New taxi regulations are introduced: Internet private cars are included in the management of reserved taxis

       The State Council Information Office held a press conference at 3 pm today. Vice Minister of Transport Liu Xiaoming and relevant officials of the Ministry of Public Security, the General Administration of Quality Supervision, Inspection and Quarantine and other departments introduced the deepening of the reform of the taxi industry and the "Guiding Opinions on Deepening Reform and Promoting the Healthy Development of the Taxi Industry", "Interim Measures for the Management of Online Booking Taxi Business Services", and answered reporters’ questions.


       The "Guiding Opinions on Deepening Reform and Promoting the Healthy Development of the Taxi Industry" (hereinafter referred to as the "Guiding Opinions") were approved by the State Council and issued by the General Office of the State Council. The "Guiding Opinions" divided taxis into two categories: cruising taxis and booking taxis. For the first time, it was proposed to include Internet special cars in the management of booking taxis, which clarified the positioning of the taxi industry. At the same time, it clarified the legal status of online car-hailing, supported the continuous innovation and standardized development of online car-hailing platform companies, and encouraged traditional taxi enterprises to transform and provide

       Clear positioning of the taxi industry

       The Guiding Opinions state that,Adhere to the priority development of public transportation, the appropriate development of taxis, and coordinate the development of cruise cars and online car-hailing to promote the gradual integration of the two business models.Establish a dynamic monitoring and adjustment mechanism to gradually achieve market regulation.

       Reduce excessive "portion money" and other burdens on drivers

       The "Guiding Opinions" pointed out that to deepen the reform of cruise taxis, all new operating rights shall be limited for a limited period of time and used without compensation, and the operating entity shall not be changed. If the existing operating rights do not specify the specific operating period or have been used for compensation, the urban people’s government shall formulate a plan and make a scientific transition. All parties shall negotiate to determine and dynamically adjust the contract fee standard or quota task.Reduce the burden on drivers by reforming the business model, reducing excessive contractor fees and mortgages.Encourage cruise taxi enterprises to transform and provide online car-hailing services, expand service functions, strengthen branding, and take the initiative to transform and upgrade.

       Standardized development network booking and private minibus sharing

       The "Guiding Opinions" clarify the legal status of online car-hailing, as well as the carrier’s responsibilities that the platform company should assume, the operating conditions it has, and the requirements for standardizing business behavior, and support the continuous innovation and standardized development of online car-hailing platform companies.

       The Guiding Opinions proposeCity people’s governments should encourage private passenger car sharing and formulate corresponding regulations.Clarify the rights and obligations of ride-sharing service providers, ride-sharing providers, and ride-sharing information service platforms, and standardize their development.

       Establish an operator and driver evaluation system

       The "Guiding Opinions" propose policies, regulations and standards for accelerating the improvement of taxi management and operation services. Establish an evaluation system for operators and drivers, and use relevant evaluation information as an important basis for access and exit. Establish a joint supervision and law enforcement mechanism and a joint punishment and exit mechanism.

       City people’s governments should effectively assume the main responsibility for taxi management.Give full play to autonomy and creativity, and explore a management model that is in line with the actual development of the local taxi industry.

       Encourage traditional taxi companies to transform and provide online ride-hailing services

       The "Guiding Opinions" encourage cruise car operators and online ride-hailing platform companies to achieve the integrated development of new and old business models. Cruise car operators have qualified operating vehicles, drivers who have passed the training and examination, and a group of staff with certain management experience. Online ride-hailing platform companies have advantages in Internet data and information technology. The two can complement the offline capabilities of cruise car operators and the online capabilities of online ride-hailing platform companies in a relatively short period of time through mergers, reorganizations, and absorption of shares.

       The "Guiding Opinions" encourage traditional taxi companies to transform and provide online ride-hailing services.Traditional taxi companies are encouraged to take the opportunity of implementing the "Internet +" initiative to explore self-building or joint construction of Internet platforms, provide online car-hailing services, and achieve transformation and development.


       The "Interim Measures for the Administration of Online Booking Taxi Business Services" (hereinafter referred to as the "Interim Measures") were approved by the State Council and jointly promulgated by the Ministry of Transport, the Ministry of Industry and Information Technology, the Ministry of Public Security, the Ministry of Commerce, the State Administration for Industry and Commerce, the General Administration of Quality Supervision, Inspection and Quarantine, and the Cyberspace Administration of China.

       The "Interim Measures" make it clear that in accordance with the principles of high-quality and differentiated management, the development orientation is clear and the online car-hailing is developed in an orderly manner. It stipulates that online taxi operators, vehicles and drivers implement license management; it is clear that online car-hailing vehicles are registered as "reservation rental passenger transportation"; it is stipulated that when the mileage of online car-hailing reaches 600,000 kilometers, it is mandatory to scrap it; drivers also need to obtain corresponding employment licenses.

       Clarify the nature of online car-hailing: "Appointment for rental passenger transportation"

       The Interim Measures explicitly register online car-hailing vehicles as"Make an appointment for taxi transportation",It reflects both the nature of its rental cars and the characteristics of its emerging business models.

       Online car-hailing platform implements license management

       Online booking taxi operators, vehicles and drivers shall implement license management. Operators shall assume the responsibility of carriers and have online and offline service capabilities. Vehicles and drivers shall meet corresponding qualification conditions.

       Operators must ensure that the vehicles and drivers providing services have legal qualifications, and that the vehicles and drivers providing services online and offline are the same. They must not illegally collect, use or disclose passengers’ personal information and sensitive information related to national security. There must be no unfair pricing behavior, and competition must not be excluded or restricted.

       Access conditions for online car-hailing drivers

       The Interim Measures impose strict driver access conditions.There should be no traffic accident criminal record, no dangerous driving criminal record, no drug use record, no driving record after drinking alcohol, and no violent criminal record.

       Private cars that meet the specified conditions and procedures can be converted into online car-hailing

       The Interim Measures set corresponding licensing conditions and scrapping standards for vehicles engaged in online car-hailing operations.

       Licensing should meet three basic conditions:7-Seat and below passenger cars; Installation of vehicle satellite positioning devices and emergency alarm devices with driving record functions; Vehicle technical performance meets the requirements of relevant standards for operational safety.

       On this basis, for eligible vehicles,It should be registered with the public security organ as an appointment for taxi transportation, and obtain the "Online Appointment Taxi Transportation Certificate" issued by the taxi administrative department where the service is located.

       Therefore, according to the "Interim Measures for Administration", private cars can be converted into online ride-hailing vehicles after meeting relevant conditions and following relevant legal procedures.

       Net car scrapping standard: forced scrapping when the mileage reaches 600,000 kilometers

       The Interim Measures established a standard for scrapping according to mileage.It is stipulated that when the mileage of the online car reaches 600,000 kilometers, it will be forcibly scrapped. When the mileage does not reach 600,000 kilometers but the service life reaches 8 years, it will withdraw from the online car business.