The selection of Buddhist films is also unbearable! These five blockbusters are actually scheduled for the same day

"Youth" and "Qimen Escape Armor" that started the opening battle of the New Year’s Eve files together

1905 movie network feature After experiencing the melee of the National Day, the mainland film market ushered in a weak period in November, and the box office in a single month reached the lowest point of the year. However, the New Year’s Eve has already kicked off. From this week’s release to the end of the month, and then to the beginning of next year, Feng Xiaogang, Xu Ke, Chen Kaige and other big directors have returned with their works. The themes are also action, suspense, fantasy, history… a hundred flowers bloom. There are only five major films released on the first day of the new year, and the concentrated efforts at that time will sweep away the downturn in the film market.

New Year’s Day One or Five Films Cat’s Eye "Want to See the Index"


This year’s Spring Festival is bound to be another "bloody war". As of press time, five major films have been set for the first day of the new year (2.16). They are. How effective are these films, which one will become a dark horse, and which movies can stand out in the melee?


(Note: The two films that are also scheduled for 2.16 will not be discussed for the time being.)


"Monster Hunt 2"


Combat Power Index: ★ ★ ★ ★

Stability Index: ★ ★ ★

What to watch: CG special effects, original "demon" universe, Li Yuchun’s new look (?)


In the summer of 2015, it created a 2.40 billion box office record and laid a solid audience foundation for "Monster Hunt 2". The editor learned through Maoyan and other platforms that the "want to see index" of "Monster Hunt 2" among the five films is also the highest.



"Monster Hunt 2" continues the plot of the previous work, telling the adventures of the heavenly master Huo Xiaolan (played by Bai Baihe), Song Tianyin (played by Jing Boran) and the shemale world respectively in search of the "little demon king" Huba.

Bai Baihe, Jing Boran


Not only is the original CG image Hu Ba vivid and lovely, but the film’s specially created "demon language" and "demon song" are also full of creativity. Zeng Zhiwei and Wu Junru also appeared in the camera to voice the demon. The setting of "women are strong and men are weak" by Bai Baihe and Jing Boran will continue, and there will be strong joins from stars such as Liang Chaowei, Yang Yunning, Li Yuchun, and Huang Lei.

Li Yuchun’s "Black Phoenix" look


It is worth mentioning that Li Yuchun’s "black phoenix" look is really amazing to "Mom doesn’t recognize it"! The cold face queen look with a Sichuan accent is quite funny, looking forward to Li Yuchun’s comedy play.


Compared with "Operation Red Sea", it is less serious and more cute than "Detective Chinatown 2". "Monster Hunt 2" can be said to be the first choice for parents and couples to watch movies, and it is also one of the most competitive movies among the five main films in the Spring Festival.


Detective Chinatown 2


Combat Power Index: ★ ★ ★ ★ ☆

Stability Index: ★ ★ ★ ★

Highlights: Wang Baoqiang + Liu Haoran’s "Tang Detective Combination", Dark Wind Reasoning


Also favored by the audience is "Detective Chinatown 2" (hereinafter referred to as "Detective Tang 2"). In fact, "Detective Tang 2", which is also a sequel film, has many similarities with "Monster Hunt 2" in terms of situation.

Wang Baoqiang partner Liu Haoran


"Tang Detective 2" follows the original cast, and "Tang Detective Group" is still composed of "Little Tang" Wang Baoqiang and "Old Qin" Liu Haoran. The combination of "unserious uncle of diaosi + high-IQ old teenager" is also fresh enough. It is the second movie starring Liu Haoran, and the acting is inevitably young. After experiencing the experience of blockbusters such as "Demon Cat Biography", I believe that the fresh meat of the leader of the post-95s can be improved to a higher level. In addition, Wang Baoqiang and Liu Haoran are both actors with high popularity by passers-by, and they still have the ability to make the audience walk into the cinema consciously.

Xiao Yang joins the detective team


"Detective Tang 2" moved the stage from Thailand to the United States. The "Detective Tang" duo came to New York to participate in the World Detective Competition and compete with detectives from various countries. Among the "detectives from various countries" are the wife of the Japanese actor "Xiao 7" and his American student Michael Pitt.


Do you still remember the fear of being dominated by Zhang Zifeng’s mysterious smile? As the second film directed by Chen Sicheng and the first suspense film, "Detective Chinatown" can be said to be very amazing. Therefore, "Detective Tang 2" has inherited the advantages of the previous film, at least in terms of film quality.


"Journey to the West: Daughter Country"


Combat Power Index: ★ ★ ★

Stability index: ★ ★

Highlights: Journey to the West IP, Zhao Liying, Magic Theme


Zheng Baorui’s "Journey to the West" series contracts even-numbered Spring Festival files at the rhythm of two years. Judging from the box office of the previous works, they have achieved good results of 1 billion and 1.20 billion respectively. However, the low reputation of this series of films has made the audience lose confidence in the third part: the plot is boring, the jokes are embarrassing, the lines are shocking… Similar complaints are endless.

"Journey to the West Daughter Country" stills


"Journey to the West Daughter Country" continues the lineup of the "Monkey King Three Dozen White Bone Essence" period, consisting of Guo Fucheng (Monkey King), Feng Shaofeng (Tang Seng), Xiao Shenyang (Pigsy), Luo Zhongqian (Sand Seng) composed of four mentors and apprentices. On this basis, Zhao Liying, who plays the king of Daughter Country, was added. In the Spring Festival of 17 years, Zhao Liying’s performance in China was remarkable, but unfortunately there were not many scenes. As the big heroine this time, how will Zhao Liying perform? As a top traffic flower, can she give full play to the traffic effect and take on the heavy responsibility of the box office?

