Jay Chou, even the stinky beauty is unparalleled

  "Who am I?" "Jay Chou!" Last night, at Jay Chou’s first concert in Chengdu, when he asked this idiot question as soon as he opened his mouth, and the 30,000 people in the audience answered like crazy, he could only prove two points: Zhou Dong is really popular, and Zhou Dong is really stinky. However, after watching the performance for more than two hours, I believe that no one will scoff at his stinky beauty anymore. In addition to singing more than 20 of Zhou’s golden songs written by himself, this big boy can play the piano, the guzheng, the guitar, and play in front of the drum set. Amazing: Zhou Dong, what else can you not do? Last night’s concert was more like Chairperson Zhou’s amusement park. He had a great time, and 30,000 people followed suit.

  "Golden Armor" is imposing like a rainbow

  Prelude: In the backdrop of fire trees and silver flowers, he appeared on the main stage wearing purple robes and long plumes, incarnated as Prince Jie in the movie "The City is Full of Golden Armor", and sang the imposing "Golden Armor".

  Review: Overbearing

  Perhaps it was this performance that Chengdu’s fans had been looking forward to for too long, and last night’s performance established a majestic momentum as soon as it opened. At 7:30 pm, huge mechanical arms stretched out from both sides of the stage, and at the same time, 20 beams of fireworks dragon claws rose into the air, lighting up the night sky of Chengdu. Against the backdrop of fire trees and silver flowers, Jay Chou appeared on the main stage in purple robes and long plumes, incarnated as Prince Jie from the movie "The City is Full of Golden Armor", and sang "Golden Armor", and the audience below the stage began to chant "Jay! Jay!" and such enthusiasm was just the beginning. The next song "Peerless", he used a Vitas-like falsetto singing, which was shocking. Subsequently, "listen to my mother’s words", "thousands of miles away", "blue and white porcelain", "rainbow" and other songs, each song is 30,000 audience accompanied by Jay Chou to sing.

  "Transformers" has a lot of unique skills

  Prelude: Guitar, Piano, Guzheng, Diabolo Shaking… Jay Chou, who is proficient in all 18 martial arts, told everyone that I, Jay Chou, am not a false name!

  Review: talented

  I have to say that Jay Chou was really handsome on stage last night. This was not just because he changed nearly 12 sets of gorgeous costumes before and after the stage, including handsome denim clothes, rock style fur vests, white Mao suits, golden dragon embroidered robes, etc., which dazzled the audience. I also want to say that for the first time, I found that Jay Chou is really talented. He can not only sing, but also play the piano, play the guzheng, play the guitar, play the piano with the "bullet head" in Nanquan Mom, fight the drum with the drummer, shake the diabolo and play nunchucks… He took great pains to show them on the stage one by one. However, compared with Jacky Cheung’s ability to speak and sing, and his cold little humor made the audience laugh, Jay Chou rarely "greeted" in the whole performance last night, but he would show a piece of his diligent dance in each segment: cowboy dance, jazz dance, martial arts dance, veneer dance. Unsatisfied, he also invited a 9-year-old child star baby to dance with him on the spot, winning bursts of applause.

  "Kangding Love Song" has a unique flavor

  Prelude: The first time I come to Chengdu to sing, I naturally have to give some gifts to fans. "Kangding Love Song" is simple and easy to sing. It has a unique flavor after being interpreted by Jay Chou.

  Review: Personality

  The enthusiasm of Chengdu Jay fans greatly moved Jay Chou, so much so that in order to satisfy his "stinky beauty" complex, from the fourth song "Back", soon after, Jay Chou would squint his eyes, crooked his mouth to the microphone and loudly asked the fans: "Who am I?" After receiving a satisfactory answer, he would open his already small eyes, and then under everyone’s gaze, his eyes would smile into a line. In order to give back the favor of fans, at 9:30 pm, the immersed Jay Chou took to the stage again with his guitar, "This is the first time I come to Chengdu to sing, and I also want to give some gifts to the fans." It turned out that Jay Chou played and sang the Sichuan folk song "Kangding Love Song", which moved the audience very much. It is reported that this song was temporarily arranged in the concert last night, and even at the last moment of the stage, when Jay Chou walked to the stage, the security guard around him was still teaching him to sing sentence by sentence. However, it is a little regrettable that the Sichuan version of "Nunchaku" was changed beyond recognition by him. From beginning to end, the reporter only heard two words clearly: Three Kingdoms.

  "Nunchakus" ends with fireworks

  Prelude: Nunchaku, or the normal version sounds better!

  Review: Young and old eat it all

  Last night, Jacky Cheung also cheered in the air, singing "Listen to Mom" in the VCR to help Jay Chou. And the guest of the concert "Nanquan Mom" was also greatly treated by the audience. They sang songs such as "Laughing and Tears" and "Mudanjiang" last night. Fans love my dog, love me responded warmly, which made "Nanquan Mom" very excited. At 10 pm, there was a two-minute dark field at the scene. At this time, the fans were a little stunned. Some people thought the concert was over and left one after another, but most of the fans began to shout Jay Chou’s name. Sure enough, a melodious piano sound came out. Jay Chou played "Hair Like Snow" with the guzheng. The audience began to sing collectively, and the audience who had left the venue flocked back to the venue like a tide. Then Jay Chou disappeared again. This time, no one left the fans, and they kept calling "Jay". Finally, it ended with a song "Nunchaku" and gorgeous fireworks. After the song ended, the audience was still haunted by reluctance to part.

Editor in charge: Zhang Renhe

Hundred Flowers Award Recognition Nominated Filmmakers, Yang Zi Jackson Yee, etc. were honored for their appearance

1905 movie network news On September 25, the 35th Mass Film Hundred Flowers Awards nominee recognition ceremony was held in Henan. Hui Yinghong, Zhang Hanyu, Huang Xiaoming, Jackson Yee, Yang Zi, Yin Xiaotian, Wang Chuanjun and other filmmakers who were nominated for this Hundred Flowers Awards were present to accept the recognition. Zhou Dongyu, Zhang Yi, Qin Pei and other actors will appear at the Hundred Flowers Awards ceremony and closing ceremony on September 26.

