The travel industry accelerates the integration of data and reality, and what problems should be solved in the integration of taxi patrols?

Mobile network integration is a typical practice of digital-real integration in the travel industry
"The real integration of the patrol network should be’based on the patrol, and promote innovation through the network ‘." Liu Zhenfei said that the integration of the patrol network should return to the essence of the taxi – transportation services, and professional transportation service capabilities should be given priority. The responsibility of Internet platform enterprises is to enable the professional capabilities of cruise vehicles to be better displayed, and to continue to promote service innovation through technological innovation.
The integration of the patrol network is a typical practice of the integration of data and reality in the travel industry. In December 2019, the relevant person in charge of the Ministry of Transport said that it will promote the integrated development of new and old business formats and promote the "+ Internet" service of cruise cars. At the same time, all localities have also accelerated the pace of taxi integration.
In recent years, the degree of integration of data and reality in the travel industry has been increasing. Didi Chuxing will upgrade its taxi business to "fast new taxi" in 2020 and operate independently. Autonavi Taxi has launched a "good taxi" plan to help taxi companies upgrade digitally. In addition, Didi Chuxing, Cao Cao Chuxing and others are also promoting the integrated development model of "cruise + online appointment".
Li Xinhua, general manager of Autonavi Taxi Division, introduced that in the past three years, based on the "good rental" solution, Autonavi has cooperated with the industry to build a patrol network integration platform to help the industry build digital capabilities, and has been applied in nearly 100 cities across the country. The cumulative number of service drivers has exceeded 1 million, helping drivers increase their online income by 40%.
As a partner, Wang Guoqing, general manager of Cathay Pacific Industrial, said that with the help of digital technology, point-and-network integration, accurate docking, connecting passengers’ car needs with rentals, realizing scientific real-time matching of supply and demand, and greatly improving the operation efficiency of cruise taxis. If there is big data and heat maps, it can effectively carry out capacity scheduling in the background, effectively solve passengers’ travel needs, understand the optimal route and reasonable price, and avoid detours. It can also provide a comprehensive understanding of drivers and enterprises to improve service quality and safety.
Zheng Yongzhi, executive vice president and secretary general of Shenzhen Taxi Association, believes that the mechanism of intelligent dispatch and the introduction of traffic effectively reduce the empty driving rate, increase the order volume and income, which is conducive to the stability of the platform team. The platform relies on the intelligent end point data in the car and uses big data to manage intelligent dispatch, which solves the problem of information asymmetry of traditional cruise taxis. Online and offline evaluations are complementary, effectively guiding drivers to improve the quality of the industry.
"Digital technology is effectively combined with the advantages accumulated over the years in the cruise taxi industry. The aggregation platform is an online platform for information matching, which requires very good digital technology base capabilities, and the quality of cruise taxi drivers has been tested and tested. There is a very good complementarity between the two, which is a huge opportunity." Ji Xuehong, director of the Automotive Industry Innovation Research Center at Northern University of Technology, said.
Liu Zhenfei said that taxi companies are "masters" in the field of transportation, with high-quality transportation service resources, profound experience in organizing transportation, solid safety capabilities and a strong sense of social responsibility, which are irreplaceable professional capabilities of taxi companies.
In this regard, Autonavi released "Good Rental" 2.0 to upgrade four sets of digital systems on the basis of version 1.0, and use digital technology to help the cruise car industry release professional capabilities and promote industry service upgrades in terms of operational efficiency and service quality. At the same time, Autonavi will gradually provide fare advance for all taxi drivers. It has been piloted in Beijing, Shenzhen and other places. During the pilot period, a total of more than 1 million fare advance payments were completed for taxi drivers.
The integration of mobile networks has entered a critical period: dynamic pricing and innovative supervision still need to be explored
"Price is a very important constraint on how cruise car companies can transform and upgrade. Although many cities have gradually turned the government pricing of cruise cars into guiding prices, the price adjustment mechanism of guiding prices is still not flexible enough, and it still does not adapt to the actual travel needs of ordinary people. This problem needs to be solved in the next step." Highway Research of the Ministry of TransporthospitalResearcher Yu Mingyuan believes that.
The integration of the patrol network has entered a critical period, and dynamic pricing and innovation supervision have become problems facing the industry. Cheng Guohua, an associate researcher at the Institute of Highway Sciences of the Ministry of Transport, believes that the reform of cruise vehicles will continue to be deepened from point to point, and there are relatively large differences in various places. It is necessary to support local governments to carry out pilots in the reform of cruise vehicle freight rates and other aspects to enhance the flexibility and timeliness of cruise vehicle freight rates. Local governments should carry out free operation rights, have a time limit, and improve the exit mechanism of operation rights. Track and summarize local experience to deepen learning and reference.
"Innovate supervision and service methods, coordinate supervision, further give play to the role of the joint meeting system of new business sectors, and form a joint supervision force. Digital supervision, improve service quality and service level, improve the pertinence of supervision, and enhance the ability to normalize supervision through network management. Credit supervision, implement the" Taxi Car Service Quality Credit Assessment Measures ", and formulate targeted reward and punishment measures," Cheng Guohua said.
Zheng Yongzhi, executive vice president and secretary general of the Shenzhen Taxi Association, mentioned that it is necessary to further explore how to implement dynamic price adjustment of supply and demand, and explore whether the current "dual-track system" of cruise taxis can be considered, that is to say, the implementation of online taxi hailing and car-hailing online pricing, offline hailing to implement offline pricing, price mechanism reform, and explore "carpooling" models to diversify the services of cruise taxis.
In the context of the integration of data and reality, the reform of cruise cars is still on the way and needs to keep pace with the times. Liu Xiaochun, director of the Internet Rule of Law Research Center of the University of the Chinese Academy of Social Sciences, believes that through the integration of data and reality, in the sense of data possession, resource allocation, and digital assets to further stimulate and further innovation, offline taxi companies or the taxi industry can precisely acquire a greater voice over and truly participate in the transformation of the digital economy era.
Liu Zhenfei believes that in the digital age, "catch up" and "super" are two must-answer questions facing the cruise taxi industry. "Catch up" is to adapt to the digital trend and build online service entrances and system capabilities. When digital capabilities become standard, differentiated value and core competitiveness will inevitably return to the offline, and the opportunity for "super" lies in the professional capabilities of cruise cars.
"Strive to pursue the inclusiveness of network tour integration, which is one of the important characteristics of the digital economy, an important part of building a digital China, and an inevitable requirement for promoting the high-quality development of the taxi industry. Network tour integration involves the interests of passengers, cruise car companies, drivers and online ride-hailing platforms, but the core is the interests of passengers," said Zhang Junfeng, president of the China Taxi and Car Rental Association.
Chen Weicheng, Shell Financial Reporter, Beijing News
Editor, Chen Li
Proofreading, Lucie