[See you at 8 o’clock] Meituan and Ele.me are under investigation

CCTV News:Every day at 8 o’clock, CCTV will sort out for you the big and small things that happen around us within 24 hours.

· Compulsory education quality "baton" is coming! Strictly control the number of exams, and do not publish test results and rankings.

· Eleven companies, including Xiaomi and Kuaishou, were interviewed about voice software and "deepfake" technology.

Hainan to prevent bullying of primary and secondary school students: If the situation is serious, it should be reported to the Provincial Department of Education within 1 hour of receiving the report.

· Jiujiang City Women’s Federation issued a proposal to "boycott high bride price and advocate a new style of civilization".

12 diseases were included in the treatment of children’s hematological diseases and malignant tumors.

· 300 million people in our country have sleep disorders, and surveys show that the higher the income, the less sleep.

· Tokyo Olympics suffered another blow: the director of the opening ceremony made female entertainers play pigs, and was accused of discrimination and resigned.

· Called a "killer" by Biden, Putin responded: I wish him good health, this is no joke.

Spain has passed a euthanasia law that will come into force within three months of its publication.

The latest international research shows that lightning may provide enough reactive phosphorus for the first life on Earth.

· Can you still sleep? More than 40,000 earthquakes in 20 days, Icelanders were shaken to insomnia.

· Xi’an construction party destroyed Liu Gongquan stone tablet? Shaanxi Cultural Heritage Bureau: No possibility of external excavation.

The female employee said that she was molested by the deputy director. The company supervisor did not stop her, and the company publicly apologized.

· A man in Shijiazhuang, Hebei claimed to be the director of Jinque Palace Medical Center, Daoist Gu, who used cosmic energy to treat diseases, waving his hands to enlarge breasts, increase height, blowing air to treat breast fibroids, fractures, and increase by one centimeter. Charge 15,000 yuan, Shijiazhuang Ethnic and Religious Affairs Bureau: No such person.

· 70 uncle barber shop 3 years consumption 2.35 million yuan, of which 1 day consumption up to 420,000 yuan.

· The woman was threatened with 110 points of crayfish due to domestic disputes, and repeatedly urged for "spicy". The police heard the mystery: go immediately.

Tianjin Goubuli Catering Management Co., Ltd. cancelled? Goubuli Group responded: The operation did not meet expectations, closed and cancelled.

Meituan and Ele.me were investigated in Hefei, and some takeaway merchants did not have food business qualifications.

· The appointment of the female cadre "Leopard Girl Wolf" has attracted heated debate, and I respond: I have had this name since I was a child.

"Do it again and again", and eventually you have to pay it back.

– "Beijing News" commented on Guo Meimei’s criminal detention

Pingping, a 7-year-old male Sichuan golden-nosed monkey at the Chimelong Wildlife World in Guangzhou, recently became "Monkey Dad", and the already lively "Pingping" is even more wild.

Yinchuan, Ningxia: After the sandstorm, the flowers became dusty and turned into a disgraced "earth girl".

Exceptional talent! The 7-year-old girl learned kung fu to develop abdominal muscles and flipped her hands.

See you tomorrow at 8!