Zhang Hong, party secretary and vice-chairman of the China Film Association, said in his speech that the Hundred Flowers Awards were established in 1962, and each award is voted by the audience and is regarded as an "audience award". This year’s Hundred Flowers Awards will select nine awards: Best Film, Excellent Film, Best Screenplay, Best Director, Best Actor and Actor, Best Supporting Actor and Best Newcomer.

Jackson YeeAttend the Hundred Flowers Award Nominee Commendation Ceremony

The day’s recognition ceremony was held in the form of nominations and awards, and there were also many faces of young actors. Yang Zi, a first-time finalist for a major film award, said that the nomination is a sure thing. Jackson Yee, who was shortlisted for Best Newcomer, also modestly said that he will strive to create better characters in the future.

Hui Yinghong, who was nominated for best actress, greeted the audience in Henan dialect, thanking "for having such a good opportunity to act in such a good movie. Especially if I thank my dear compatriots, your support is my strength."

Zhang Hanyu, who was nominated for Best Actor, lamented that after the country’s success in controlling the COVID-19 pandemic, China’s film industry finally ushered in its first major award, the Hundred Flowers Award. Huang Xiaoming, who won the Best Actor nomination, said his nomination was for all fire heroes. Looking back at the filming of "Hero of Fire", Huang Xiaoming and the firefighters ate and trained together for a month. He also called on the audience to pay attention to this group of heroes at the scene.

Hundred Flowers Award Nominee Commendation Ceremony

The 75-year-old actor Qin Pei won the nomination for Best Supporting Actor this time. Although he will not be in Zhengzhou until September 26, Qin Pei still expressed his reverence for acting in a text message: "I have been filming for more than 70 years. Every character performs with all his heart. Only by treating every character I encounter seriously can I be worthy of this honor as an actor."

The 35th Public Film Hundred Flowers Awards Ceremony will be held on September 26, when the public will vote on the spot to select the winners of each award, and the winners of the nine awards including Best Picture will be selected. The results will be announced one by one tomorrow night.

From a chubby boy to a muscular male god, Peng Yuyan’s counterattack experience is too inspiring

  From a chubby boy to a muscular male god, Peng Yuyan's counterattack experience is too inspiring

  During the National Day holiday, the main theme film "Mekong River Action" won the top three in film placement, attendance, and box office. The good reputation allowed this bloody film to break out of the small fresh meat siege and inject rare male hormones into the current film.

  From a chubby boy to a muscular male god, Peng Yuyan's counterattack experience is too inspiring

  The plot of the movie itself is quite good, but what attracts many fans more is Peng Yuyan’s rough and black man’s shape, unconcealed masculinity and bursting hormones.

  From a chubby boy to a muscular male god, Peng Yuyan's counterattack experience is too inspiring

  In fact, looking back at Peng Yuyan’s growth history, you may not know that he also had an inspirational experience from fat scum to male god. After graduating from primary school, he was less than 150 in height but weighed more than 70 kilograms. In middle school, he was nearly 160 in height and his weight soared to 75 kilograms. Fortunately, in his third year of high school, he realized his obesity problem in time and decided to lose weight through exercise.

  From a chubby boy to a muscular male god, Peng Yuyan's counterattack experience is too inspiring

  When Peng Yuyan lost weight successfully, he quickly turned from a fat boy into a handsome boy next door. When Peng Yuyan first debuted, he had a baby face and no 8-pack abs. For a long time, he was a slender and gentle flower man.

  From a chubby boy to a muscular male god, Peng Yuyan's counterattack experience is too inspiring

  Many people think that it is no problem for him to rely on his appearance to eat. But he did not, but started a completely different kind of open life, and it is sports and fitness that have made today’s national male god Peng Yuyan.

  From a chubby boy to a muscular male god, Peng Yuyan's counterattack experience is too inspiring

  The 2011 release of "Roll Over, Ashin!" opened the door to a new world for Peng Yuyan, who has always been an idol – not only won the Golden Horse Award for Best Actor nomination, but also embarked on the road of a muscular male god. It can be said that because of this play, there is today’s abdominal male god.

  From a chubby boy to a muscular male god, Peng Yuyan's counterattack experience is too inspiring

  The film describes Ashin, who has an excellent athletic talent since childhood, being deeply attracted by gymnastics by chance and gradually stepping into the world of gymnastics. However, under the opposition of his mother, Ashin withdraws sadly. Finally, he is determined to pursue his dream again, and with the encouragement of friends and family, he finally reaches the sky. At 1.82 meters tall and with a beautiful male face, Peng Yuyan plays a gymnast. Before the filming started, many people were not optimistic about it, but when the movie came out, they knew they underestimated Peng Yuyan.

  From a chubby boy to a muscular male god, Peng Yuyan's counterattack experience is too inspiring

  There is such a line in the movie: "There is only one chance to turn over, you just have to do your best." For the role of Ashin, Peng Yuyan, who has zero foundation, spent half a year eating and sleeping with gymnasts, and achieved the state of one-year training for ordinary people in two or three months. The degree of effort is simply not too hard, simply put – beyond ordinary people.

  From a chubby boy to a muscular male god, Peng Yuyan's counterattack experience is too inspiring

  The first time Peng Yuyan met with Ashin’s real prototype in the gymnasium in Yilan, he was beaten up. At that time, Ashin himself asked Peng Yuyan to try his skills, but Peng Yuyan practiced on the horizontal bar a few times, and his hands were worn out.

  From a chubby boy to a muscular male god, Peng Yuyan's counterattack experience is too inspiring

  The coach next to him didn’t say a word. He used scissors to cut off his scratched hand skin, tied it with a bandage, and asked him, "Can you hold it? Gymnastics is not something that anyone says can be practiced. If not, go back to your Taipei to shoot idol dramas."