Zhao Liying plays the daughter king


In fact, as early as this summer, the theme of ancient costume magic has been no longer popular. Regardless of the size of the film, even the film adaptation from the hot IP, Liu Yifei and Yang Yang, the two traffic-starring film versions, failed to buck the trend and become popular. In the past few years, the quality of magic film production has been declining, the aesthetic fatigue of similar themes, and "Journey to the West Daughter Country" does not have the word-of-mouth guarantee of "Monster Hunt", it is still unknown whether the audience will buy it this time.


Furthermore, under the bombardment of the Journey to the West IP (although there are many excellent works among them), how much of your feelings for the "Journey to the West IP" are left? Do you still want to see monkeys this Spring Festival?


Operation Red Sea


Combat Power Index: ★ ★ ★ ☆

Stability Index: ★ ★ ★ ★ ★

Highlights: Main theme, action scenes, adaptation of real events


As Lin Chaoxian’s second main theme action blockbuster, "Operation Red Sea" is known as the "naval version". The film is adapted from the "Yemeni evacuation" incident in 2013. The crew went to Morocco for live shooting, trying to restore the style of the modern navy, which is definitely a benefit of military control.

"Operation Red Sea" blockbuster texture

In terms of the cast, "Operation Red Sea" uses actors such as Zhang Yi, Du Jiang and Huang Jingyu. Among them, except for Zhang Yi, who has served in military service and has appeared in military-themed film and television works many times, Du Jiang and Huang Jingyu have almost never been exposed to such themes before. How the two will show the bravery of naval soldiers is worth looking forward to. As a "main theme professional", Zhang Hanyu will also play a special role.


Director Lin Chaoxian said that "Operation Red Sea" has a comprehensive upgrade compared to "Operation Mekong" in terms of production, scene and plot. "Operation Mekong" won 1.10 billion box office in the National Day file in 2016. Will this 2.0 version of "Operation Red Sea" also be "upgraded" at the box office?

"Operation Red Sea" goes to Morocco for field shooting


As early as this summer, a film that ignited people’s patriotic feelings and topped the mainland box office championship with the final box office 5.60 billion. Similar themes have different fates. Although 300 million box office in the fiercely competitive National Day file, it has a poor reputation and a watercress score of only 5.1. From this perspective, many arguments about "main theme movies sell or not" are rootless trees. In the end, if the main theme movie wants to succeed, it still needs quality assurance.

"Nineteen Generations of Ancestors"


Combat Power Index: ★ ★ ★

Stability Index: ★ ☆

Highlights: All-Star cast, family comedy


In my previous survey, whether it is the audience expectation index or popularity, this "Ancestors of the Nineteenth Generation" is the lowest.Respondents said they had "never heard of it", "didn’t know" or "the title was terrible", but when they learned about the starring cast and the film’s introduction, they turned to express "interest in the plot" and "want to see it".

Xiao Yueyue’s "Nineteen Generations of Ancestors" stills


The fantasy comedy film "Nineteen Generations of Ancestors" is directed by Guo Degang of Deyun Club, starring Xiao Yueyue, and has its own "comedian" style. In addition, Wang Baoqiang, Dapeng, Wu Junru, Oudi, Jia Ling, Xie Yilin and other comedians joined, and gathered more than 30 stars such as Wu Jing, Wu Xiubo, Jing Boran, Lin Zhiling, Li Chen, Du Chun, Zheng Kai, etc. The film tells the story of Bei Xiaobei (played by Yue Yunpeng), who has repeatedly hit the wall due to his appearance, traveling through various generations, meeting his ancestors and personally deploying his genes.

Xiao Yueyue’s "Nineteen Generations of Ancestors" stills


For ordinary viewers who like to be lively and watch stars, "Ancestors Nineteen Generations" is the first choice for family fun during the Spring Festival, whether it is a luxurious star lineup or a funny story. However, there are only two months left before the release, and the publicity of the film is still not large. Will "Ancestors Nineteen Generations" counterattack and become a dark horse in two months? Or choose another schedule and "run away"?

At the beginning of the new year, a five-film war seemed chaotic, but in fact the pattern has become clear. Whether sequels such as "Monster Hunt 2" and "Detective Chinatown 2" can make breakthroughs and play new ideas on the basis of maintaining the quality of their predecessors has become the key to success or failure. The question for the less well-known "Eighteen Generations of Ancestors" is whether it can do a good job in the publicity work in the remaining two months, and make full use of the advantages of the all-star cast to break through the encirclement. Will other films be finalized during this period and participate in the "fierce battle" of the Spring Festival file?

The box office results of four films in the Spring Festival in 2017 were gratifying

Looking back on the 17 years of the Spring Festival, a total of 3.30 billion box office results were created in 7 days. "Journey to the West" and "Riding the Wind and Waves" received the final box office of 1.75 billion, 1.65 billion, 1.04 billion and 750 million respectively. This year’s Spring Festival films are still dominated by comedy, fantasy, ancient costumes, suspense, action and other elements are arranged and combined to meet the characteristics of "family fun" during the Spring Festival. In this era when watching movies has become a "rigid demand" for the Chinese New Year, the movie market is bound to usher in a climax.

No matter how the "pork" is divided, in this Spring Festival family reunion, whether it is accompanying parents, or meeting relatives and friends, walking into the cinema to watch a few Spring Festival movies together has gradually changed the traditional customs of a generation of Chinese New Year. In this festival, movies have become a bond of family and friendship, and good domestic movies have added joy and surprises to the year.