scroll, brings the stars and the sea to the eyes, activates the immersive real experience, creates the best arrangement plan for the large-screen cockpit, creates a new generation of people-scenery-car unbounded fusion space, and refreshes the new standard of pure electric flagship smart cockpit.

And empowered by the "Galaxy Super Brain" composed of "three brains", Geely Galaxy E8 brings a new experience of intelligent travel. "Cloud Brain" Geely Star Smart Computing Center 7 × 24 hours all-weather monitoring; "Car Brain" Qualcomm Snapdragon 8295 chip, 8 times more computing power than 8155 chip; "Mobile Brain" Flyme Link handcar interconnection to achieve seamless ecological flow;

At the same time, Geely Galaxy E8 is equipped with Galaxy N OS Unbounded Edition, 3D desktop, time engine, interactive Dynamic Island, and intelligent energy control functions, bringing a more immersive and realistic visual experience. Intelligent voice interaction 0.23s fast response, OurHours no wake-up, full screen visible can be said, the user can contain 15 commands in one sentence, and multiple people in the whole car can talk at the same time. At the same time, it supports intelligent voice interaction outside the car, which can open the air conditioner and electric tailgate by voice outside the car.

Through Flyme Link handcar interconnection, smooth handcar ecological interconnection can be realized, seamless flow to the car large screen, no need to install. It is worth mentioning that Galaxy E8 has the world’s first car-machine highly integrated car drone that can accompany the car, and the shooting screen is sent back to the car in real time, making travel more fun. Geely Galaxy E8 creates a "Galaxy Immersion Space" with panoramic wisdom and scene travel. Open the "Galaxy Sleeping Cabin", the cloud-feeling seat and the co-pilot lying flat can allow users to relax and rest, and be full of vitality. Turn on the "Galaxy Cinema" mode, iQIYI multi-screen movie viewing, 256-color intelligent light-chasing ambient light, and Galaxy haute couture intelligent fragrance system, easy movie viewing and immersion in audio-visual. Come to the "Galaxy Concert Hall", Harman Yanfei Lishi high fidelity audio, AI music rhythm, full-screen immersion thunder stone KTV, million-level music library, cockpit seconds into music hall.

In the "Galaxy Playground", Geely Galaxy E8 deeply customizes the popular 3A game masterpiece "Wild Drag Race 9", bringing users a playground to play if they want. In the game, 9 major scenes, 53 maps, 104 sports cars, vehicle air conditioners, ambient lights, fragrances and other linkage, allowing users to immerse themselves. Whether it is a single-screen mode challenge, or a double-screen battle with friends, you can play happily. In addition, "Geely Koi" floats water and Migu fast-play casual mini-games, support voice evocation, and the main and co-pilot operate alone, which is super fun and super decompression.

Performance, safety, and appearance are full of all dimensions. Geely Galaxy E8 is the most worthwhile pure electric flagship

As the first mainstream pure electric sedan based on the SEA architecture, the Geely Galaxy E8 has fast acceleration, stable driving control, flexible steering, and can be replenished at high speed. It is one of the best 5-meter pure electric flagships.

The Galaxy E8 uses a new generation of 800V fast flash charging, with a battery, motor, electronic control and thermal management system of 800V all over the world, and a battery life of 180km can be charged in 5 minutes. Empowered by a new generation of high-performance silicon carbide electric drive, the Galaxy E8 Zero 100 accelerates in only 3.49 seconds, and the elk performance reaches 82km/h. Despite the length of more than 5 meters, the turning radius of the Galaxy E8 is only 5.62m, making it the smallest in the same class, and the streets, tracks and lanes are fun. In addition, even without piling up expensive large batteries, the Geely Galaxy E8 can achieve super long battery life.

The Geely Galaxy E8 is also one of the safest 5-meter pure electric flagships. With the support of the Aegis battery safety system, the new generation of BMS battery intelligent management system, and the 7 * 24-hour monitoring of the Geely Star Smart Computing Center, the Geely Galaxy E8 has successfully passed more than 1,000 tests in 6 dimensions such as China Automotive Center charging safety, electromagnetic safety, functional safety, high voltage safety, battery safety, and fire safety, and won the new energy vehicle six-dimensional electrical safety system No. 001 certification. In terms of structural safety, the Geely Galaxy E8 series is equipped with an integrated boron steel door ring, a ten-grid battery anti-collision compartment, a "dragonfly" force transmission structure, and a co-pilot leap airbag, etc., which bring super safety protection.

Since the debut of Geely Galaxy E8, it has attracted extensive attention with its Chinese style that leads the world trend. Mass-produced integrated luminous front face, rhythmic luminous logo, tiger vision headlights, frameless doors, altar wing rear, rising sun tail lights, moisturizing jade streamer body profile, Santan Yinyue suspension audio, lotus pond ripple sub-dashboard, looking up at the galaxy giant screen dome, Shushan stacked door panel design, Xizi waterfront seat quilting, Galaxy crystal knob and other interior designs, as well as global mass-produced ultra-low 0.199 wind resistance coefficient and other designs, make future technology integrated into China’s charm and become a global model.

With its outstanding flagship cockpit, architecture, performance, safety and design strength, Geely Galaxy E8 offers mainstream pure electric users an experience that exceeds expectations.