  From a chubby boy to a muscular male god, Peng Yuyan's counterattack experience is too inspiring

  Of course I can’t go back to Taipei! Peng Yuyan was ruthless to himself and started a high-intensity training of more than ten hours a day for eight months. In order to motivate himself, he also made bets with the crew, such as practicing backflips. If the film is successful, the director will invite him to dinner, otherwise he will invite him. As a result, he invited many days for meals, but even if he invited him to dinner, he tried not to touch greasy and high-calorie food.

  From a chubby boy to a muscular male god, Peng Yuyan's counterattack experience is too inspiring

  In order to get the body of a gymnast as soon as possible, Peng Yuyan maintained high-intensity training while also being very restrained about things. He could only eat a small amount of staple food and boiled vegetables every day, and he relied on boiled chicken breasts and egg whites for fullness. "I will vomit, no one will be so crazy" he laughed at himself!

  From a chubby boy to a muscular male god, Peng Yuyan's counterattack experience is too inspiring

  From the male lead in idol dramas that everyone loves to see his face, to the movie actor who talks and acts like what he looks like with his strength, Peng Yuyan spent half a year proving himself to be a real actor with a "Ah Xin", "Roll Over! Ah Xin" also made him shortlisted for the Best Actor at the 48th Taiwan Golden Horse Awards, which was the first time he was so close to the Best Actor.

  From a chubby boy to a muscular male god, Peng Yuyan's counterattack experience is too inspiring

  Peng Yuyan said that this experience is very valuable to him, and while he is young and enthusiastic, there are still many roles to try. No matter what the outcome of this attempt is or how difficult the process is, it is a good exercise.

  From a chubby boy to a muscular male god, Peng Yuyan's counterattack experience is too inspiring

  "If you only have one chance to turn over in your life, you must do your best." This line in the movie is also a portrayal of Peng Yuyan himself.

  From a chubby boy to a muscular male god, Peng Yuyan's counterattack experience is too inspiring

  There is an idiom in China called water comes naturally, which means that wherever water flows, there will be channels, but without channels, there will be water flowing. Peng Yuyan’s efforts are like digging one channel after another for himself. His efforts and hard work have won him a good reputation and many film contracts.

  From a chubby boy to a muscular male god, Peng Yuyan's counterattack experience is too inspiring

  In 2013, "Guild Wars" made Peng Yuyan and Zhang Jiahui two old fresh meat set off the climax of "muscle warfare". Shooting "Roll! A Xin" has been trained to 6% body fat, and by "Guild Wars", it has become 3%. Clear muscle lines, developed arm muscles, thick back muscles, bronze skin, and an inverted triangular figure are enough to make fans scream.

  From a chubby boy to a muscular male god, Peng Yuyan's counterattack experience is too inspiring

  Peng Yuyan’s muscle training is also a quick success, and he received satisfactory results in three months. "I get up at seven o’clock every morning and start practicing until noon, then take a shower and eat lunch to make up for it, and start the same practice in the afternoon. I get soaked in several clothes every day. Exercise for two or three hours every day, and practice boxing for four or five hours."

  From a chubby boy to a muscular male god, Peng Yuyan's counterattack experience is too inspiring

  When practicing indoors, it includes the process of reducing abdomen, building abdominal muscles, and sculpting abdominal muscles. Every day, parallel bar leg lifts, leg lifts, abdominal curls, pedal in the air, and side curls are all commonplace. Ordinary people can also do these exercises.

  From a chubby boy to a muscular male god, Peng Yuyan's counterattack experience is too inspiring

  In addition, the crew also took the actors to outdoor training, such as lifting tires and pulling chains.

  From a chubby boy to a muscular male god, Peng Yuyan's counterattack experience is too inspiring

  In order to play this harder and tougher role, Peng Yuyan hired a professional fighting coach to unlock new skills: MMA (mixed martial arts), Muay Thai, Brazilian Jiu Jitsu, lock skills…

  From a chubby boy to a muscular male god, Peng Yuyan's counterattack experience is too inspiring

  In order to find the most authentic feeling of a boxer, Peng Yuyan trained for 2-3 hours a day and practiced MMA mixed martial arts, Muay Thai, and Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu for 4 hours. It is said that he was beaten by his coach for more than 200 punches every day.

  From a chubby boy to a muscular male god, Peng Yuyan's counterattack experience is too inspiring

  Peng Yuyan once said that he enjoyed such devil training very much. He said: "Boxing has always been my favorite. I spent two months practicing every day, and now when I go back to Taipei, I still find boxers to fight. This is a good way to relieve it, and it is good for future action movies."

  From a chubby boy to a muscular male god, Peng Yuyan's counterattack experience is too inspiring

  A little sweat, a little gain, Peng Yuyan finally won the Golden Horse Award and the Academy Award with "Guild Wars", director Lin Chaoxian bluntly said "I didn’t see the wrong person".

  From a chubby boy to a muscular male god, Peng Yuyan's counterattack experience is too inspiring

  It is because of his participation in "Guild Wars" that he has reversed the image of the "gum advertising man" in most people’s minds.

  From a chubby boy to a muscular male god, Peng Yuyan's counterattack experience is too inspiring

  I wonder if 28-year-old Peng Yuyan ever imagined that there would be so many action movies waiting for him in the future, and one of them was even "Huang Feihong".

  From a chubby boy to a muscular male god, Peng Yuyan's counterattack experience is too inspiring

  In the movie "Huang Feihong’s Hero has a Dream", Peng Yuyan performed the most beautiful Huang Feihong in history, and it was also his hardest play ever.

  From a chubby boy to a muscular male god, Peng Yuyan's counterattack experience is too inspiring

  "I grew up watching the movie Huang Feihong. All boys have a dream of kung fu. I am very proud to play such a national hero, but I am also afraid." It was this fear that made Peng Yuyan willing to put himself at the lowest level and start from scratch.

