Can Xiaomi change the status quo of "80% of power banks are counterfeit" by suing infringing merchants? | June 7 Bad News List

Pay attention to the daily and monthly list of industry bad news published by Titanium Media, a list of the most impactful bad news of the day.

Previously, Lei Jun said bluntly during the two sessions that Xiaomi is also deeply damaged by counterfeiting. At present, Xiaomi mobile power accounts for 80% of the market share, but 80% of them are counterfeit.

In response to the source of counterfeiting, recently, Xiaomi sued a business center in Beijing to the court, asking the defendant to stop infringing on the plaintiff’s registered trademark exclusive right and destroy the inventory of infringing product grinding molds, compensate the plaintiff for economic losses of 50,000 yuan, and publish an apology statement in the China Intellectual Property News.

According to the Haidian court, the plaintiff claimed that Xiaomi was established in April 2010 and is an innovative technology enterprise focusing on the independent research and development of high-end smartphones and Internet TVs. The plaintiff registered the registered trademarks No. 8228211 "Xiaomi" and other registered trademarks, and the approved applicable goods include "portable computers, portable unlimited phones, video phones, headphones," etc. The above trademarks are all within the exclusive protection period.

Since its establishment, the plaintiff has been applying the above trademarks in "mobile phones, earphones, routers, TVs" and other products. The plaintiff uses a unique Xiaomi model to operate Xiaomi mobile phones, which has triggered a buying boom, is deeply original and has won praise. Therefore, the above trademarks have gained a high reputation and influence in publicity and use, and have been welcomed by consumers.

After investigation, the plaintiff found that the same trademark as the plaintiff was used on the earphones and mobile power supplies sold in the defendant’s store. The plaintiff believes that the defendant’s actions have constituted an infringement of the plaintiff’s exclusive right to use the registered trademark.

The case is currently under further investigation.

In fact, this is not an isolated case. In 2015, Xiaomi sued more than 80 Changsha merchants for trademark infringement, and the products involved were also mobile power supplies and headphones.

Phoenix Video was sued for infringement because it was not authorized to broadcast CCTV’s "Let’s Talk" program

The official website of Haidian Court today released a case express, because it believes that Beijing Tianying Kyushu Network Technology Co., Ltd. has violated its rights by broadcasting the "Let’s Talk" series without authorization, CCTV International Network Co., Ltd. sued the court, asking the defendant to immediately stop the transmission of the program involved in the infringement through the information network, stop the infringement of the relevant copyright enjoyed by the plaintiff and compensate the economic loss of 1.15 million yuan. A few days ago, the Haidian Court accepted the case.

Another business is dead! LeTV Cloud Disk announced the suspension of services

With the trend of strict supervision and few online disks being profitable, many online disks or manufacturers’ Cloud as a Service have announced the collapse since last year. Now, LeTV Cloud Disk has also issued a suspension announcement, announcing that it will stop personal cloud disk services, the specific time is June 30, 2017. LeTV reminds users that please be sure to back up personal problems after the network disk is closed, and these files will never be found again after the shutdown. Regarding the reason for closing the network disk, LeTV said that this is due to the use of cloud disk storage by some criminals to distribute illegal files such as piracy and pornography.

Apple strictly prohibits the application of Hot Module Replacement Honor of Kings, 12306, etc. affected

Recently, Apple announced to some developers that if they do not remove the code related to Hot Module Replacement by June 12, their apps may be removed from the shelves. Apple has previously issued relevant warnings to them. This means that mobile games including Honor of Kings, Onmyoji, Happy Xiaoxiao and other mobile games cannot continue to use the iOS Hot Module Replacement function. Apple’s App Store review team sent an email to some developers recently saying, "In March this year, we have sent a message to remind you that your app appears to have some Hot Module Replacement code, which violates the 3.3.2 clause of the Apple Developer Agreement and the 2.5.2 clause of the App Store Review Guidelines. We have asked you to remove all relevant code, frameworks or SDKs and resubmit the version. At the time of this push notification, we have not received any corresponding adjustments from you. To ensure the normal operation of your app in the App Store, please submit an update before June 12, 2017. If you do not make adjustments, your app may be removed from the App Store. "

The president’s Twitter account blocked netizens, and Trump received a lawyer’s letter

According to foreign media reports, some Twitter users are always criticizing or mocking US President Donald Trump on Twitter. As a result, Trump simply banned these users from accessing his Twitter account. As a result, the lawyers representing these users sent a direct letter to President Trump, asking him to restore the users’ access or sue him for violating the Constitution. In a letter sent to Trump on Tuesday, the lawyers argued that the US president’s Twitter account is a "public forum" and therefore the Trump administration cannot constitutionally ban them from accessing the account because they disagree with others. The letter demanded that the president immediately unblock these users or take him to court.

Customer online shopping beauty services caused eye injuries, sued the beaver family for nearly 20,000

Ms. Li made an appointment for beauty services on the Beaver Home platform. After receiving beauty services, Ms. Li suffered an eye injury and was admitted to the hospital for medical treatment. For this reason, Ms. Li sued Beaver Home to the Chaoyang District Court in Beijing, claiming nearly 20,000 yuan. Beaver Home stated that it is only an online service trading platform that provides information for service providers and customers, not a beauty service provider. For this reason, Beaver Home applied for an additional beauty service provider, Ms. Tian, as the defendant. Yesterday, the case was heard in Chaoyang Court. Both Beaver Home and Ms. Tian believed that it was unreasonable for Ms. Li to inform Beaver Home of her eye injury after 7 days of receiving beauty services, and questioned the cause of Ms. Li’s eye injury.

Apple employees in China arrested for illegally obtaining iPhone user information

It was learned from the Cangnan County Public Security Bureau in Zhejiang that the police cracked a case of illegally obtaining computer information system data and infringing on citizens’ personal information, arrested 22 alleged offenders, and destroyed the underground black industry chain. According to reports, in January 2017, the Cangnan police found that Apple’s domestic employees were suspected of illegally obtaining citizens’ personal information associated with Apple mobile phones and selling them online, involving a huge amount of money. Immediately, the police aimed to track down the source, destroy the platform, and break the chain. After months of investigation, on May 3, Wenzhou City, Cangnan County two levels of public security organs organized personnel to Guangdong, Jiangsu, Fujian and other places unified network, arrested a total of Li, Gan, District and other major alleged offenders 22 people, including Apple domestic direct selling company and Apple outsourcing company employees 20 people, the seizure of a number of computers, mobile phones, bank cards and other crime tools, preliminary identification of the amount of more than 50 million yuan. (Zhang Na/Titanium Media Intern Editor)