  From a chubby boy to a muscular male god, Peng Yuyan's counterattack experience is too inspiring

  In order to present the Huang Feihong we finally saw, Peng Yuyan spent a whole year practicing martial arts, spending a lot of effort on movement, appearance, and inner state, and finally the whole spirit was integrated into Huang Feihong’s world.

  From a chubby boy to a muscular male god, Peng Yuyan's counterattack experience is too inspiring

  Peng Yuyan started training for eight hours a day. Peng Yuyan tortured himself half to death just by pressing his legs and pulling tendons. He did lessons according to his schedule every day and had to review his room before going to bed at night.

  From a chubby boy to a muscular male god, Peng Yuyan's counterattack experience is too inspiring

  Because of "Wong Fei Hung", Peng Yu Yan was shortlisted for the Hong Kong Academy Awards for Best Actor. Although he lost in the end, "Wong Fei Hung’s Hero Has a Dream" is an extremely important work in Peng Yu Yan’s acting career from any perspective. Peng Yu Yan said that everyone will have highs and lows. If I can do it from not knowing kung fu to playing Wong Fei Hung, you can do it too!

  From a chubby boy to a muscular male god, Peng Yuyan's counterattack experience is too inspiring

  In 2015’s "Breaking the Wind", Peng Yuyan played a professional cyclist who rode all the way, almost three and a half times around the earth. Later, they learned that Peng Yuyan also fell in love with cycling in real life, and then they felt… "There is simply no better candidate than Peng Yuyan!"

  From a chubby boy to a muscular male god, Peng Yuyan's counterattack experience is too inspiring

  Don’t think it’s easy to play a cyclist. For this movie, Peng Yuyan rode every mountain in Hong Kong. Two months before the movie started filming, Peng Yuyan conducted special training under the guidance of Hong Kong cyclist Qiu Duoming. He rode for 6 or 7 hours a day, and at most, he rode for 200 kilometers a day.

  From a chubby boy to a muscular male god, Peng Yuyan's counterattack experience is too inspiring

  I have been practicing since March and April, and I have been shooting all the way to the end of October. "The specific training content includes: riding an average of 120 kilometers a day for a consecutive month, 10 kilometers in the morning physical training, 60 minutes of balance training; 80 kilometers in the afternoon road sprint training and endurance training, and 3 hours of light aerobic training in the evening.

  From a chubby boy to a muscular male god, Peng Yuyan's counterattack experience is too inspiring

  Ten days before the start of filming, Peng Yuyan returned to Taiwan for pre-shooting special training with other actors and riders. In addition to the 10-kilometer field ride every day, he also went to the gym to continue practicing. Director Lin Chaoxian directly called him "Physical Demon".

  From a chubby boy to a muscular male god, Peng Yuyan's counterattack experience is too inspiring

  Because of the serious practice, Peng Yuyan joked that his body has reached the level of automation: "Even when I sleep, my whole body is doing aerobic breathing, burning calorie, and speeding up perspiration."

  From a chubby boy to a muscular male god, Peng Yuyan's counterattack experience is too inspiring

  For the movie "Breaking the Wind", he trained for a long time according to the standards of professional athletes, and finally obtained a certificate for the use of a bicycle track.

  From a chubby boy to a muscular male god, Peng Yuyan's counterattack experience is too inspiring

  It is worth mentioning that the performance of "Breaking the Wind" made Peng Yuyan the first Chinese Goodwill Ambassador of the Tour de France in 112 years.

  From a chubby boy to a muscular male god, Peng Yuyan's counterattack experience is too inspiring

  This is because during the filming, Peng Yuyan actually traveled across many countries and cities for cycling shooting, traveled around the world and met many friends, including the Italian car king Rui Costa! It is said that the car king took the initiative to take a selfie when he saw him, and even uploaded it to social networks, making Peng Yuyan a celebrity in the European cycling industry as "Chou Ming" (the character in "Breaking Wind") on the spot.

  From a chubby boy to a muscular male god, Peng Yuyan's counterattack experience is too inspiring

  Now fitness has become a part of his life, even if he is busy late at work, he has to go to the gym to rest after exercising!

  From a chubby boy to a muscular male god, Peng Yuyan's counterattack experience is too inspiring

  Peng Yuyan said that when he is in a bad mood, he will do what he wants to do, find something that makes him happy, think I just go to exercise, and sports will make him happy. If you practice for a few more hours, you may not be better than others, but if you don’t practice, you will definitely lose. Your time is limited, don’t live for others.

  From a chubby boy to a muscular male god, Peng Yuyan's counterattack experience is too inspiring

  Someone once asked Peng Yuyan what he relied on for his current success, and he said, "Probably luck." Liang Jiahui on the side corrected him, don’t keep talking about luck, everything you are now depends on your hard work!

  From a chubby boy to a muscular male god, Peng Yuyan's counterattack experience is too inspiring

  Peng Yuyan said: "I just don’t have talent, so I fight with my life." Step by step, Peng Yuyan walked very steadily every step.

  From a chubby boy to a muscular male god, Peng Yuyan's counterattack experience is too inspiring

  As Gao Cheng said in "Soldier Assault", every time he does a small thing, he grabs it like a life-saving straw. One day I look at it, wow! Good guy! He is holding a towering tree that I have already looked up to. Why isn’t Peng Yuyan like this?

  From a chubby boy to a muscular male god, Peng Yuyan's counterattack experience is too inspiring

  This is Peng Yuyan’s counterattack from a chubby boy to a muscular man. Life is like a play, and play is like life!

Exposing that Lin Junjie’s fans will earn 90 million yuan in eight years? The studio denies making a profit

Lin Junjie's fan club was exposed for illegally attracting money

Lin Junjie’s fan club was exposed for illegally attracting money

     According to Taiwan media reports, the king of Chinese pop music Lin Junjie, because of his talent, is much loved by fans, and each concert is sold out in seconds, which is enough to see its red degree. It is reported that the official fan club has more than 30,000 members. However, some netizens broke the news that the fan club "Lin Li" is illegally operating in the mainland, attracting at least 90 million yuan in 8 years, and even the membership fees paid by fans have entered the private account of the executive agent.

  According to the "Mirror Weekly" report, a few days ago in the forum, there was an article called "Lin Junjie’s personal account to collect fan membership fees of more than 100 million yuan is illegal operation", which pointed out two major doubts, one is the official fan will "Lin Li", suspected of illegal operation to collect fan membership fees, it is reported that mainland fans to join the official fan club, must first pay the membership fee that is, the service fee, a total of nearly 500 yuan, to the number of members more than 30,000 people to calculate, a year at least can earn more than 10 million, the establishment of 8 years is estimated to have made about 90 million profits.

  In addition, "Lin Li" was different from other fan clubs. When collecting membership fees, an account would be opened in the name of the fan club, but the fees would be entered into the account of the executive agent Wang Guoan. Other expenses, such as priority purchase of concert tickets and peripheral goods, were also directly remitted to the same account.

  Lin Junjie’s studio also responded to the smear attack by netizens, saying that since the establishment of "Lin Li", it has been committed to giving back to all fans who love Lin Junjie. All its efforts are centered on giving back to fans, and there is absolutely no purpose of profit. It will also retain the right of legal prosecution for false accusations on the Internet.

Deng Chao’s "Run" was "tortured" and frequently shook the burden to solve the embarrassment

   On Friday night, the third episode of the fifth season of the variety show "Run", which has been locked in the hot topic list, was broadcast on time. Deng Chao joined hands with the running men’s group and the 6 Muse combination to start a new men’s and women’s competition. In the difficult toe pressing session, Deng Chao turned into "Extreme Superman", and his butt was "tortured" by his teammates. In the psychological warfare of "heartbeat acceleration", Captain Deng’s strange moves frequently caused laughter.

   Deng Chao turned into "Extreme Superman" and his butt was "tortured" by toe pressing plates

   The theme of this episode is "Men’s Team Competition". As the captain, Deng Chao led the running men’s team to boast with absolute physical superiority as soon as they appeared, but unexpectedly lost two games in a row in the next game session. The prop of the third game as the "key point" was the toe pressing plate that made the running man "lose his courage". In the face of the upgraded version of "Little Bamboo Shoots", Deng Chao took the lead as the captain, almost every team action was used as a base to bear the weight, and when stabilizing the action, he also turned into "Extreme Superman" to endure the toe pressing plate torture. After the game ended, not only the entire palm was pressed out of a dense pit, but even the butt was pressed out of the "small bamboo shoot" mark, which once attracted the attention of his teammates. With the combined efforts of all the team members, the men’s team finally achieved their first victory.

   Deng Chao’s psychological warfare of men and women frequently makes strange moves, shaking the burden and wit to resolve "embarrassment"

   In the final psychological warfare game of "heartbeat acceleration", when the players competed, Captain Deng turned into "Deng Junshi" to continuously support the strange moves, and once said that he would remove makeup for the female guests; during his battle, he confessed to Ah Sa that his heartbeat did not rise but he was in the lead, but unexpectedly his arm was bitten back at the end and he regretted losing. This move also allowed Deng Chao to finally choose Ah Sa as his travel partner for the next issue, and said that "wherever you fall, you can stand up wherever you fall," which also makes people look forward to how the two will interact with each other in the next issue. Before the start of each session in the "Run" program, one of the members needs to appear to receive the game rules card. As a program convention, it is almost a very common daily routine, but in this program, Deng Chao and Lu Han "humoured" it. It turns out that in the program, when Deng Chao walks towards the director calmly every time, Lu Han always sets off to get the program card quickly by surprise. In the face of the "embarrassment of appearance" that has reached the halfway point, Deng Chao always defuses it by "shaking the burden". Sometimes the surveyor checks the game props, and sometimes the staff adjusts the camera, which not only laughs a lot, but also defuses the tension of the guests to a certain extent.

Cannes award-winning film "Dog Formation" exposes stills, Peng Yuyan black dogs redeem each other

1905 movie network news Directed and starring, the Cannes double-prize film is currently in theaters.At the 77th Cannes International Film Festival, the film won the best film in the "One Focus" section and the "Golden Palm of Dogs" jury award. The story of the redemption and rebirth of one person and one dog in the film is easy to understand and full of power. The core of the film’s message of "daring to step out of the comfort zone and dare to start again" reaches the hearts of the audience.

Recently, the film revealed a set of stills of Jiro and the black dog "redeeming each other". Peng Yuyan played Jiro and the black dog, from the beginning of not knowing each other, to huddling together to keep warm and snuggling each other, redeeming each other in the lonely reality. Two souls with "mirror destiny" outline the wordless company between humans and dogs.

The story of "Dog Formation" takes place in a small town in the northwest region. The desolate scenery on the Gobi desert, combined with Peng Yuyan’s original performance, rendered the film’s "uninhibited and wild" temperament. The director Guan Hu rarely uses close-ups, using "large panorama" and "long shots" to record the true appearance of the northwest region. This "quiet and restrained" audio-visual technique highlights the film’s "lonely" atmosphere.

In the film, the mutual redemption of Jiro and Black Dog also resonated widely. Some viewers commented: "’Dog Formation’ is not an ordinary pet movie, Jiro and Black Dog do not have the saying that one is attached to the other. On the contrary, they are two independent individuals who inspire each other and redeem each other." Jiro is labeled as a "parolee", Black Dog is labeled as "rabies", and two incompatible souls are attracted to each other, which makes people see the touch of wordless company, and also makes people more shocked by the power of life.

In the movie, Jiro returned to his hometown after leaving his hometown for more than ten years, only to find that everything here had long been different, familiar and unfamiliar. The residents of the town kept moving out, and the hometown lost its former vitality. In the face of the human society of the town, the silent Jiro also seemed difficult to integrate, and the friends who once formed a band no longer mentioned their dreams.The confusion, search, collision and re-departure of Jiro in his hometown aroused the resonance of many audience members. Some audience members lamented that "everyone who is adrift will have a moment when they return to their hometown and feel the same way about Jiro."

In the eyes of the audience, "Dogs" is not a "dramatic" story, but a "real life" that can make people empathize. At the end of the movie, Jiro failed to cross the broken bridge, but regained his smile and sped in relief on the wilderness. The audience expressed that they were deeply moved. "The ending of the movie is real and powerful. In the face of changes in the environment, Jiro maintained his inner self-consistency and found a new way out in the wilderness of life. Very touched."

The movie "Dog Formation" is directed by Guan Hu, starring Peng Yuyan and Tong Liya, and is being screened nationwide.

Wahaha Group released a statement

February 22, 2024,

@Wahaha, release a statement

In response to rumors of its founder Zong Qinghou’s physical condition,

The full text is as follows:

related reports

Zong Qinghou was born in December 1945 and is nearly 80 years old. According to the Urban Express, Zong Qinghou was admitted to Shao Yifu Hospital with serious lung cancer before the Spring Festival, and his condition has not been very good.

Zong Qinghou said in an interview a year ago that he would take a back seat, believing that it is more difficult to keep a business than to start a business. In the middle of CCTV Finance "Dialogue" 2023, Zong Qinghou talked about the issue of succession. He said: "I should not retire, but I will take a back seat and let the young people charge in front. I will watch from behind, and when I go astray, I will reverse it and make an out-point idea."

According to public information, in December 2021, Wahaha Group officially announced that Zong Fuli was appointed as the vice chairman and general manager of the group, and his father Zong Qinghou was still the chairman of the group. According to the announcement, Zong Fuli, the daughter of Zong Qinghou, the founder of Wahaha Group, became the vice chairman and general manager of the group. After that, Zong Fuli gradually took the center stage as the successor of the group.

Original title: "Wahaha Group Announces Statement"

Read the original text

There are more and more flexible employment workers such as ride-hailing drivers, delivery riders, and chauffeur drivers – have you ever had "odd jobs" after get off work?

  Xu Junzuo (Xinhua News Agency)

  In Rongjiang County, Qiandongnan Miao and Dong Autonomous Prefecture, Guizhou Province, a ride-hailing driver is scrubbing his car. Photo by Li Changhua (People’s Vision)

  Photographer Xiao Yang takes photos in his spare time and uploads them to commercial photo websites to increase his income. The picture shows Xiao Yang taking sunrise in Beidaihe Scenic Area, Qinhuangdao City, Hebei Province. Photo provided by the interviewee

  Chart source: "2019 China County Gig Economy Survey Report"

  On September 16, at 5 pm, Master Zhang got off work. Sitting in his car, he opened a certain online car-hailing software, and he changed from a corporate employee to an online car-hailing driver. "After get off work every day, I go home early and I am idle. It is better to drive an online car-hailing car and earn some gas money," Master Zhang told reporters.

  At around 8 pm, Master Zhang finished work and went home. "I just treat it as a side job. If I feel tired one day, I will go home directly after get off work."

  Nowadays, more and more office workers like Master Zhang have started to take "odd jobs", and even many people have started to take "odd jobs" full-time. Online ride-hailing drivers, delivery riders, chauffeurs… There are more and more flexible employment people, and the "gig economy" is quietly emerging.

  From "gig jobs" to "gig economy"

  Speaking of "odd jobs", Old Li, who is in his 60s, suddenly thinks of his father. "My father has a formal job, but after get off work, he always goes to some factories and shops to do some manual work to earn some extra money and support the family." Old Li has four brothers and sisters. In that era, it was not easy for his father to support the family.

  Old Li’s father’s experience should be known to some elderly people, especially the "post-50s" and "post-60s". Even if they have not experienced it personally, many of their relatives and friends have had similar experiences.

  In the late 1970s, along with the reform and opening up, township enterprises in the southeast coastal areas sprang up, but they lacked both technology and equipment.

  As a result, the government and companies hire engineers from local retired skilled workers or factories and research institutes in cities like Shanghai, Nanjing and Suzhou to solve technical problems and improve product quality. These people are called "Sunday engineers." "They usually work in their respective positions and use weekends to go to township enterprises part-time to help enterprises overcome difficulties," said Jin Ge, a researcher at Peking University.

  The economy is developing rapidly, and "odd jobs" are becoming more and more common. "Although some enterprises or factories have a lot of demand for employment, due to the lack of advanced information technology, they cannot match in time," Jin Ge said.

  This mismatch between supply and demand was gradually broken by the birth and development of the Internet, and began to develop towards the "gig economy".

  The "gig economy" refers to a short-term, flexible form of work that is different from the traditional "9-to-5", using the Internet and mobile technology to quickly match supply and demand.

  Yan Fei, associate professor of sociology at Tsinghua University’s School of Social Sciences, pointed out that the most important feature of the "gig economy" is its dependence on Internet technology, and its work content has been greatly expanded, including manual labor such as takeout and express delivery, as well as remote business and delivery work through online platforms, such as professional services for online legal and financial consulting, creative and multimedia services, online marketing support, software and technology development, writing and translation.

  At the end of last year, the "Development Status, Social Impact and Policy Recommendations of the Gig Economy in the Internet Era" released by the Institute of Economics of the School of Social Sciences of Tsinghua University showed that the "gig economy" is increasingly becoming an important force to promote "new employment forms" and a new growth point to promote high-quality development of the national economy. In 2019, China’s "gig economy" contributed 10.43% to the total GDP increase. It is expected that by 2035, this proportion will increase to 13.26%, accounting for 6.82% of GDP.

  The new form of the "gig economy" is sweeping the world. Data show that in the United States and Europe, 10% to 15% of the working-age population make a living through "gig work", and another 10% to 15% use "gig work" as a side job outside their main job. The actual number of participants exceeds 160 million.

  "A hobby can also bring a lot of benefits"

  The traditional "gig job" model uses the "enterprise-employee" model, where companies provide positions and individuals apply for positions. After all, individuals are still part of the company. The "gig economy" has changed this model and transformed it into a "platform-individual" model. The platform provides employment needs and individuals make choices. This is an upgrade of the traditional model. It is not only companies that can publish their needs on the platform, but also individuals.

  Taking online car-hailing as an example, individuals need to use a car, post their car needs on the online car-hailing platform, and the online car-hailing driver grabs the order to meet the customer’s car needs. Customers pay the fare, which can be regarded as compensation. Couriers, takeaway riders, and chauffeurs all adopt this new model.

  "The platform has become a medium for the connection between the labor provider and the demand side in the’gig economy ‘, enabling the rapid matching of supply and demand." Zhang Xiaheng, an associate professor at the business school of Northwestern University of Political Science and Law, believes that this is an important reason why a large number of workers with supply capacity, working hours and skills prefer to take "gig jobs".

  Xiao Yang is a programmer who loves photography and often takes pictures with his camera around in his spare time. When he takes good-looking photos, Xiao Yang will upload them to some commercial photo websites. Every time the pictures are downloaded, he can get a corresponding share, and he can earn hundreds of yuan a month by taking pictures.

  Not only that, with the improvement of technology, Xiao Yang has gained some fame. Some commercial shooting activities will also find him as a full-time photographer, with compensation ranging from a few hundred yuan to thousands of yuan each time. "I really didn’t expect that a hobby can bring me a lot of income!" Xiao Yang said with a smile.

  This is the charm of the "gig economy". Pay is settled in real time and strictly follows the principle of more work and more pay. For example, Xiao Yang, the more times his photos are downloaded, the higher his income; the longer he participates in commercial shooting activities and the more films are produced, the higher the fee paid to him. "Many young people now rely on’gig work ‘to earn more income than their own jobs," Jin Ge said.

  Relative freedom of time, no fixed location, and self-determination of content are also characteristics of the "gig economy". Another feature is a distinct feature of the Internet – customer reviews. Those "gig economy" workers with more high-quality reviews can reap more opportunities and higher incomes.

  Based on this, more and more young people are joining the ranks of "gig economy" workers. The hot "slash youth" in the past few years is the prelude to the "gig economy". Young people are no longer satisfied with only one job and only one identity. Some young people who have spare time and time will try more careers according to their abilities and interests.

  Yan Fei said that as an emerging economic model, the "gig economy" has broken through the limitations of the traditional economic model in time and space, reduced the cost of market information transmission, provided employment opportunities for more workers, and provided strong support for the orderly operation of the economy and society.

  Strengthen the protection of practitioners

  Xiao Wang is an illustrator who is a freelancer and uses an order-based cooperation model. "If I have inspiration during this time, I will take a few more orders. If I feel tired, I will contact less. It mainly depends on my mood." Xiao Wang said.

  Flexible working hours make Xiao Wang happy, but he also faces some problems, the biggest of which is social security.

  With the further development of the "gig economy", many people may choose to give up their main occupation and start full-time "gig work". This phenomenon is becoming more and more common in industries such as online ride-hailing, food delivery, live broadcast, etc. Other freelance jobs will also have more full-time gig workers in the future. How to protect the pension insurance, medical insurance and labor rights of these practitioners needs to be solved urgently.

  According to data released by the Ministry of Human Resources and Social Security, the number of flexible employment practitioners in China is about 200 million, and a considerable number of them are "gig economy" practitioners. According to relevant agencies, by 2036, the number of "gig economy" workers will reach 400 million.

  Since last year, food delivery riders have attracted great attention from the society due to their high-intensity work and low level of security. Many people have begun to reflect and call for strengthening the protection of labor rights and interests of new business practitioners, including the "gig economy".

  To this end, in July this year, the Ministry of Human Resources and Social Security and other 8 departments issued the "Guiding Opinions on Safeguarding the Labor Security Rights and Interests of Workers in New Employment Forms", which clearly "urges enterprises to participate in social insurance according to law. Enterprises should guide and support workers in new employment forms who do not fully meet the conditions of establishing labor relations to participate in corresponding social insurance according to their own circumstances"; 7 departments, including the State Regulation for Market Regulation, issued the "Guiding Opinions on Implementing the Responsibilities of Online Catering Platforms and Effectively Safeguarding the Rights and Interests of Takeaway Meal Delivery Workers", urging the platform to participate in social insurance for takeaway food deliverymen who have established labor relations

  "If these’gig economy ‘workers are not included in the social security system, it will exacerbate the risks associated with population aging." Jin Ge said that only by participating in social security can the worries of new business practitioners be effectively alleviated, and the overall consumption structure and population structure of society can be expected to be optimized.

  The supervision of platforms and enterprises should also be in place to prevent the occurrence of "policies above and countermeasures below". In this regard, Zhang Xiaheng suggested that relevant departments should increase the punishment of violations of laws and regulations through regular or irregular sampling and verification, improve the "gig economy" platform and the employment environment of enterprises, and effectively protect the legitimate rights and interests of practitioners.

  In addition, many experts suggest that the construction of commercial insurance, especially commercial endowment insurance, should be accelerated. In May this year, the China Banking and Insurance Regulatory Commission issued a notice to launch a pilot of exclusive commercial endowment insurance, starting from June 1 in Zhejiang and Chongqing. It is understood that exclusive commercial endowment insurance will be more flexible in terms of payment and welfare, which will be more in line with the actual situation of flexible employment, which will provide more choices for practitioners of the "gig economy".

The rise of domestic soda, the kiln solidifies its core business capabilities

China Consumer News reports(ReporterSun Wei)In recent years, with the rise of Guochao brands and the recovery of the catering consumer economy, domestic soda brands have either relied on "retro" classic products or carried out product innovation based on the brand foundation, launching more beverages that are more suitable for the tastes of contemporary young people. With the high temperature this summer, they have come into the hands of consumers.

According to the National Bureau of Statistics, the total retail sales of consumer goods in the first half of the year was 22.7588 trillion yuan, an increase of 8.2% year-on-year, of which catering income was 2.4329 trillion yuan, an increase of 21.4%. With the booming food and beverage consumption, Dayao soda took advantage of the trend and made efforts in product innovation and brand marketing. With differentiated product strategies, it firmly occupied the "C position" of the "big soda" category. It made full efforts from taste innovation, product packaging to production capacity construction to build a rich and diverse product matrix and set a category benchmark for the big glass bottle soda.

It is understood that Dayao soda, as a representative of Inner Mongolia’s established beverages, has been a regional brand in the past few decades. With the development of the beverage industry, Dayao, which is unwilling to be in a corner, has begun to plan a supply chain system, build a production base, and enter the national market.

According to Luo Yun, executive director and executive deputy general manager of Dayao, Dayao has ten production bases in the country, which has laid a solid foundation for the layout of the national market, and strives to ensure the freshness of products at the shortest distance and the fastest speed, so as to efficiently deliver products to tables around the country.

"Although Dayao is very popular in the northern market, I was still a little worried when I first started selling Dayao in the store. I was not sure whether southern consumers would accept this domestic soda brand from Inner Mongolia." The owner of a restaurant in Hangzhou said that he did not expect Dayao to rank among the top three in the sales of drinks and drinks in the store after a month.

Su Caiyan, marketing director of Dayao, told reporters that the price of the 520mL soda currently promoted by Dayao is comparable to the common 330mL soda, with larger capacity, more favorable price and better quality. In large and small restaurants across the country, Dayao can always become the best partner for hot pot, barbecue and other delicacies. Eating spicy or fragrant food and drinking a mouthful of Dayao soda will bring a sense of relaxation and satisfaction all at once.

In addition to the price advantage, Dayao has also made efforts in product and brand marketing. In product packaging, Dayao has launched new PET packaging products, focusing on young and portable trendy styles; in terms of taste innovation, it has launched trendy drinks such as "Dayao Lixiang", "Fun Sparkling Soda Water" and "Dayao Fruit Steam" series, as well as "Pomelo Love Honey" Honey Pomelo Gas Tea and "Dayao Energy Coffee" energy drinks. This not only fits the younger generation’s self-satisfaction driven by emotional value, but also breaks the circle for Dayao and expands more consumption scenarios.

Industry analysts point out that food and beverage companies are not only competing for brand capabilities and channel capabilities, but also for product capabilities, operational capabilities and supply chain capabilities. Taking Dayao as an example, with a radius of 500 kilometers for each factory, the top ten production bases can cover the whole country. Moreover, Dayao has state-level green factories and intelligent workshops, which can ensure stable quality output, full traceability, and flexible production through lean management to improve operational efficiency.

Luo Yun said that with the recovery of the market and more and more diverse consumer demand for carbonated beverages, the market potential of carbonated beverages in our country is huge. I believe that in such a broad market space, domestic soda has good development prospects.

The new Lynk & Co 06 real car is exposed, with a 1.5T four-cylinder engine, which is expected to be launched within the year

Lynk & Co., as a high-end car brand under Geely, I’m sure all car fans and friends will not be unfamiliar with it. In recent years, its development speed can be described as very rapid. It has continuously laid out and enriched its own models. Coupled with the improvement of technology and quality, it can be said to have won the favor of many Chinese people. Among them, as a small SUV-Lynk & Co 06 in the family, it once became the first choice for many young friends to buy cars. Recently, the editor obtained a set of real car pictures of the new Lynk & Co 06 from relevant channels. What are the highlights of the appearance of the new car? Let’s follow the editor to find out.

The new Lynk & Co 06 is expected to be officially launched this year, so for friends who want to buy the Lynk & Co 06, they may wish to wait until the new car is officially launched. In terms of styling design, the new Lynk & Co 06 basically continues the design style of the current model. The front face is penetrated with an air intake grille, the interior is blackened, and the "frog eye" headlights with LED light sources on both sides, as well as the three-stage design surrounded by the bottom, thus giving people a youthful and dynamic visual experience. In terms of the side body, the new car has also not undergone too obvious changes. The simple and smooth waistline outline adds a sense of strength.

It is worth mentioning that the new car will also offer a two-color body and a variety of rim styles to choose from, so as to meet the individual aesthetic needs of different young consumers. In terms of body size, the length, width and height of the new Lynk & Co 06 are: 4340/1820/1625mm, and the wheelbase is: 2640mm. This body data is basically consistent with the current model, and has not been significantly improved. The rear part of the car looks very layered. The blackened taillights on both sides have a good degree of recognition after lighting up. The exhaust layout of the two sides below has improved the sporty atmosphere to a certain extent. As for the interior design, it is expected that the new Lynk & Co 06 will continue the design of the current model, but some details and configurations will be adjusted to a certain extent.

In terms of power, the 1.5T three-cylinder engine equipped with the current Lynk 06 has been ridiculed by many fans and friends. Now the new Lynk 06 has been replaced with a four-cylinder 1.5T engine with a model of "BHE15-EFZ". In terms of transmission, it will be matched with a 7-speed wet dual-clutch gearbox. What do you think about this move? In terms of price, the current Lynk 06 price range is: 11.86-13 9,800 yuan. As a reference, it is expected that the new Lynk 06 will be officially launched. The price should not be significantly improved. What do you think the starting price of the new car is appropriate? For the new Lynk 06, are you optimistic about its arrival? Welcome to communicate and discuss together below. (18/edit)

Note: The pictures are from the Internet, and the rights belong to the original author. Thank you together! This article only represents the author’s personal opinion and does not represent the position of Youshi Auto.